Chapter 197

Zhao Jin Maiwei smiled slightly: "I bought it a long time ago, I'm going back to school first, and I have to make up a lot of lessons."

Seeing this, the assistant said, "Then ask the driver to take you back quickly."

"it is good."

When Zhao Jinmai came to the car, Assistant Xiaoyue gave the driver a few words, and then waved goodbye to Maimai.

"Mai Mai, you have to remember to check WeChat."

Faced with his assistant's instructions, Zhao Jinmai was rarely impatient: "I see, I will read it."

As the car started slowly, Xiaoyue, who was standing on the side of the road, scratched the back of her head a little puzzled.

"Strange, Mai Mai always feels weird today."

Sitting in the car, Mai Mai manipulated the bracelet skillfully.The dual-ring sensing function was turned on, but unfortunately, the existence of the other bracelet was not sensed.

Then she directly opened the permission to obtain the location of the other bracelet.

Ye Xingchen was taking a walk when he suddenly received a reminder to obtain the location of the wristband. He couldn't help being startled, and hurriedly asked the system: "What's going on?"

System: "I don't know."

Ye Xingchen: "Isn't the other bracelet at Miaomiao's place?"

System: "The system doesn't know, maybe it's broken."

"Fuck, I believe you." Just when Ye Xingchen was about to agree, the other party had already cut off the connection.

And his bracelet interface is also displayed incorrectly.

"System, the quality of the things you sell is too bad, it's really broken."

Ye Xingchen complained mercilessly after seeing the display error.

System: "Host, the products produced by the system are basically impossible to damage."

Ye Xingchen was furious: "Fart, you just said it might be broken."

System: "I just made a mistake."



Perhaps it was because of the downplaying of the system, Ye Xingchen didn't have the sentimental feelings he had just now after a few laps on the playground.

Back in the dormitory, all three of his roommates came back.

Li Han: "Why did you go to the third child, and why did you come back?"

Li Han, the head of Ye Xingchen's dormitory, is also the boss of this dormitory, and he is talking about the boss in terms of age.

Ye Xingchen sat down on the chair next to him and said, "Go to the playground for a few laps and get some exercise."

The chubby Lu Bu next to him said hilariously, "Brother Chen, we thought you were on a date."

Ye Xingchen said lightly: "What's the date? No girl will date me."

"Third brother, how many have I introduced to you? You don't want them. You have to hang yourself on a tree. You haven't caught up with him for three years. Give up, listen to me, with your good looks, Every minute, a bunch of little girls throw themselves into their arms." Said the handsome guy who thought the tinfoil was hot sitting opposite Ye Xingchen.

"It makes sense, so now I don't like her, but I don't want to fall in love casually, so let's study." Ye Xingchen said.

"Study, really, you usually watch TV shows in class and play games after class, but now you want to study." Li Han looked at Ye Xingchen in disbelief.

Ye Xingchen turned on the computer on his desk without saying a word, and brought up the college entrance examination registration interface.

"No, I signed up last year."

The crowd rushed over.

"I'll go, you plan to take the college entrance examination again?" Li Han was so startled that he couldn't keep his mouth shut.

"Brother, are you joking with us?" The little fat man next to me was shocked.

"Who is joking with you? I will drop out of school tomorrow and prepare to take the college entrance examination again." Ye Xingchen told everyone the truth.

Wu Wen, the handsome guy with hot tin foil, frowned at this time: "Ye Xingchen, re-taking the college entrance examination is not as simple as a whim, if you drop out of school and fail the college entrance examination, it will be a big loss, and you have been playing for two years, you Are you sure you still have knowledge from high school?"

Wu Wen's analysis is very reasonable, and he explained all the stakes in it. The old Ye Xingchen would not have dared to make such jokes, but the current Ye Xingchen is no longer what it used to be.

Just on the way back from Ye Xingchen, he wanted to take the college entrance examination again, to complete the unfinished tasks in the youth school, as an explanation for himself.However, registration for the college entrance examination needs to be registered in advance. There is no way but to ask the system if there is any way.

What he didn't expect was that the system actually had a solution, a college entrance examination registration form for one class hour.

Ye Xingchen didn't even think about exchanging directly, so this is why Ye Xingchen has already signed up.

"Don't worry, I won't joke about my future, I want to give it a try, thank you for your concern."

As the big brother, Li Han saw that Ye Xingchen's tone was firm and not joking, so he said:
"Well, as long as you don't regret it, no matter what you do, the three of us will support you."

"Thank you, don't worry, no matter where I am, I will never forget you. If you don't call me when you get married in the future, don't blame me for screwing your heads off."

"Hahahaha." All four of them laughed.

Li Han: "Well, let's go out for a drink today, and I'll see you off."

"Okay, it's been a long time since we got together in our dormitory," Lu Bu said.

"Okay, I won't go home if I'm not drunk tonight." Ye Xingchen readily agreed.


Zhao Jinmai was not disappointed when she found out that the call was not successful.Because the memory given to her by the fusion ring has not been fully digested, but some key information is already known.

She sat at the back and looked at herself from the front rearview mirror and whispered, "I'm obviously as cute as Lin Miaomiao, okay?"

Zhao Jinmai opened the information sent by his little assistant at this time, and there were a total of seven guests participating this time.

They are Yang Mi, Yang Kaili, Liu Mingtao, Li Sidani, Han Dongjun, Ding Chengxin, and Zhao Jinmai.

The camping location this time is Hunan.

This series of coincidences immediately plunged Zhao Jinmai into memories.

Camping is my favorite.

After returning home, Zhao Jinmai tried to search Ye Xingchen's WeChat, because she had memorized Ye Xingchen's phone number.

But when she entered the search, the screen showed that there was no such account.

Zhao Jinmai was a little disappointed: "That's right, how could the numbers in different worlds be the same."

Suddenly, she seemed to think of something, smiled again and muttered: "However, you are in this world, I am not afraid that I will not find you. If I find you, I will beat you up and let you bully Miaomiao... No, let me you are bullying me."

At this time, Mai Mai's roommate just came back and heard her complaints.

"Oh, who bullied our Mai Mai."

"Just tell me quickly, which male goblin is bullying our family Mai Mai, quickly recruit it truthfully."

Zhao Jinmai's face turned red involuntarily.

"No, don't talk nonsense."

At this moment, the tall girl next to her spoke up: "We're not talking nonsense, you said it yourself, tell me if you have a boy you like."

"No, absolutely not." Zhao Jinmai denied it, and her eyes wandered guiltily while speaking.

(End of this chapter)

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