Chapter 198
"You are lying, your eyes are erratic, your hands and feet are unnatural, typical lying performance, quickly recruit."

"Oh, really not. It's not like you don't know that I've been shooting commercials for the past few days, and I'm basically with you when I come back. If there is a boy you like, you would have known."

After Lin Miaomiao's memory fusion, Mai Mai has now completely inherited Lin Miaomiao's and Ye Xingchen's shameless, lie does not draft.

The tall girl thought for a while: "Yes, then what did you say just now, let you bully me, who is it?"

Zhao Jinmai blinked her eyes: "Lines, I'm thinking about how to say a character's lines so that I can feel it. You guys came back right from the beginning."

"Well, I'm so happy for nothing, we thought you had a sign."

"That's right, you said you were fine and practiced some lines, you don't even know how excited I was just now."

Zhao Jin Mai laughed: "Even if I'm in a relationship, why are you happy?"

"Of course we are happy. The big star in our dormitory has a partner. This is a great joy. Do you think the roommates can be happy for you?"

"Yes, yes."

"You guys are really boring. I'm going to rest. I'm exhausted after filming a day of commercials today." Zhao Jinmai excused being tired and went to bed, ending the boring topic.

Seeing this, the other three didn't bother, after all, they were really tired after seeing Mai Mai's face just now.


This night, Ye Xingchen's roommates were all drunk in order to practice. Ye Xingchen, who can't drink very well, was also drunk. Tomorrow, after completing the formalities, he will be leaving. At this time, he must be drunk, because he will not know when we meet in the future. when is it.

Lu Bu asked drunkenly, "Brother Chen, do you want to go back to Shandong for the exam?"

"Well, from Shandong."

"Shandong is a big province in the college entrance examination. The questions are difficult and there are so many people. Are you sure about Xingchen?" Although Wu Wen was a little drunk, his mind was still clear.

"Yes, very much, very much, I, Ye Xingchen, will definitely shine on the entire sea of ​​stars in the future. When I return successfully, no one in the world will know you."

Ye Xingchen was also drunk at this time, and everyone who was drunk started talking nonsense.

Wu Wen checked out and took a taxi back to the dormitory while everyone was still awake.

Relying on his last sobriety, Ye Xingchen walked to the dormitory by himself, and the other two carried Li Han, the head of the dormitory, back to the dormitory staggeringly.

Everyone went to bed early tonight.

Early the next morning, Ye Xingchen's biological clock woke him up at 6 o'clock, he got up and ran as usual, and then started packing these things.

At eight or nine o'clock, the counselor I started looking for explained the situation and started to go through the school process.Of course, almost all the teachers were persuading Ye Xingchen to think about this matter, but Ye Xingchen was determined to take the college entrance examination again, there was no other way, the school could only let him go through the process.

In the afternoon, Ye Xingchen said goodbye to his roommates and classmates after completing the withdrawal procedure, and then set foot on the journey home.

When Ye Xingchen's counselor called his parents today, Mu Ying and Ye Bowen were a little shocked, but they also chose to support Ye Xingchen.

Ye Xingchen sent a message to his parents as soon as he got on the train, telling him that he was safe.

At this time, Mu Ying had already prepared the meal and waited for him to go home. In fact, the children in their own family knew it themselves. They knew that Ye Xingchen was not the kind of child who would not consider the consequences, so they chose to trust him this time.

After Ye Xingchen returned home, he briefly chatted with his parents, including his own thoughts, until he completely convinced his parents.

Ye Bowen sighed: "Son, you have grown up and you have your own ideas about what you do, so your father supports your choice. Your mother and I are both old, and your younger brother is preparing for the college entrance examination now. so……"

Ye Xingchen nodded with a heavy expression: "I know, Mom and Dad, trust me, I will definitely not let you down."

"That's fine, that's fine."

After talking with his parents, he began to prepare the admission ticket and ID card for the exam, including the pen for the exam. After preparing all these, Ye Xingchen waited for the start of the college entrance examination.

And during this period, Zhao Jinmai received a mysterious gift from the program group, including the other 6 guests with less flowers, and they all received this mysterious gift at the same time.This is the "protagonist" tent this time.The program group asked them to complete small exercises and challenges before camping.

At this time, Zhao Jinmai had already received the mysterious gift from the program group and a note.

"Hello, Zhao Jinmai, welcome to the new season of Huashao. We have prepared a special gift for you before departure. You can be anywhere near you, even on the roof of the living room balcony. Open this gift and express yourself Start a camping exercise with your imagination, and I hope you can discover it and enjoy the joy of camping."

After Zhao Jinmai finished reading, he immediately said to the staff holding the camera: "This is a tent, right? I have never set up a tent before, but I have only seen videos of tents. Let me try it and see if it works." Set up."

After opening the package, Zhao Jinmai skillfully took out all the tools and placed them on the ground.

After looking at the type of tent, this tent is the same type as the tent that Lin Miaomiao and Ye Xingchen set up together when they were camping in Juzizhou. Maimai finally breathed a sigh of relief after seeing it.

"Actually, I think we need to set up the table and chair first, and then set up the tent. Then I will install the chair first." Zhao Jinmai smiled sweetly at the camera, and told the audience in front of the screen how to install it Good this dining table and bench.

Zhao Jinmai installed the dining table and bench very skillfully, then looked at the camera and said:
"It seems that it's not very difficult. There should be no one who can't install it well, it shouldn't be possible."

The staff on the side asked in shock: "Mai Mai, have you practiced before?"

Zhao Jinmai asked: "No, it's the first time I've set up this table. Am I slow? I think my brothers and sisters are more experienced than me."

The staff were silent.

But the fact is that the rest of the people are already very busy, but there are also a few who have installed the chair, and some directly placed the chair, such as Li Sidani.

The next step is for everyone to set up a tent. This question completely hit Mai Mai's muzzle.

"This tent, seems that it doesn't look very difficult."

Because Ye Xingchen systematically taught you how to test and set up a tent this year. According to the method Ye Xingchen taught Lin Miaomiao, she first set up a few shelves, and then fixed the surroundings of the tent. In the end, a brand new tent was ready. was set up.

"Phew, it's finally finished. It's not as difficult as I imagined. I'm looking forward to this camp."

This is the staff on the side saying: "Is this really the first time you put up a tent?"

Zhao Jinmai shook her head with a smile and politely replied, "No, I've only watched the video, I haven't done it myself."


(End of this chapter)

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