The road to academic dominance from the juvenile school

Chapter 199 The College Entrance Exam Begins

Chapter 199 The College Entrance Exam Begins

"It's the first time to build so fast. I just saw that you are quite skilled, not like a novice at all." The staff said.

Zhao Jinmai blinked her eyes and said playfully, "I'm really a novice, maybe it's a talent, hahahahaha."

After all, he was talking to the camera, so Zhao Jinmai was still a little shy. So far, all the drill tasks assigned by the program team to everyone have come to an end.

As the most outstanding performer here, Mai Mai of course won the mvp.

The program team finally interviewed several people about their thoughts on this camping.

Zhao Jinmai thought for a while and said: "I think you must bring a camera when you go camping, because you can record your life and some beautiful scenery anytime and anywhere. Of course, the most important thing is food, clothing, housing and transportation, so these things are the most important. And everyone has to be prepared for emergencies, such as rain and strong winds, if such bad weather occurs, it will be much more difficult for us to camp."

Listening to what Mai Mai said, everyone directly doubted life.They seriously suspect that Mai Mai lied about the military situation.This is no novice, this is about to become an expert, and those adults didn't think so thoroughly.

"Mai Mai, you will definitely have a very impressive performance on this camping trip." The staff who was filming next to him couldn't help but said.

Mai Mai: "Don't say that, I'm really a novice, so it puts me under a lot of pressure."


After everyone finished filming the short videos of all the guests, the camping trip also came to an end. Hua Shao, who was originally scheduled to start shooting on June 6, was postponed for a while because of the coming of the college entrance examination.

Soon on June 6th, the national college entrance examination began. Ye Xingchen and his younger brother Ye Xingyao checked everything needed for the exam at home, including candidate candidates, ID cards, and pens.

"Brother, is your two-year blank period really okay? And you're still applying for science, I'm worried..." Ye Xingyao asked with concern on the road.

"What are you worried about? Xingyao, my goal is the provincial champion. I... Forget it, I know you may not believe it, but I will prove it with my strength. You must be careful this time, and don't be surpassed by me. "

When Ye Xingchen said this, he exuded a strong confidence. Ye Xingyao next to him just wanted to say that you should stop joking, so I didn't believe it, but he was choked back when the words came to his lips.

"Brother, I believe it!"

Ye Xingchen turned to look at his own brother, and found that Ye Xingyao was also looking at him firmly.

In the end, Ye Xingchen patted him on the shoulder lightly: "You have always been the pride of your parents, so this time, we will go to the highest university in China."

"En!" Ye Xingyao nodded heavily.

When they came to the test site, the students entered their test room one by one, and the major reporters and media also came to the test room early to wait.

Ye Xingchen and his younger brother separated after entering the test center, and they all went into their respective test rooms. Ye Xingchen looked at this familiar place with a slight smile on his lips.

"The college entrance examination was the beginning of my life change."

The other students in the examination room were also surprised when they saw Ye Xingchen, because Ye Xingchen was obviously more mature than them, after all, he was two years older than them.

Finally, a classmate in the front turned around and couldn't help asking: "Brother, are you also a candidate?"

Ye Xingchen looked at him with great interest: "I'm not an examinee, why am I here? Why, am I not an examinee?"

The classmate shook his head: "No, I feel that your age is about the same as my brother, and you feel like a college student."

"I have a good vision. I am indeed a sophomore, but I just quit my school status and re-entered the college entrance examination." Ye Xingchen said.

"Brother, have you been studying in college?"

Ye Xingchen knew that he was looking for news, so he said truthfully: "No, I have been playing for the past two years to be honest, and I haven't read much about high school knowledge."

"Then you still take the college entrance examination again?"

"Because, I want to try again. Okay brother, the exam is coming soon, let's not chat."

Ye Xingchen decisively ended the conversation with that classmate.


As the bell sounded, the proctors handed out the Chinese test papers. After Ye Xingchen got the test papers, he glanced at them, and finally felt that the composition was quite interesting.

This skill is very good.

After thinking for a while, Ye Xingchen knew how to write in his heart. He spent half an hour to finish the previous questions. To be honest, the previous questions were almost about reading modern Chinese and explaining words and sentences in classical Chinese. It is based on long-term accumulation and experience, which is not difficult for Ye Xingchen. If there is something difficult to do, it is that there are too many words.

After I felt that there was no problem with the previous topic, I started writing the composition.

Ye Xingchen knows a lot about Go, but this topic is not simply about Go, so Ye Xingchen still starts from this aspect.

Embroidery needles forged by one's own hands, neon clothes of skillful hands

Good hand, skillful hand, common hand are the three terms of Go.Many people pay too much attention to their own skills in pursuit of mastery, and neglect their own skills. They don't know that making a seemingly clever move will cause them to lose everything and fall into a cliché.Therefore, we should focus on the basics first, and then seek the cleverness.

A gentleman should do his best, and this, as the name suggests, is our foundation and the prerequisite for a person's survival and development.The towering tree was born at the end of the hair.The nine-story high platform starts from the pile of soil.If a tree wants to pull up a thousand feet, it needs roots of hundreds of feet.Trees with deep roots are not easily broken by wind, and waters with deep springs will not dry up.If a person wants to become famous, it takes ten years of hard work.Su Buqing once said: "To lay a solid foundation and practice the basic skills well, I think this is the secret to learning mathematics well."No matter how long the road is, you can walk it step by step, and no matter how short the road is, you can't reach it without stepping your feet.Only by forging the embroidery needle of our own hand can we get the beautiful clothes of our hand.

... (I won't show it to everyone in the future, so I can save my word count.)
Why isn't life like this? A skillful hand is the sublimation of one's own hand, and the accomplishment of a good hand fully demonstrates one's skill;Only by mastering one's own hand can one find a good hand, and only by practicing one's own hand can one be uncommon.Only by sharpening your own skills can you wear the clothes of a master.

In the end, Ye Xingchen used the first and last echoes, and filled all the grids of the composition with sway. This composition only took half an hour for Ye Xingchen, and the entire Chinese test paper took an hour to finish.

Ye Xingchen looked at the time, and it was still early for the prescribed time for handing in the papers. Because of the regulations of the college entrance examination, the early handing in of papers should not be earlier than 10 minutes before the end of the exam for each subject.So Ye Xingchen will spend another boring hour here.

Ye Xingchen lay down on the table and sank into the system space to study other things to pass the boring time.

And his enumeration actions caught the attention of the invigilator. In order to care about the students, the teacher walked over and knocked on his desk, and coughed twice.

 Thanks to Lei Di Amano for the monthly ticket
  Thanks to A Peng, the rewarded monthly ticket
  Thanks to book friends 20210523040135038 for the monthly ticket

  Thanks to book friends 2018033114363655 for the monthly ticket

  Thanks to Fangyun 123 for the rewarded monthly pass.
  Thanks to Mingmu Zuishang for the monthly ticket

  Thanks to 578876 for the rewarded monthly pass

  Thank you for the monthly ticket rewarded by Aria of the Night
  Thank you for the monthly ticket rewarded by VDE Lipstick

  There are also recommendation tickets recommended by brothers, thank you

(End of this chapter)

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