Chapter 200 Meeting Ye Xingchen Again

Ye Xingchen raised his head slowly, looked at the invigilator in surprise and asked, "What's wrong, teacher?"

The invigilator said seriously: "This is the college entrance examination, the most important exam in your life, so be serious."

"Teacher, I'm done, but I can't hand in the paper in advance, so I want to lie down for a while." Ye Xingchen said gently and politely.

"Are you done?"

After hearing Ye Xingchen's words, the young invigilator frowned.


Ye Xingchen handed over the paper.

The teacher picked it up and saw that the paper was indeed fully written, and the printed fonts looked particularly pleasing to the eye.

Then he turned to the composition again, and he had already filled the grid, and the number of words was just right. Just after reading the beginning, he knew that this composition was definitely a high-scoring composition.

After returning the paper to Ye Xingchen, out of a responsible attitude, he still reminded Ye Xingchen: "Check carefully after finishing, and don't disturb other students."

"Good teacher." Of course Ye Xingchen agreed.

After the teacher left, Ye Xingchen lay down on the table again and entered the system learning space.

And the teacher didn't continue to take care of it after seeing it. After all, his duty is to maintain order in the examination room, as long as nothing happens.

It was almost pinching, Ye Xingchen got up and handed in the paper in advance just two hours later.

Seeing this scene, all the students who passed the exam were stunned, thinking in their hearts, this person is either a master, or he has given up.

However, Ye Xingchen's early handing in of the papers really put pressure on all the students present, and some candidates even sweared at Ye Xingchen for his behavior of pretending to be 13.

As he expected, Ye Xingchen was indeed the first one to come out, following the various reporters who came forward to ask questions.

"Student, may I ask if the topic of this Chinese test is difficult? What is the topic of the composition?"

Ye Xingchen said modestly and politely: "Well, if it's my personal feeling, it's not difficult. The topic of the composition is about Go's pros, masters, and common hands. I personally happen to have a little research on Go, so I have a certain foundation. It’s also easier to get up.”

What Ye Xingchen said was basically true personal feelings, except that the test paper was completed in an hour and did not tell the truth. After all, this was in front of reporters, so he had to keep a low profile, otherwise he would probably be scolded crazy after the news was broadcast. up.

"Then I would like to ask, are you a repeat student, because I saw that you are older than a high school student."

Ye Xingchen was not angry when he was asked this question, but smiled at the camera and said: "I was already a sophomore, but I resigned for the college entrance examination after retiring from school."

"You said you canceled your original student status and took the college entrance examination again, so can I ask why?" The reporter continued to ask.

"Well... it can be regarded as fulfilling my promise to a girl. I promised her to accompany her to take the college entrance examination, but..."

"Just what?"

"It's nothing, I have to go back and look at other subjects. I'm really sorry that I can't continue to accept your interview." Ye Xingchen found a reasonable reason to prevaricate, and quickly escaped from the reporter's questioning.

The reporter originally wanted to interview for a while, but after all, they said that they would go back and watch the subjects this afternoon, so they could only regret letting Ye Xingchen leave, but for some reason, he always felt that he would see this classmate again.

The clips of the interview just now were broadcast directly, and Ye Xingchen's interview content was almost broadcast on all major short video platforms and news.

Netizens also commented on the video.

"I'm going to go here, buddy, I will drop my school status and retake the college entrance examination, not to mention anything else, I give him a thumbs up for his courage."

"Why do I know that he pretends to be 13 but I have no plan? Why is that?"

"Me too upstairs, I thought it was an illusion."

"Little brother is so handsome, I want to give birth to a monkey for him."

"Wake up upstairs, don't dream, I have someone I like."

"Who said that?"

"Don't you know how to watch it yourself? They re-take the college entrance examination for a girl."


Also in a female dormitory.

"Wow, sisters, look, I found a handsome guy." A cute-looking girl said to the other three with her mobile phone.

"Where is it, let me see?" The tall girl immediately stood up from her seat and stepped forward to see it.

Immediately praised: "Wow, really handsome."

"Really or not, let me take a look." Another girl with baby fat also came up, "I'll be serious, he's so handsome."

"And he promised to accompany a girl to take the college entrance examination again, so romantic."

The three of them were discussing the heat, and suddenly found Zhao Jinmai reading a book, and then called her:
"Mai Mai, Mai Mai, come and have a look, this man is really handsome."

Zhao Jinmai put down the book in his hand and turned around and said: "There are not many good-looking boy groups in the entertainment industry, yes, you may film with different handsome guys in the future, so are you so excited to see a handsome guy?"

The cute-looking girl retorted: "This one is different. It looks very sunny and has muscles. The most important thing is that he looks good without makeup. It's not the same as the male actor who wears makeup every day."

Hearing his roommate's description, Zhao Jinmai immediately thought of Ye Xingchen.

"real or fake?"

"Really, come and see for yourself..."

"Hmph...bring it here and let me see what kind of handsome guy you are so fascinated by." Zhao Jinmai also leaned over and picked up the phone to look at it.

But when she saw the familiar face, tears instantly filled her eyes.

"It's him, it's really him."

Several people watched Mai Mai holding the phone in a daze, and patted her.

The tall girl asked curiously: "Mai Mai, what's the matter with you, do you know this person?"

Zhao Jinmai quickly denied after recovering, "I don't know."

The cute girl lying on the upper bunk saw the tears in Mai Mai's eyes, and said with concern:

"Are you okay, why are you crying all of a sudden?"

Zhao Jinmai wiped the tears from her eyes and explained: "No, after reading for a long time, my eyes hurt when I look at my mobile phone, so now my eyes feel sore."

"Really?" The cute girl asked suspiciously.

"Really, I'll go out for a walk now and look into the distance. Do you want to go together?"

Zhao Jinmai found a reason to go out for a walk to relax.

"I still have homework to do, so I won't go."

"I get my beauty sleep."

"I still want to chat with the handsome guy."

"Okay, then I went out by myself. For nothing."

Zhao Jinmai took the phone, opened the door of the dormitory and walked out.

When he came to the playground, Zhao Jinmai turned on his mobile phone and searched for keywords on Douyin.

Because the video interviewing Ye Xingchen was very popular, it was easy to find it.

(End of this chapter)

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