The road to academic dominance from the juvenile school

Chapter 201 Zhao Jinmai: Only when you are full can you find a way

Chapter 201 Zhao Jinmai: Only when you are full can you find a way
"It's really him."

Maimai held back the excitement in her heart, and opened the comments below, she wanted to see if there was any useful information below.

Because the previous contact methods were invalid, Zhao Jinmai couldn't find a way to contact him for a while.

It's a pity that the following is basically the comments of netizens, there is no useful information, but if there are a few girls who comment, it's a bit... Then what, Zhao Jinmai was overturned in an instant when he saw their comments, and just wanted to comment to declare sovereignty Tell them not to daydream, but then think that their account has official certification, so they give up this idea instantly.

But now at least I know where his general address is. This is an unexpected gain. If she is not a celebrity, she will buy a ticket and fly there now, and then wait for him at the test center. As long as she has perseverance I will always wait, but I don’t know if he still remembers himself.

Although he still doesn't know how to contact Ye Xingchen, Zhao Jinmai's mood is happier than before. When he hopes to have something to look forward to, his mood will often become better.

"We will definitely meet."

At this time, Mai Mai looked at the tall buildings in the distance, his thoughts wandered.

In the world of Youth Pi, Ye Xingchen is the top student in school, the basketball prince of Jiangzhou City, and the male god in the hearts of many girls, and Lin Miaomiao is an ordinary girl, but even so, Ye Xingchen still likes it. That ordinary girl.

In this world, Ye Xingchen is also an ordinary person, but the original Lin Miaomiao is a star with nearly tens of millions of fans in this world.

The change of identity did not change Zhao Jinmai's state of mind, just like Lin Miaomiao admired and liked Ye Xingchen back then.

After an unknown period of time, Zhao Jinmai felt a little hungry, probably because of the influence of Lin Miaomiao's memory. Recently, her appetite seemed to have improved, and she ate more than before.

"As long as you are in this world, I will always find a way to find you. I will have the strength to find a way when I am full. Let's eat first."

Zhao Jinmai turned her head and walked towards the school cafeteria.


And Ye Xingchen didn't know that he was already famous on the Internet, because the Ye brothers' home was very close to the test center, so Ye Xingyao didn't go with the big team.

After finally returning home, Ye Xingchen asked Ye Xingyao with concern: "How do you feel about the Chinese test?"

"It's okay, the composition is quite difficult this time, and I'm not sure I can get a high score. As for the previous basic questions and reading questions, there is no problem." Ye Xingyao replied truthfully.

When Ye Xingchen heard his younger brother say this, he knew that the difficulty of Chinese this time did not bother him: "That's good, let's do math this afternoon, let's work hard together."

"Well, by the way, brother, you haven't said how you did in the exam?" Ye Xingyao asked in turn.

Ye Xingchen smiled confidently: "Do you still need to ask? It must be higher than you. If the composition judge has taste, I should get a perfect score."

"Eh..." Ye Xingyao was at a loss for words for a moment.

He found that his brother had suddenly changed a lot. He never doubted Ye Xingchen's ability. After all, it was because of Ye Xingchen's illness that he didn't perform well.

But I don't know why, the temperament displayed by my brother at this time is unprecedented, and the whole person is also a lot more confident. Although I don't know the reason, but I can see that my brother is getting better and better, His younger brother is very happy from the bottom of his heart.

"Brother, I believe in you."

Looking at his younger brother who looked at him with a face of admiration at this time, he couldn't help being stunned, and his thoughts quickly returned to the past. At that time, he was always at the top in his studies, and he was always a child of someone else's family. His younger brother was always like a follower. Follow after yourself, make yourself his target.

It's just that something happened in the third year of high school, which caused a serious decline in my grades. In addition, I just caught up with a fever during the college entrance examination, so I only took the exam in an ordinary second-school school.

Ye Xingchen patted his head as he did when he was a child and said: "Okay, after dinner, adjust to the best condition, and the highlight will be in the afternoon."


The two were optimistic about the time and rushed to the examination room early in the afternoon.

After the exam started, Ye Xingchen habitually glanced at the questions this time, and then began to write.

For Ye Xingchen, the only troublesome thing about this kind of topic was writing the steps, which was not difficult at all.

Of course, this time he was still the first to hand in the test paper, and the first to come out of the test center.

The same is the reporter, when he saw a classmate coming out, he hurried forward to interview.

"Student, why are you the first to come out again?"

Ye Xingchen smiled and said, "Is this... against the law?"

"Um...not breaking the law. Can I interview you then?"

"Can I say no?"

"..." The beautiful reporter was momentarily at a loss for words.

"Just kidding, I can accept the interview." Ye Xingchen saw that the other party was almost ridiculed by him, so he let her go.

"Student, you are really humorous. We met for the second time, can you tell me your name?"

Ye Xingchen narrowed his eyes and said: "Yes, my name is Ye Xingchen, Xingchen from Xingchenhai, currently 21 years old, single, without any bad habits, height 180, weight 70 kg..."

Seeing that Ye Xingchen's mouth was high and he was not doing anything right, the beautiful reporter quickly interrupted: "Stop, stop, classmate Ye is fine."

"But I haven't finished the introduction yet." Ye Xingchen said solemnly, suppressing a smile.

"No need to introduce, let's get back to the topic. Do you think this topic is difficult?"

"Fortunately, I think the difficulty of the topic varies from person to person. Everyone has their own evaluation."

Hearing what he said, the beautiful reporter gritted her teeth and resisted the urge to hit someone and continued to ask: "Then how difficult do you personally think the question is?"

"It's okay, didn't you just say that?"

At this moment, the beautiful reporter was so annoyed by Ye Xingchen that she trembled all over.The camera guy behind quickly grabbed her: "Sister Xiaoyun, calm down and live broadcast."

Mo Xiaoyun took a deep breath, the quality of the host for many years is there, and he needs to restrain himself.

"Then I would like to ask classmate Ye Xingchen, according to your opinion, you did well in the exam this time."

Ye Xingchen nodded: "It's okay, there should be a good result."

"Then I would like to ask, is your original university 985 or 211?"

"No, it's just an ordinary second copy." Ye Xingchen knew that she was looking for an opportunity to mock him, but he still took the initiative to give her this opportunity.

Hearing this answer, Mo Xiaoyun thought that he could finally turn against the general, so he continued with a smile, "Oh? Why is classmate Ye so good here that he only took two exams?"

 Thanks to Yersinia for the monthly vote

  Thanks to the male version of Sasuke for voting for the monthly ticket
  Thank readers 20201027194435139106321 for voting monthly
  Thanks to 546gfh for voting for the monthly ticket
  Thanks to Master Bender for voting for the monthly ticket
  Thank you book friend 20210523040135038 for the monthly ticket
  Thank you brothers for your recommendation votes, thank you everyone.

  The exam is approaching, and I don't have so much experience to write a novel well. Simply put, I'm lazy, hehe.

(End of this chapter)

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