The road to academic dominance from the juvenile school

Chapter 203 The Appearance of Snowball

Chapter 203 The Appearance of Snowball (Lin Miaomiao)
Ye Xingyao recommended this TV series to his brother at the beginning, so he was quite impressed.

Ye Xingchen snapped his fingers: "That's right, that's Lin Miaomiao."

Ye Xingyao couldn't believe his ears: "You mean you like Zhao Jinmai?"

"It's Lin Miaomiao, Zhao Jinmai is Zhao Jinmai, Lin Miaomiao is Lin Miaomiao, these are two people." Ye Xingchen corrected with a glare at him.

Ye Xingyao couldn't understand the logical relationship here.

"Is there a difference? Isn't Lin Miaomiao played by Zhao Jinmai the same as Lin Miaomiao? Besides, didn't you say before that you like Zhao Jinmai?"

Ye Xingchen looked at his silly brother, and gave up the idea of ​​explaining. After all, if he explained in detail, Xingyao would think that he was neurotic.

"Forget it, I can't explain it to you, I will withdraw tomorrow, you take care of your parents at home, don't let them both work too hard."

"I got it bro, don't worry." Ye Xingyao nodded heavily. In fact, even if Ye Xingchen didn't talk about it, as a son, he still knows that he should take good care of his parents.

Seeing that everything that needs to be explained has been explained, Ye Xingchen turned his head and went back to his room to sleep. Ye Xingyao followed closely behind. After all, the two brothers have always been in the same room.

Ye Xingchen went out early the next morning and embarked on his own journey. As soon as he left his residential area, Ye Xingchen felt a very close feeling around him. He looked around subconsciously, and suddenly found under a big tree A white stray cat.

Ye Xingchen looked at the cat with a particularly familiar look, but when he walked in and took a look, he realized that it was Snowball.

"Snowball? Is that you Snowball?" Ye Xingchen couldn't believe his eyes.

"Meow~" As if feeling the closeness of blood, the white kitten trotted towards Ye Xingchen.

Subconsciously, Ye Xingchen quickly bowed his head and caught it.

Seeing the kitten looking at him brightly and licking his tongue intimately on his hand, Ye Xingchen finally determined that this was Lin Miaomiao (Snowball).

While being pleasantly surprised, Ye Xingchen also asked the system rationally.

"What's going on here? Why did Xueqiu come here with me? If Xueqiu also came to this world, does that mean Miaomiao has also come?"

"Host, the system understands your mood, but Lin Miaomiao is a virtual character, it is impossible for her to materialize into this world."

"Then what happened to Xueqiu? Since Lin Miaomiao is virtual and that world is also virtual, how did Xueqiu come to this world?"

The system was silent for a while and then replied: "It is most likely the effect of the magic scroll."

Ye Xingchen suddenly remembered that he had signed a contract with Lin Miaomiao.

Ye Xingchen, who was originally in a better mood, felt inexplicably disappointed when he got this answer.

"Forget it, I don't want anything extravagant anymore, I am already very satisfied to see Xueqiu."

Ye Xingchen lowered his head and teased the cute kitten.

"Snowball, you will live with Dad from now on, will Dad take you to play?"

"Meow meow~"

Xueqiu nodded miraculously, becoming smarter than before.

Suddenly it jumped down, ran behind Ye Xingchen, and then circled around as if looking for something.

"Meow meow?" "Where's mom?"

Ye Xingchen understood its meaning: "Are you looking for your mother?"

"Meow~" (um)
"Mom, she went to a far away place, so I left you in my father's care. Why don't you like being with me?"

Ye Xingchen picked it up again, and stroked it gently with his hand.

"Meow~" (When will mom be back?)

"It may take a long time." Ye Xingchen continued to answer.


Snowball lowered his head in frustration.

Ye Xingchen teased its little ears and said, "Let's go, I took you out to play, didn't you always want me to take you out to play?"

"Meow meow~"

The little cat who was still lost just now suddenly became energetic.

Looking at the snowball in his arms, Ye Xingchen smiled in relief.

Ye Xingchen booked a flight ticket and was about to fly to Hunan Province.

Because the pet cat can only be checked in, Ye Xingchen can only be separated from it for a short time.But fortunately, Lin Miaomiao was quite obedient, which reassured Ye Xingchen.

When he arrived at the destination, Ye Xingchen hurriedly asked the staff to take out the snowball. Seeing its energetic appearance, Ye Xingchen finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Ye Xingchen successfully arrived at the campsite in Juzizhou according to the original route. He tried to come here to recall everything that happened to the two of them.

After arriving here, Ye Xingchen planned to stay for a long time, and he suddenly felt that it was time for him to buy a means of transportation.But he is here for camping, and tools need to be prepared, otherwise he came here alone like last time, so it would be more convenient to have a means of transportation. In the end, he plans to buy an RV.

He turned on the system and directly chose to buy an A1 driver's license, which saved a lot of inconvenience, because although he still possesses many skills in this world, his different status still prevents him from having a driver's license.

The next step is to buy a RV. Long ago, Ye Xingchen had seen a giant RV, the Mercedes-Benz AROCS "Wilderness One". It can be said that it is every man's dream to have such a RV, and Ye Xingchen also has one. In the second dream of Guozhong, if the end of the world comes, and there is such a caravan, wouldn't it be a god to block and kill gods and Buddhas to block and kill Buddha?

However, the shortcomings of this car are also obvious, that is, it is too big, and the size is a bit outrageous. Many camping parks cannot fit such a large RV.

Ye Xingchen could only settle for the next best thing, and chose the f550 Earth Wanderer. This tonnage is quite suitable, and everything is readily available, but Ye Xingchen searched the surrounding area, and there seems to be no car sales point.

He could only hand over the problem to the system. Finally, under Ye Xingchen's hard work, he found a high-tech RV in the system store. Arrived black technology.

However, the price is 1 million system points, which is converted into 10000 school hours.

But now Ye Xingchen's school hours have basically been used up, and the system points are only 10 points, which is given by the system for Ye Xingchen to complete the mission of the Youth School.

(There will be system rewards when I return, I forgot to mention.)
Just when Ye Xingchen was struggling, the system came up with a plan, which was a lottery draw, once every 10000 system points, and the final reward was this RV.

Ye Xingchen knew how low the probability was, but he still chose to draw a lottery.

Because when the system gave this option just now, Ye Xingchen used the skill strengthening card to strengthen his European Emperor luck, because when he read the skill introduction, there was a small line of words at the bottom that Ye Xingchen clearly stated.

If you don't upgrade once, you will have this 100% lucky bonus once.

 Thanks to Nanke-meng for the monthly ticket
  Thanks to Fangyun 123 for the rewarded monthly ticket

  Thank you for the monthly ticket that wakes up the sleeping spring reward

  Thank you for the book coins in Shudong,

  Thanks to Crystal Susu for the book coin reward

(End of this chapter)

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