The road to academic dominance from the juvenile school

Chapter 204 Ye Xingchen and Zhao Jinmai's Camping Preparations

Chapter 204 Ye Xingchen and Zhao Jinmai's Camping Preparations
Ye Xingchen did a single draw without hesitation, and the result was as expected, a successful one.

"Congratulations to the host for drawing the grand prize. The prize has been stored in a nearby warehouse. Please move the host to pick it up in person."

Immediately, two keys appeared in the system backpack, one was the key to the warehouse door, and the other was the key to the RV.

According to the route suggested by the system, Ye Xingchen successfully got the camping car. From the outside, it looks similar to the Wandering Earth, but the technological sense of the appearance is more eye-catching. Ye Xingchen took a look inside the car, The beds and various facilities are all available inside. It can be said that the system is produced and must be a high-quality product, except of course the bracelet.

Ever since the bracelet was called for no reason last time, Ye Xingchen had turned off his induction function and dual-ring connection function, who knows when it suddenly rang, and made himself happy for nothing.

Ye Xingchen drove the RV to the camping park in Juzizhou very quickly. It was June 6th.

at the same time…….
Zhao Jinmai and several guests have just been gathered together by the column team and arrived at the gathering place for the camping departure.

Maimai didn't look very energetic today, because she had been paying attention to Ye Xingchen's interview, but when she saw that netizens were knocking about Ye Xingchen and the beautiful reporter's cp, her jealousy broke out, which led to a night Neither slept well.

At noon, the program team asked everyone to gather here for the last meal before camping.

Because Yang Mi was elected as the head of the regiment by everyone just now, after coming here, everyone joked: "The head of the regiment sits first."

Yang Mi was a little embarrassed by what was said, and said quickly: "Everyone, sit down wherever you want."

Zhang Kaili sat on the seat first, and then greeted everyone to take their seats one by one: "Okay, I'll sit here, Tao, you should also sit quickly."

Liu Wentao randomly found a seat across from her and sat down: "I'm just like Miss Kelly when I'm here."

The remaining few cafes with relatively large seats also randomly found a place to sit down.

Mai Mai behind Yang Mi said, "Mai Mai, please sit next to me."

"Okay." Zhao Jinmai then came to sit next to Yang Mi.

Ding Chengxin was called by Sister Kelly to sit beside her.

Han Dongjun and Li Sidanni sat next to Zhang Kaili and Zhao Jinmai.

At this time, Yang Mi seemed to have found Mai Mai who was a little tired, and asked with concern: "Did Mai Mai not sleep well last night?"

Zhao Jinmai nodded, "I fell asleep very late last night."

"What's the matter, I'm still not feeling well."

"It's okay, I just slept very late and have a little insomnia."

At this time, Zhang Kaili, who was sitting opposite, also heard the conversation between the two: "Is Mai Mai uncomfortable?"

"No, it's just that I didn't sleep well last night." Zhao Jinmai waved her hand quickly
"Oh, then you can take a good rest in the car later." Zhang Kaili said with concern.

Zhao Jinmai thanked politely: "Well, thank you Teacher Zhang for your concern."

After everyone was seated, everyone started chatting to get to know the people around them.

Zhang Kaili asked, "How old are you, Mai Mai?"

"I'm 20 years old."

"Oh, do you have a boyfriend?"

Everyone was stunned by this sudden question.

"Haha, I forgot, oops, when I'm older, I'm used to asking juniors how old I am this year and if I have a boyfriend? Don't mind." Zhang Kaili also knew that her question was really too much, so she hurried explained.

"It's okay, it's okay." Zhao Jinmai smiled awkwardly, as if nothing happened.

"Mai Mai is so beautiful, there must be many people who like her." Yang Mi also came out to tease.

Zhao Jinmai was already very shy at this time, and kept drinking water to suppress her shock.

"Okay, okay, don't gossip about the little girl, I'm too embarrassed." Liu Mintao came out to help Mai Mai out of the siege.

Zhao Jinmai glanced at her gratefully.

After that, the few people did not continue to embarrass Maimai, but made fun of Ding Chengxin again.

It was the same problem. Ding Chengxin was too shy to talk to Mai Mai.

Yang Mi suddenly asked what Mai Mai usually likes to do.

Zhao Jinmai answered truthfully: "I usually like to read books, and of course sometimes I also play games."

When it comes to playing games, Yang Mi seems to be interested.

"What games does my sister like to play?"

Zhao Jinmai: "Occasionally I play King of Glory."

Yes, under the influence of Lin Miaomiao, Zhao Jinmai downloaded the game again, but now he just finished all the novice tasks.

"You also play king? I play too. Hey, what rank are you in now?"

When Yang Mi found out that Mai Mai likes to play King of Kings just like himself, he suddenly felt like he had found a bosom friend.

"I'm still a novice, the kind who just finished the novice task." Seeing Yang Mi's enthusiasm, Zhao Jinmai said with a blushing face.

"It's okay, let's play together after the show is recorded, and my sister will take you."

"Okay." Zhao Jinmai agreed with a smile.

"Young people have some young people's entertainment, we are all old." Han Dongjun said.

Zhang Kaili: "Yeah, I'm out of touch with young people."

"Don't say that, Teacher Kelly is just as young." Li Sidani said.

Yang Mi also said: "Yes, sister Kelly, you are also young, please raise your hand if you agree."

Everyone raised their hands.

"Oh, thank you." Zhang Kaili was coaxed into laughing.

At this time, the staff of the director team said: "Everyone, let's start eating. After the meal, there is still some preparation work to be done."

"What preparations?" Liu Mintao asked suspiciously.

Director's group: "Now, please hand over your mobile phones. Now everyone send a message to your relatives and friends to explain the situation, because everyone will not have a mobile phone in the next few days."

"Do you still have to hand in your mobile phone?" Li Sidani said reluctantly.

After Han Dongjun sent the message to his family, he gave his mobile phone first: "Hand it over."

Mai Mai also sent a message to her family. Although it is strange that she does not have a mobile phone, but fortunately she has a bracelet, which has been fully connected to her WeChat and QQ, so it does not matter whether she has a mobile phone or not.

However, she still has doubts about this bracelet. Even in this world, it is impossible to have such advanced technology.So Zhao Jinmai knew that it was definitely not a dream, and Ye Xingchen definitely existed.

After everyone handed in their mobile phones one by one, the program team distributed two mobile phones to them, which were specially prepared by the program team.

At this time, Han Dongjun asked: "Who are these two spare mobile phones for? Who cares about the money?"

Liu Mingtao refused: "Don't give it to me, I will spend all the money I can."

At this time Ding Chengxin said: "How about I come."

"Yes, yes, let the two youngest take care of the money." Zhang Kaili said in agreement.

"Okay, I'll do it." Zhao Jinmai took the phone over.

Yang Mi: "Okay, the money matter is settled, everyone hurry up and eat."

"Eat and eat."

(End of this chapter)

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