Chapter 205 Camping Begins

At this time, Ye Xingchen had just taken out all the camping tools from the RV when it began to rain lightly.

"It's raining." Ye Xingchen stretched out his hand to catch the drizzle. For some reason, he liked this feeling very much.

However, as the raindrops fell faster and faster, Ye Xingchen had to take out an umbrella from the storage box of the RV and put it in front of the RV.

After doing all this, Ye Xingchen sat in front of the RV with Lin Miaomiao in his arms and watched the rain fall, forming a beautiful picture.

The people on Mo are like jade, and the son is unparalleled in the world.

This poem can't be more appropriate here.

The light rain continued for a while, and the sun appeared in the sky again.

Ye Xingchen looked around, and sure enough, there were everything for sale, such as fruits, vegetables, barbecues, and of course various small items.

There are all kinds of people who come to camp here, some take pictures, some paint, and generally speaking, it is very lively, but the more this is the case, the more lonely Ye Xingchen feels.

"It is detected that the host's loneliness value has increased, whether to turn on the virtual companion."

"Who's talking?" Ye Xingchen was startled by the sudden voice.

"I am the artificial intelligence of the rover Earth."

"Artificial intelligence, what's the matter with the system." Ye Xingchen asked.

"Host, the products produced by the system must be somewhat different from ordinary RVs. This car is a product of advanced civilization. Although its appearance is no different from ordinary RVs in your world, its defense ability cannot be broken even with armor-piercing bullets. The key point is that this car is equipped with artificial intelligence, and of course there are some different functions, please let the host explore by himself."

After Ye Xingchen heard the system's explanation, he suddenly felt that this car was really worth buying.

"Well, what is the virtual partner you just mentioned."

"Returning to the master, this is a new function that has just been developed. It is mainly a virtual companion designed to relieve the loneliness in the master's heart. It can scan the master's heart and create the most perfect companion in the master's heart. Master, do you want to experience it?"

Ye Xingchen quickly waved his hand: "No, no, I don't need this, thank you."

"Good host."

"Can you stop calling me master, I always feel a bit nasty."

Artificial intelligence: "Then what does the master want me to call?"

Ye Xingchen thought for a while: "Hmm...calling me boss or boss will make me feel better."

"Good boss."

"OK, this sounds quite comfortable. By the way, what's your name, I can't always call you an artificial intelligence."

"I don't have a name yet, please give me a name, Master."

" cat is named Xueqiu, or you can be named Heitan, it's simpler."

Ye Xingchen couldn't help praising his wisdom, he is really a little genius.

"Thank you boss for giving me a name, I will be called Heitan from now on."

"Heitan, tell me about the hidden functions of this car."

"Good boss. First of all, the energy of this car can be automatically replenished. It can absorb energy particles from the outside world or directly use solar energy to replenish energy, so there will be no shortage of energy. Secondly, the food and water in the car will also Automatic replenishment, equipped with virtual projection devices inside and outside the car, the boss can summon his virtual partner at any time..."

After listening to Heitan's introduction, Ye Xingchen suddenly felt that it was a good value for him to buy. If this car is placed in the end of the world, it will be a magic weapon. It has inexhaustible energy, inexhaustible food, and powerful defense and firepower configuration. , of course you need to switch to combat mode.

Ye Xingchen saw that the weather outside was getting better, so he continued to go out to gather with Xueqiu.


After being assigned before leaving, the people with few flowers also set off one after another.

On the way, the director team asked Zhao Jinmai what he thought about this camping.

Zhao Jinmai said with a smile: "I am full of curiosity and anticipation for this camping."

Director: "Then can you tell me what to expect?"

"Well... I usually like to take pictures. Camping will definitely have a different scenery. I want to take some photos to record."

After asking Mai Mai, I went to interview the rest of the guests, and the answers I got were roughly the same. They were all full of expectations for this trip, because none of them had gone camping systematically. Know what kind of difficulties a few people will face.

After an hour and a half drive, everyone finally arrived at their first stop, Juzizhou Camping Park.

After getting off the car, Yang Mi saw the huge camping park in front of him: "Wow, is this our camping site?"

Li Sidani said excitedly: "This place is not bad, friends let us go."

Looking at this familiar place, Zhao Jinmai fell into memories, as if Lin Miaomiao and Ye Xingchen's trip happened yesterday.

"Mai Mai, let's go, let's go over there and have a look." As the team leader, Yang Mi couldn't let anyone fall behind.


Zhao Jinmai quickly followed the team after regaining consciousness.

Everyone first strolled around the small stalls around, and then Han Dongjun saw someone playing Frisbee on the other side, so he activated his social cow attribute and joined in.

After interacting with passers-by for several rounds, he finally attracted Yang Mi and others who were shopping at the stall.

"Sister Mi, look at what Brother Dong is doing?" Zhao Jinmai said.

Yang Mi put down the things in his hands: "Come on, let's go and have a look."

Han Dongjun saw Mai Mai coming and asked kindly: "Sister, do you want to play?"

"But I've never played this before." Zhao Jinmai said.

"It's very simple, just throw it out like this."

Then he showed them a demonstration.

Liu Mingtao also came over curiously to have a look: "Then how do I pick this up?"

Han Dongjun posed again: "Just press your hands down, Mai Mai, you will try."

Zhao Jinmai was quite cautious at the beginning, and with a light push of his arm, the Frisbee flew low.

Because the force used is very small, the throwing distance is not far.

Han Dongjun picked it up and said again: "Just use a little more force, sister Tao, try it."

As he spoke, he threw it at Liu Mintao again.

Liu Mingtao stepped forward and received it with both hands, but he didn't receive it.

"This is too difficult."

"It's okay, just practice a few more times." Han Dongjun comforted.

Yang Mi was also very interested in watching it at this time.

"Sister Tao, throw it to me, and I'll try it too."

"Okay, throw it like this, right?"

As he spoke, his arms flew high, and the Frisbee drew an arc.

Yang Mi stretched out his hands, but the Frisbee still landed on his right side: "Hahaha, no, I can't catch it."

Han Dongjun smiled gently: "Haha, play more and you will be able to grasp its trajectory."

Mai Mai on the side wanted to try again.

"Sister Mi, I want to play again."

Yang Mi: "Okay, pick it up, Mai Mai."

To say that Yang Mi's posture is still graceful, Zhao Jinmai looked at the Frisbee intently, and then caught the frisbee with both hands when he saw the opportunity, and succeeded in catching it. Maybe because he was too focused and didn't pay attention to his feet, he almost fell down.

 Thanks to Su Yumiao for the monthly ticket

  Thanks to Baldr for the monthly pass

  Thanks to Lezheng Ditang for the monthly ticket

  Thanks to Coke for emptying the rewarded monthly ticket

  Thanks to Lei Di Amano for the monthly ticket

  Thanks to keypet for the monthly pass

  Thanks to Jinmailang who wants Maimai for the monthly ticket

  Thank you Tian 36 for the monthly pass
  Thanks to Shenghuo Tianxin for the monthly ticket

  Thank you for the monthly ticket rewarded by Dahuang Mayfly

  Thanks to the weak crown knot for issuing the rewarded monthly ticket

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  Thanks to 17032922 Xiaozhifeng for the monthly ticket
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  Thanks to Xifeng Yeying for the monthly ticket

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  Thank you Ye Yitan for the book coins rewarded by Yongtiao.

  thank you all
  I got a monthly ticket nest today, hahahaha I am so tired of typing.

(End of this chapter)

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