The road to academic dominance from the juvenile school

Chapter 207 Meeting the Shy Mai Mai for the First Time

Chapter 207 Meeting the Shy Mai Mai for the First Time

"Well, Miss Mi, I've watched "Gong", "Gu Jian Qi Tan", "Legend of Sword and Fairy III", etc., and there are many others that I forgot their names." Ye Xingchen racked his brains and thought about it. These three, after all, he has indeed read many of Yang Mi's works, he really just forgot the names, these three are also relatively classic.

Yang Mi continued to ask: "Okay, I have passed the test here, what about Mai Mai's works?"

Zhao Jinmai also wanted to know how much Ye Xingchen knew about her. After all, after merging her memories, she only remembered that Ye Xingchen was her fan, but she didn't know what kind of fan she was.

"Well, where do I start? Anyway, except for the ones played by Mai Mai when he was young, I have basically watched the rest." Ye Xingchen burst into laughter in his heart, and this question hit him right on the muzzle.

Yang Mi half-jokingly said: "Really? Mai Mai is your fan."

Zhao Jinmai blushed and dared not speak.

"It's empty talk, let's just say a few words." Yang Mi said.

"Hmm... The trilogy of Balala Little Demon Fairy. "Little Car", "Little Farewell", "My! Physical Education Teacher", "Love is the Source of Happiness", "The Wandering Earth", "Take My Brother Quickly" Go", "Youth Pie" is my favorite drama, Lin Miaomiao is also one of my favorite characters. "Rebirth", "A Little Thing of First Love", "Linglong", "Ideal Life of Love", "Together."

Ye Xingchen said a lot of blah blah blah blah, and Yang Mi and the others were going to be dumbfounded. This person is an ashes, it's outrageous to memorize so many works.

"I'll go, little brother, you should be a loyal fan of Mai Mai." Han Dongjun's mouth was open, the boss hadn't come out of the shock just now, but was shocked again.

"Well, I've always liked Mai Mai. What I mean by liking is the kind of liking, not the kind of liking between male and female friends." Ye Xingchen said halfway and felt that it was not good to say so, and then explained to a few people a bit.

Yang Mi came out at this time and continued to make trouble: "I understand, understand, there is no need to explain, we all understand. The little brother Mai Mai is handed over to you, and you almost smashed him. You must give him some compensation. Look at the little brother. ...That's right, I forgot to ask, what's your name, brother."

"Ye Xingchen, the star of the sea of ​​stars."

It is still the familiar introduction.

"You see, Xiao Chenchen is your loyal fan, why don't you sell yourself, and take it as compensation for Xiao Chenchen." Yang Mi continued to tease the two of them.

Zhao Jinmai's face turned even redder, and she was a little at a loss when she spoke: "Sister Mi, stop joking."

Li Sidani joked: "Oh, Mai Mai is blushing and shy."

"me me me"

Zhao Jinmai returned the kitten to Ye Xingchen and ran away shyly.

Ye Xingchen felt ashamed when he heard this, but pretended to be calm and unaffected by Yang Mi.

"Well, I won't bother you to play anymore, let's go first."

"Wait, little brother, where is your camp? We can hang out or something to help each other." Li Sidani quickly grabbed him and asked about his camping location.

Ye Xingchen pointed: "I'm over there, the black RV over there is mine."

Although Ding Chengxin didn't have much research on cars, but after seeing the Nomad, he still felt that it was worth a lot: "My God, this car is quite expensive."

"I didn't expect you to be a rich second generation." Yang Mi narrowed his eyes and smiled.

Ye Xingchen denied, "I'm not, I'm just an ordinary family."

"Can an ordinary family afford this car? And it seems to be new." Yang Mi is well-informed. This RV can't be bought for less than 200 million, not to mention that this car has been refitted. If there are many things to choose, 800 million is available.
Ye Xingchen scratched his head: "I'm lucky, I won the lottery."

Yang Mi: "..."

Liu Mingtao: "..."

Ding Chengxin: "..."

Han Dongjun: "..."

Li Sidani: "????"

"Then, I'll go back first, for nothing!" Ye Xingchen also waved to the others, and walked towards his campervan with his cat in his arms.

Yang Mi and the others also waved their hands politely: "Goodbye."

"Where's Mai Mai? Where did he go?" Yang Mi turned around and searched around but couldn't find it.

"I didn't pay attention, I just watched handsome guys." Li Sidani was quite straightforward, saying whatever she wanted, not caring at all that this was a re-recording of the show.

"Pfft, you, you, let me tell you what's good about you." Yang Mi couldn't help laughing.

"Why, don't you let me see the handsome guy?"

"Yes, yes, well, everyone is almost done playing, it's time to go back and get ready, and it's time for the members to work."

Seeing that the time was almost up, Yang Mi called all the members to get down to business. After all, if it was delayed, there would be no place to sleep at night.

Li Sidani: "Okay, let's gather."

Zhang Kaili: "Assemble."

Several people returned to the place they designated. At this time, the program team had already parked the RV, and Mai Mai slowly walked out of the RV.

"Mai Mai, why are you running back? You're so shy." Li Sidani said.

"Oh, sister, I beg you, can you stop talking?" Zhao Jinmai folded her hands together and begged everyone not to joke around.

In fact, when Mai Mai encountered this kind of thing in the past, she would just stand aside and remain silent. After all, she was also a slightly introverted child, but after combining Miaomiao's memory and personality, she also became a little more outgoing. Ye Xingchen had another calculation in front of him.

"Hahaha, let's stop teasing Mai Mai, let's quickly learn how to use the RV and how to set up a tent."

As the head of the group, Yang Mi's leadership ability was brought into play at this time.

The staff of the program group also patiently told a few novices how to use the RV and how to build a tent.

After a while, everyone started to set up tents. Because Zhao Jinmai had a certain amount of experience, he also acted as the main force and worked hard with his brothers and sisters to set up the tents.

After a while, the sky just cleared up, and it rained again, this time it was a little heavier than before.

The program team came to inform that the rain may have been falling for the past few days, so let everyone be prepared.

Seeing the heavy rain, Ye Xingchen hurried back to the RV to avoid the rain.

But after a while, Ye Xingchen was a little worried about whether those celebrities would get wet in the rain. The tent couldn't be set up right now, so he took an umbrella and went over to have a look.

Well, in fact, I am worried about whether Zhao Jinmai is getting rained now, but there must be a reason.

I thought Ye Xingchen's RV was very close to them, so they arrived within a few minutes.

At this time, Yang Mi was distributing the work of living in tents and RVs.

"Sister Kelly and Sister Tao must sleep in the RV, and Brother Jun and Xinxin, you two should sleep in a tent."

Zhao Jinmai raised her hand and said, "I can live in a tent."

Li Sidani also said, "I can also live in a tent."

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(End of this chapter)

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