The road to academic dominance from the juvenile school

Chapter 208 you need any help?

Chapter 208 you need any help?
"Is it okay? Mai Mai, Danni?" Yang Mi asked again.

"It's okay, we can do it. Sister Mi, where are you going to sleep?" Zhao Jinmai nodded.

Yang Mi saw that the distribution was almost done and continued: "I can do it, I can do it."

Liu Mingtao said with concern: "Mi, you sleep in a caravan, why is that inconvenient for you, you should sleep in a caravan."

Yang Mi is indeed a little inconvenient, after all, girls always have a few days.

"Okay, then I, Sister Tao, and Sister Kelly will sleep in an RV, and the four of you will sleep in a tent."

"Okay. No problem." Han Dongjun said.

Ding Chengxin: "I'm fine too."

Ye Xingchen suddenly appeared at this time: " I need any help?"

"Ah, I was shocked." Yang Mi was shocked suddenly.

"Sorry, I just came to see if you can help me." Ye Xingchen smiled apologetically.

Yang Mi: "Ye... Ye Xingchen, right?"


"Are you here to help us? Or do you have another purpose." Yang Mi suddenly approached Ye Xingchen and said.

The distance between the two is less than 2 cm.

Ye Xingchen said calmly: "Of course, don't you need it?"

"Didn't you come to care about Mai Mai?"

After all, Yang Mi is also a person who has experienced all kinds of turmoil. She has seen all kinds of things. Now she is extremely curious about the big boy Ye Xingchen, because in the communication this afternoon, Ye Xingchen behaved differently from ordinary fans. He didn't show an overly excited expression, as if he treated them as ordinary people, and he spoke neither humble nor overbearing, very polite.

Zhao Jinmai's bright eyes shone with an inexplicable light, and she seemed to be looking forward to the answer to this question at this moment.

"Uh, this question is out of scope, I'm just here to make soy sauce, why don't you let me go?"

Yang Mi couldn't help laughing when he heard his words: "Hahaha, you are too cute."

Maimai couldn't help feeling disappointed that she didn't get the answer she wanted, but she was still very happy to see Ye Xingchen.

"We're preparing to pitch a tent, but it's raining now," Zhao Jinmai said.

"Let me help you, as many people as possible." Ye Xingchen volunteered.

"No need." Although Zhao Jinmai thought very much, this was recording a show. Although there were not many scripts, it still depended on the arrangement of the director team.

"Well... I don't know if it's possible to ask for foreign aid. I need to ask the director team about this." Yang Mi doesn't dislike this big boy, and even likes him a little bit. Of course, this liking is the kind of liking a sister has for a younger brother.

"Um, well, it's too difficult for you guys, and you played the happy camping directly as PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds." Of course Ye Xingchen knew that this was recording a program, but he didn't expect there to be so many rules.

Yang Mi left the crowd, communicated with the director, and finally got permission to ask Ye Xingchen to help set up the tent.

Seeing Yang Mi come back, Zhao Jinmai couldn't help but ask first, "Sister Mi, did the director agree?"

Yang Mi pretended to be disappointed.

Seeing her expression, Zhao Jinmai thought it was impossible, and suddenly became depressed.

Just when everyone was deceived, Yang Mi said: "Just now the director said that we can ask Xiaochen to help."

"Great, there is an extra foreign aid." Han Dongjun is very happy now, after all, there is someone who can share a little work.

Zhao Jinmai was also very happy, but so many people didn't show it.

Yang Mi: "Okay, now everyone go there to get some supplies. Prepare today's dinner, and then we have to set up a tent later, let's get this done as soon as possible, otherwise we really have no place to stay tonight."

Ye Xingchen looked back and asked, "Don't you guys have a caravan?"

"The RV can only accommodate three people, so we still need to set up two tents." Zhao Jinmai replied.

"Where do you live?"

"Tent, otherwise."

Ye Xingchen looked at the people here, and basically confirmed who lived in the car and who lived in the tent.

"Why don't you two girls live in my RV, and I'll live in your tent. This car is new, and the bedding inside is also new."

"No, no, I won't bother you." Zhao Jinmai quickly refused.

"Hey, I knew, Xiaochen, you came here just to care about my Maimai." Yang Mi said with a half-smile.

"Um, is it so obvious?" Ye Xingchen asked suspiciously.

Yang Mi: "It's not obvious, why don't you invite us to live in your RV."

Liu Mingtao also said, "That's right, why don't you invite us to go?"

Ye Xingchen had no choice but to explain his reasons to them: "Your two caravans can accommodate two beds, the table can be raised and lowered, and it can also be used as a bed, so three people can live in it, so Miss Mi, Teacher Kelly , and Teacher Mintao should think that the three of you live in this RV, am I right?"

Zhao Jinmai and Li Sidani nodded in shock.

At this time, Yang Mi couldn't help admiring Ye Xingchen's mind.

Of course, ordinary people would also think about this, but it's not as detailed as Ye Xingchen's, and Ye Xingchen knows the general outline of this caravan without seeing the structure inside, which is really well-informed.

"Well, you're smart, but the main point of this shoot is camping, so I won't bother you." Yang Mi patted Ye Xingchen on the shoulder.

"Okay, then I'll help you set up the tent first." Seeing Yang Mi's refusal, Ye Xingchen didn't continue to persuade. After all, this is a recording program, and the program still needs to be effective.

Seeing that the meeting was almost over, Zhang Kaili suggested, "Let's go, let's bring the food first."

Yang Mi: "Okay, let's prepare the food first, and then set up the tent when it rains."

Ye Xingchen and the others came to the food stall under umbrellas, and with the consent of the stall owner, they started their sweeping tour.

Ye Xingchen, as a boy, of course wants to carry forward his spirit, so he let Mai Mai behind him hold an umbrella, and he carried food.

"What do you like to eat? Don't get me wrong." Ye Xingchen asked.

Zhao Jinmai thought for a while and said, "Potatoes and cabbage."

"What else?" Ye Xingchen quickly put these two things in the basket.

Zhang Kaili said, "Xingchen, bring some more corn."

"Okay, Miss Kelly."

Ye Xingchen took some corn from the stall and got up and said:

"Okay, let's go."

"Okay, by the way, where did Xueqiu go?" Zhao Jinmai couldn't help asking.

Because when Ye Xingchen came, she noticed that Xueqiu hadn't followed.

Ye Xingchen smiled gently: "It's at home now to watch the cat and the mouse."

"That's it, by the way, why is its name Lin Miaomiao? Does it have any meaning?"

Zhao Jinmai asked knowingly.

Ye Xingchen paused for a moment and then said in a low voice: "Because its mistress' surname is Lin, so I named it Lin Miaomiao."

"Is that so." Zhao Jinmai rolled her eyes, as if she was thinking about something.

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(End of this chapter)

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