The road to academic dominance from the juvenile school

Chapter 209 Chapter 206 Invite Ye Xingchen to Join Huashao

Chapter 209 Chapter [-] Invite Ye Xingchen to Join Huashao
"I played Lin Miaomiao, and your cat's name is Lin Miaomiao. I feel like we are destined for each other."

Zhao Jinmai was looking forward to how Ye Xingchen would answer this question.

"It's a predestined relationship. I like the character of Lin Miaomiao very much. She is a very spiritual girl, and of course you are too." Ye Xingchen said with a serious expression.


"Really! I never lie."

Regarding this sentence, Mai Mai doesn't believe even a single punctuation mark, and Ye Xingchen has been running the train with his mouth full for a day or two.

After the two brought the food to the camp, the rain stopped after a while.

Ye Xingchen helped to set up the tent with a few people. Because there was an extra boy, it was relatively smooth. However, during the process of setting up, the light rain that had just stopped for a while began to fall again.

"Um, I just checked the weather. It will rain in Changsha for the next few days, which means you are not here for camping, but for PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds."

Ye Xingchen squatted on the ground and was fixing a corner of the tent, while Zhao Jinmai held an umbrella for him.

Han Dongjun couldn't help laughing out loud: "Pfft ha ha ha, brother, it's fun to talk about you."

Zhao Jinmai also covered her mouth and sneered.

"What's the matter, am I wrong? I saw that you said in the program introduction that you will go to several places within 15 days, that is, after you set up the tent today, you will move in one day?" Ye Xingchen asked.

Mai Mai nodded: "It should be like this."

Ye Xingchen couldn't help complaining: "It's so troublesome, forget it, this is a matter between you and the director team, I will cheer you up silently in my heart."

At this time, Yang Mi, the head of the group, came over with an umbrella: "Wow, you have already set it up, it's great."

"Thanks to Brother Xingchen's help, we are just starting out." Han Dongjun praised without hesitation.

"No more, I will do my best. I see that the tent is set up, so I will go back first, otherwise Lin Miaomiao will not be able to find me in a while, I should be anxious."

Ye Xingchen got up, clapped his hands and said.

Seeing this, Yang Mi tried to persuade him to stay: "We'll be eating in a while, why don't you go back after eating, and thank you for your help."

"That's right, when you go back after dinner, you can bring Xueqiu with you. I just want to touch it, if possible." Zhao Jinmai suggested.

Ye Xingchen didn't continue to hold back when everyone asked to stay. After all, he also wanted to stay with Mai Mai for a while.

"Okay, then I'll go back and settle down with Snowball." Ye Xingchen took the umbrella and said to everyone before regretting his RV.

"Hey, sister Mimi, how about we invite my brother to go camping together." Ding Chengxin suggested.

Yang Mi frowned and didn't speak, as if he was considering the feasibility of this matter again.

Han Dongjun also agreed: "I think it's a good idea. My little brother has a good image and has some experience in camping. If we can go together, there will be a support along the way."

"I don't think it's a problem. It might be more interesting to add an amateur. Besides, the amount of followers is quite high." Li Sidani seemed to think this proposal was good, and there was no harm in having an extra handsome guy in her team, not to mention Ye Xingchen is still so capable, he can save a lot of things.

"This is not up to me. Let's go back and vote in a while. If everyone agrees, I can apply with the director, but I think the probability of agreeing is not high, not to mention that Ye Xingchen may not agree with us. Together."

Yang Mi said objectively, after all, this team is not her own, although she really wants Ye Xingchen to join her team, after all, her image is so good and polite, she might be able to become a rising star after training, that is. I don't know what Ye Xingchen was thinking.

After several people gathered, Yang Mi raised this question.

"Just now, Ding Ding and the others suggested that they want to invite Ye Xingchen to join our camping team and take part in the filming together. Sister Kelly, Sister Tao, how do you feel?"

Liu Mingtao said worriedly: "This is not up to us, it depends on what the director thinks."

"So isn't this a vote? If everyone agrees, I can discuss it with the director."

"I think it's ok, I like this child." Zhang Kaili first expressed her attitude.

Liu Mingtao: "I have no objection either."

"I agree!" Ding Chengxin raised his hand.

Han Dongjun: "Add one!"

Zhao Jinmai: "Agreed!"

Li Sidani: "Agreed!"

Seeing that his camping team agreed, Yang Mi said, "Okay, I'll discuss it with the director to see if Ye Xingchen can join our camping team."

Li Sidani clapped her hands excitedly: "Come on, Miss Mi!"

After a few minutes.

The director team and Yang Mi are discussing. After all, this is a big deal, because adding one person means that the later editing will be more troublesome, and an amateur will definitely cause controversy. The two discussed for about 10 minutes, and finally decided Take a risk.

Because the director also watched the recorded clips just now, and found that Ye Xingchen was not stage fright at all when facing the camera, he had a good sense of variety, and was born to shoot reality shows.

And I just learned that he is actually the same person as the most popular candidate on Weibo. If this is included when the promotional video is released later, the popularity will reach the latest.

After the filming was settled, Yang Mi came back and said to everyone: "The director said there is no problem."

"Yeah!" Li Sidani jumped up happily.

Although Mai Mai didn't show such excitement, it could be seen from her face that she was also very happy at the moment.

This time, I can finally get in touch with Ye Xingchen openly. Anyway, from his point of view, he is Zhao Jinmai, but he doesn’t know that she is Lin Miaomiao. He can use this opportunity to make a statement. I’m really just curious. I don’t think so at all. black.

Zhao Jinmai rolled her eyes and raised an inexplicable smile.

Han Dongjun half-jokingly said: "Great, finally there is another coolie, can I sleep in Xingchen's RV tonight?"

"Just thinking about something good, you can just sleep in the tent, I'm ashamed to compete with the newcomer for a place." Yang Mi glared at him angrily.

"Brother Chen hasn't agreed yet, wait for him to come back and ask later, by the way, he should be older than me." Ding Chengxin said with some uncertainty.

Mai Mai raised his little hand and replied, "He is 22 years old."

Yang Mi asked curiously: "How do you know?"

"Actually, I've seen him!"

Everyone: "!!!"

"It's just the short video. He's been very popular recently. He has been trending on Weibo for several days. It's the interview video of the college entrance examination candidates." Zhao Jinmai told everyone carefully.

"Mai Mai, give me your phone." Yang Mi asked.

"Oh, here it is."

Zhao Jinmai took out the phone and handed it to Yang Mi.


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(End of this chapter)

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