Chapter 210 Mai Mai's Dinner
Five minutes later, everyone watched the interview videos.

Li Sidani couldn't hold back anymore: "Hahaha, my little brother is so interesting, I can't do it anymore, I can't laugh anymore, cough, cough, cough."

Ding Chengxin: "It turns out that Brother Chen brings his own traffic, so when he comes, quickly recruit him into the group."

"Who will join the team." Ye Xingchen suddenly appeared behind everyone at this moment.

"Oh, I was shocked!" Yang Mi was successfully shocked again.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean it. You just said who you want to recruit."

"We discussed it and wanted to invite you to participate in the recording of Huashao 4, so I don't know if little brother Ye Xingchen will appreciate it or not?"

Yang Mizhen extended an invitation to Ye Xingchen.

The sudden invitation caught Ye Xingchen off guard, completely unprepared, and didn't know what to say for a while.

Seeing Ye Xingchen's hesitation, Yang Mi asked, "Why don't you want to?"

"No, no, I just don't feel real. Do you agree to invite me as the director?" Ye Xingchen asked.

"Agreed, we have communicated well before you came, because your image is very good, and you have a good impression on everyone, and you have also seen that we only have two boys and the rest are girls, and we have some work to do It would be a hassle to get up, like... putting up a tent."

Ye Xingchen was still a little smug when he heard that, and when the time came, his two words would be directly disturbed: "Hey, Sister Mi is too much, are you saying that you are so tall when recruiting coolies these years?"

Zhao Jinmai: "Pfft ha ha ha."

"Why don't you join us? The only chance is this time. You see, we have another 15-day camping trip with Mai Mai. Do you have the heart to watch Mai Mai suffer here?" Yang Mi said. At that time, the tone of the word "Mai Mai" was emphasized.

The meaning has already been expressed very clearly, it's a great time, don't wait when it's overdue, love will come or not, don't regret it! ! !

"This...well, then I will reluctantly agree." Ye Xingchen said in a very unbeatable tone.

"Don't, we won't force you, you can go back."

Seeing what she said, Ye Xingchen hurriedly begged for mercy: "Sister, sister, I did it voluntarily. Isn't it okay to do it voluntarily?"

"Hahaha, it's okay, don't tease Chenchen, I can call you that." Zhang Kaili said.

"Yes, of course, I feel very kind, Teacher Kelly."

"Haha, this kid can really talk."

Ye Xingchen touched his head: "Hey!"

Seeing that the time is almost up, Yang Mi sees that the rain is getting heavier, and the chatting time is over: "Okay, since Xiao Chen's joining has been confirmed, we will have dinner later to celebrate the addition of new members, let's have a good meal .”

"No, no, don't you guys put away the suitcases first, I'm afraid I'll get wet in such heavy rain." Ye Xingchen saw that everyone's suitcases were placed beside them and there was no rainproof measure.

"Yes, yes, let's take the suitcase to the car first." Han Dongjun looked to see that there was indeed water there.

"Ah, my box won't get in water." Zhao Jinmai also hurried to check his own box.

Ye Xingchen came to her side and put her suitcase out of the rain.

Zhao Jinmai: "Isn't it very heavy?"

"It's okay, it's not very heavy, I'm relatively strong." Ye Xingchen didn't forget to show off his muscles.

"Hahaha, do you exercise regularly?" Although he knew that Ye Xingchen would run in the morning and punch every day, but now his identity was Zhao Jinmai, not Lin Miaomiao.

"Well...well, I usually get up early and go for a run, but let's forget about it now, I finally finished the college entrance examination, so I can relax."

"Is that so." Mai Mai bit her lower lip lightly, her appearance was really cute at this moment.

Han Dongjun and Ding Chengxin are also working hard to carry the suitcase.

"Brother Xingchen, stop chatting with Maimai, you can talk again in two nights, come and help me." Han Dongjun hurriedly interrupted seeing the two people in front of him "kiss me".

"Come here, come here, Mai Mai, first check if it's wet inside, I'll go over there to help." Ye Xingchen ordered and went to help with other luggage.

Zhao Jinmai opened her suitcase and found that it was soaked inside.

After Yang Mi opened it, looking at the soaked pillow felt a little headache: "The pillow is all wet."

Zhao Jinmai: "The clothes in my suitcase are also wet.

Ye Xingchen came back and looked at Yang Mi and Mai Mai with frowning faces and asked, "What's the matter, is there any water in the box?"

"Well, the clothes are a little wet." Mai Mai nodded.

Yang Mi: "Oh! My pillow is wet!!"

Ye Xingchen comforted the two of them: "It's okay, I have a washing machine and a dryer in my caravan. You can wash it at my place later, and then dry it. It's very clean after not being used."

Yang Mi was puzzled: "Really, there are so many things in your RV."

"It's okay, although it's a bit small, it has all the internal organs. I'll take it for you after dinner."

"Okay, thank you, Ye Xingchen." Zhao Jinmai said with a smile.

Ye Xingchen was slightly taken aback when he heard this sentence, with the same tone and voice.

But, after all, it wasn't her...

"You're welcome, let's go, it's time to cook later."

Ye Xingchen grabbed Lin Miaomiao from the table next to him, and told Mai Mai to go to the camp over there.

Zhang Kaili asked, "Do any of you know how to cook?"

Ye Xingchen originally wanted to raise his hand, but Zhao Jinmai next to him took a step forward: "I will make two simple ones."

"Mai Mai can cook?" Li Sidani said in surprise.

Yang Mi followed from behind and heard this sentence: "Who can cook, Mai Mai?"

"You can cook."

Ye Xingchen also felt incredible.

Zhao Jinmai pretended to be angry: "Why, can't I know how to cook?"

Ye Xingchen quickly waved his hand: "No, that's not what I meant."

"Mai Mai, what kind of food do you know?" Zhang Kaili asked curiously.

"Just two simple ones, shredded potatoes and cabbage."

When Zhao Jinmai was talking about these two dishes, he took a special look at Ye Xingchen's reaction.

When Ye Xingchen heard these two dishes, his mind buzzed.

Yang Mi said at this time: "Did you learn it by yourself or what?"

"Well... I learned it by myself at home."

Ye Xingchen was still a little disappointed when he heard this answer.

"Let's start now, Mai Mai, now we are lucky." Liu Mintao applauded and encouraged.

"Well, don't be disgusted if it doesn't taste good." Because memory doesn't affect her very much, Mai Mai is still quite shy.

"It's okay, it's better than those of us who can only eat." Li Sidani said.

In the team, Li Sidani is considered to be a lively one, and she belongs to the kind of person who has something to say.

Zhao Jinmai looked at the tools on the table, washed and cut the potatoes and cabbage, then thought about the steps that Ye Xingchen gave him, and did it step by step.

With her efforts, the hot and sour potato shreds and hot and sour cabbage are ready.

Everyone was shocked when they saw Mai Mai's professional appearance.

Especially Ye Xingchen, if he didn't know that Miaomiao had disappeared, he really thought that the person in front of him was Lin Miaomiao.

(End of this chapter)

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