The road to academic dominance from the juvenile school

Chapter 211 The Person I Like Is Mai Mai

Chapter 211 The Person I Like Is Mai Mai
Yang Mi picked up the chopsticks and took a small taste.

"Yeah, it's delicious, the seasoning is just right, it's hot and sour, Ms. Mai Mai, you are amazing."

Zhao Jinmai: "No more, as long as everyone likes to eat, I will also make these two."

"Come to Xiaoding to have a taste." Zhang Kaili picked up a handful and put it into Ding Ding's mouth.

"It's delicious, it's absolutely amazing." Ding Chengxin immediately gave a thumbs up after tasting it.

Everyone was tasting it, but Ye Xingchen stood there in a daze.

"Hey, Xiao Chenchen, don't you want to try it? It's delicious." Yang Mi greeted.

"Ah, oh, let's taste it when we eat later. Everyone said that it tastes delicious. I usually like to taste good things at the end." Ye Xingchen regained his composure after being woken up by Sister Mi Said.

"Okay then, let's continue cooking, let's eat together after a while, Ms. Mai Mai, thank you very much for making dinner for everyone."

Yang Mi also gave a thumbs up and made a gesture of heart in the air.

Zhao Jinmai pretended to receive the heart from a distance, and then returned a heartfelt comparison.

Ye Xingchen saw the two people beside him covering their foreheads, and thought to himself, are all the stars so childish now?
In fact, when Mai Mai was cooking just now, he kept watching Ye Xingchen's reaction. Zhao Jinmai wanted to see his familiarity with this program, so that he could have an illusion. Black belly.

Immediately after Xiaoding's fried beef came out of the pan, tonight's dinner was all ready.

Everyone gathered around a small long table, listening to the sound of rain, enjoying tonight's dinner.

Sister Yang Mi raised her glass first and said, "To celebrate our successful first day of camping and the addition of our new Huashao members, how about having a drink together?"

Li Sidani: "Cheers! Cheers!"

Ye Xingchen also toasted together, although it's not wine, but tea instead of wine: "Thank you everyone!"

Yang Mi asked: "By the way, little brother Ye, can you tell us how you feel after staying with us for a day? It's like the difference between our reality and the screen."

Seemingly simple questions cannot be answered with simple answers. Most people are likely to just express their feelings directly.

But who is Ye Xingchen? He knew that Sister Mi was digging a hole for him, so he thought for a while and said: "First of all, I am really lucky to meet you here as an amateur. Ask me about the screen If there is any difference between you on the screen and you in reality, then I can only say that you are more handsome and beautiful in reality than on the screen."

Li Sidani covered her mouth: "Wow, Xiao Chenchen is so cunning. Although she may be suspected of flattering, it sounds quite comfortable."

Mai Mai also put down the soup in his hand and gave Ye Xingchen a look, as if to say, "It's you."

"For you to pass the test, I will reward you with a piece of beef." Yang Mi picked up a piece of meat with his chopsticks and put it in Ye Xingchen's bowl.

Ye Xingchen quickly thanked: "Thank you, Miss Mi."

But after seeing this scene, Maimai on the right slammed the corn in the bowl with chopsticks, thinking to himself: "Hmph, if you eat food from other girls, your favorability will be reduced by one."

"Mai Mai, why don't you eat it? Is the soup I made bad?"

Zhang Kaili looked at Maimai holding her bowl and thought it was not to her liking.

Mai Mai: "No, I just, I just want to cool it down for a while before drinking."

Zhang Kaili said with concern: "You still have to drink the soup while it's hot, drink it quickly, it won't taste good when it's cold."

"Be good, drink it while it's hot." Ye Xingchen also said with concern.

Originally thought that Zhao Jin Mai would say thank you shyly to him, but Mai Mai rolled his eyes at him and then said in a coquettish tone:
"I want you to take care of it?"

"Eh..." Ye Xingchen was a little at a loss for a moment, he didn't know where he said something wrong.

Zhao Jinmai suddenly realized that she had lost her composure, and her face turned red.

I can only cover it up with words: "Well, why did you take the college entrance examination again."

Ye Xingchen was thoughtful: "I just suddenly want to take the exam again, so I won't leave any regrets in my life."

"Is it just for this reason?" Zhao Jinmai kept stirring the soup in the bowl with the chopsticks in his hand, using it to cover up his nervousness.

"Otherwise? What else can there be?"

Ye Xingchen asked back.

"That's it."

Yang Mi looked at the two people who were chatting happily and interjected: "Did Xiaochen have a girlfriend in college?"

Han Dongjun and Ding Chengxin smiled at each other, watching the show quietly.

"No." Ye Xingchen answered very simply.

Yang Mi expressed disbelief: "Really, you are so handsome and no one is chasing you?"

"Really not, mother solo 20 years."

Li Sidani heard Ye Xingchen put down his chopsticks unconsciously: "Impossible, I don't believe it, you are definitely chased by many girls at school."

"No, why don't you believe it?"

"Then you always have someone you like?" Yang Mi continued to ask.

Ye Xingchen's brain hadn't responded yet, so he subconsciously said, "That's right."

"Wow, if you like someone who hasn't been together until now, you can't be a crush."

Li Sidani asked in surprise.

Ye Xingchen saw their gossip one after another, if he didn't quickly end this topic, then after the show was broadcast, he would really have no privacy at all.I saw his brain spinning rapidly, and there was.

"The person I like is Mai Mai."

As soon as the answer came out, everyone froze on the spot.

Yang Mi couldn't believe his ears: "What did you just say?"

"The person I like is Mai Mai." Ye Xingchen repeated what he said just now.

Zhao Jinmai, who was next to him, listened to it twice in a row, and now he dared not lift his shy head.

"Brother Chen, you are too... bold." Ding Chengxin admired Ye Xingchen's courage to say this on the show.

"What's the matter, I'm a loyal fan of Mai Mai. Is there anything wrong with liking Mai Mai? I've always been a brother fan. Besides, Mai Mai's fans all like Mai Mai. Why are you so surprised? "Ye Xingchen pretended not to know what they were surprised by, and explained to them what he wanted to express just now.

"Hey, I've been doing this for a long time because I like it, it's boring." Li Sidani's heart of gossip was extinguished just after it was ignited.

Now it was Ye Xingchen's turn to counterattack: "What did you think about just now?"

"Hahaha, it's nothing, nothing, by the way, secret group, do you have any battle plan for tomorrow?" Li Sidani giggled and quickly changed the subject.

When it comes to business, everyone is sitting upright.At this time our secret group rose to speak.

"Ahem, everyone look at me, let me arrange tomorrow's tasks for you."

Mai Mai, who was still drinking soup, quickly put it down and listened carefully to the task given by the secret group.

"Tomorrow's task is to prevent anyone from getting up before 10 o'clock."

"Pfft, cough, cough, cough." Ye Xingchen choked directly, "I'm sorry, I accidentally choked. Sister Mi, please continue.

(End of this chapter)

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