Chapter 212 Do You Know Ye Xingchen?

"Why, Little Xingchen has a problem with my arrangement, so how about it, you get up early tomorrow and help us clean up in advance, we can go straight away when we get up."

Hearing this, Ye Xingchen quickly expressed his loyalty: "I have no objection, absolutely no objection, I obey the commander's orders 100%."

Yang Mi gave Ye Xingchen a knowing look, and then went on to talk about the upcoming itinerary.

Seeing that he had finally escaped this level, Ye Xingchen breathed a sigh of relief. He turned around and saw Zhao Jinmai looking at him with a different look, and couldn't help asking in a low voice in doubt: "Is there something dirty on my face?" Something? Why are you looking at me like that?"

Zhao Jinmai said slowly, "Ye Xingchen, I despise you."



Ye Xingchen was confused and offended two people in just 3 minutes. The point is that he didn't know what he had done.

Seeing that everything was almost explained, Yang Mi asked everyone to go to bed early.

"Okay, let's all come here today, everyone take a bath and sleep well, and get up early tomorrow to clean up."

Ye Xingchen looked back at Zhao Jinmai: "Maimai, why don't you go sleep in my RV with sister Danni, and I'll go to the tent."

"No, I'll just sleep in the tent. You should go back quickly and get a good sleep. There are still many tasks to do tomorrow."

Seeing that Mai Mai refused, Ye Xingchen didn't force it either: "Okay, then I'll go back first, good night."

"good night!"

Ye Xingchen walked towards his RV with Snowball in his arms.Little did he know that Mai Mai had been watching him from behind, until he returned to the RV, and then looked away.

"Mai Mai, let's go, go to bed early." Li Sidani took her hand from behind.

"Okay." Zhao Jinmai withdrew her gaze and returned to her tent.

Ye Xingchen took a shower, changed his clothes and lay down on the luxurious bed in his RV, thinking about what happened today, he never thought that he and Mai Mai would meet in this way, thinking about it, he felt drowsy, After a while, there was a steady breathing sound in the RV.

Mai Mai, who was lying in the tent, was also full of thoughts. She did not expect that the two would meet in the recording of this variety show, let alone that the program team would temporarily pull Ye Xingchen to participate in the recording of this program.


"Huh? What's wrong."

Zhao Jinmai put away her thoughts and turned around to ask.

Li Sidani asked a question that had been puzzling for a day: "You and Ye Xingchen have known each other for a long time, haven't you?"

Zhao Jinmai: "No, why do you ask that?"

"It just feels like the two of you are very familiar, and you have a tacit understanding in everything you do."

Zhao Jinmai was ashamed: "Sister, you feel wrong, we didn't say a few words today."

"Really? Maybe I feel wrong. Go to bed early, good night sister."

"good night!"

Looking at Li Sidani who was sleeping with her eyes closed, Mai Mai couldn't help sighing that a woman's intuition is right.

"I'm asleep too."

After Zhao Jinmai covered the camera, she let go of all thoughts and went to sleep peacefully.

The next day, Ye Xingchen got up on time at 6 o'clock as usual, and took a simple wash. Ye Xingchen opened the door. It was still cloudy outside. It seemed that it had been raining for the past two days. Go back and get ready for Snowball. After milk and food, I went out to see the camp of Huashao members.

At this time, Maimai had just come out of the tent, and because of memory, her biological clock was also at 6 o'clock.

Ye Xingchen stepped forward and whispered hello: "Morning, Mai Mai, why don't you sleep a little longer."

"I can't fall asleep when I wake up, I'm used to it. Don't look at me, I haven't washed yet." Zhao Jinmai yawned, still looking like she was still awake.

"Go wash at my place, they probably haven't woken up now, don't disturb them."

"Okay. You wait for me for a while, I'll get some toiletries."

Mai Mai returned to the tent and took out a small black bag from inside.

"Okay, let's go."

Ye Xingchen brought Zhao Jinmai to his RV, and showed her around the facilities.

"This place is for washing. There is a small makeup table over there. There is a bathroom inside, and you can also take a shower. You can wash up first. I'll go outside for some activities." After the introduction, Ye Xingchen politely avoided.

"Okay, sorry to trouble you."

"It's okay, don't bother, you can be busy!"

After Ye Xingchen went out, Zhao Jinmai looked around the room curiously, and found that although the caravan was not big, it was well-equipped with all internal organs, and there was an observation deck on the top, which could be used to watch the starry sky on sunny days.

Xueqiu was sleeping back to sleep after eating, when Zhao Jinmai came to it and stroked it gently.

"Does Snowball still recognize me?"

"Meow meow~"

Seeing Xueqiu responding to him, Zhao Jinmai was very happy.

"Snowball is so good. You must be very lonely yourself. After mom returns, I will find you a good friend. I will call him Heitan from now on. You two should love each other."

As soon as Mai Mai's voice fell, the artificial intelligence system jumped out.

"looking for me?"

"Ah~ ghost." Zhao Jinmai was frightened by the sudden sound, and squatted down to hug her body tightly.

"I'm not a ghost, I'm an artificial intelligence, and my name is Heitan."

Zhao Jinmai slowly raised her head to look around and did not find the so-called "ghost", so she mustered up her courage and replied: "Artificial intelligence, there is artificial intelligence in this car?"

"Of course, I am Heitan, an artificial intelligence, an existence whose intelligence can rival Jarvis, no, an existence that is more powerful than Jarvis."

Mai Mai showed a look of disdain: "Cut, bragging, I don't believe it."

"In the smart scan, Zhao Jinmai, female, height 165, weight 40kg, three..."

Zhao Jinmai hurriedly stopped: "Shut up! Can't I believe it?"


"It's weird, I'm going to wash up, Heitan, can you adjust the water temperature for me?" Zhao Jinmai asked angrily.

"No, I only obey Mr. Ye Xingchen's orders, I'm very sorry."

"You...Okay, I'll adjust it myself."

Zhao Jinmai adjusted the water temperature carefully. When the water temperature was right, she began to wash her face, brush her teeth and hair. After drying her hair with a hair dryer, she began to touch up her makeup to prepare for today's shooting. He took out the headband and tied himself a single ponytail.

After doing all this, Ye Xingchen just came back from a walk.

"Washed up?"

"Well, I'm done washing up, thank you." Mai Mai stood up and smiled sweetly at Ye Xingchen.

"Don't be so polite."

Ye Xingchen found that Mai Mai with a single ponytail seemed to look better, giving people a very sassy feeling, and this familiar feeling was also present on Miao Miao's body.

Seeing Ye Xingchen staring at him, Zhao Jinmai couldn't help but ask, "Well, what are you looking at?"

"Oh, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, my one, you look good today." Ye Xingchen noticed his gaffe and quickly apologized.

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(End of this chapter)

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