Chapter 213 Scumbag!

But Zhao Jinmai didn't get carried away by Ye Xingchen's praise, she pointed at Ye Xingchen and said playfully, "Slick tongue, do you often say that to other girls, hmph, you really are a scumbag."

Ye Xingchen was dumbfounded by what she said, and suddenly felt speechless. In his impression, Zhao Jinmai was not like this. Why does it feel that now that he has grown up, he is living like Lin Miaomiao more and more, an illusion?

Seeing that Ye Xingchen didn't speak, Zhao Jinmai thought Ye Xingchen was angry: "Hey, why don't you talk, won't I guess it?"

Ye Xingchen glanced at her and looked away, and said calmly: "Mai Mai, do you know how to reduce the troubles in life?"

"How to reduce it?"

Ye Xingchen continued to answer: "As long as you don't argue with stupid people, that's fine."

"Ah? What do you mean?"

Suddenly hearing him talk about this topic, Zhao Jinmai felt inexplicable.

Ye Xingchen patted her on the shoulder and said with concern: "Take care of yourself, I'll help everyone pack up first."

After Ye Xingchen finished speaking, he walked out of the caravan, leaving only Zhao Jinmai in a daze.

Zhao Jinmai frowned, because she always felt that what Ye Xingchen said just now was not a good thing, suddenly she seemed to think of something and her face became very ugly, Ye Xingchen actually called her stupid.

"Bastard, Ye Xingchen, you are finished, wait to die, ah..."

Fortunately, the director's team hadn't woken up yet, and Ye Xingchen's RV didn't have any camera equipment installed in or around it, and Zhao Jinmai didn't bring a microphone either.Otherwise, Mai Mai's elegant image in front of fans will be gone.

Ye Xingchen came to the campsite to pack the dishes, because they hadn't woken up yet, so these things couldn't be taken back to the RV. According to the plan made by the secret group yesterday, it was absolutely impossible to wake up at 7 o'clock and set off at 10 o'clock. Because they have to pack all the things they bring for half a day, it is simply impossible to think of packing so many things in 3 hours.

At this time, the program crew had already started a day of recording, which made Ye Xingchen admire their dedication, the actors hadn't woken up, they were already working, sure enough, the world is uncertain, you and I are both bulls and horses.

Zhao Jinmai walked over angrily, ignored Ye Xingchen, and went directly to his tent to pack his things.Ye Xingchen just laughed haha ​​and continued to work on his own affairs.The little girl will be fine after a while.

The time soon came to 7:00, and everyone got up to wash up one by one.After all, in order to record a program next, one must maintain a good image.

During this period, Ye Xingchen asked the director team whether he still needs to hand in his mobile phone, and whether his RV can continue to be used in the next recording.Originally, the program group needed to confiscate them, but because they didn't prepare so many tents, they had to license Ye Xingchen to continue using them.As for the mobile phone, it was not confiscated, as long as it was not used all the time during the recording process.

"Wow, who cleaned this up? It's so hardworking. Let me see which good baby it is." Our team leader Yang Mi, the little fairy, couldn't help but praise when she saw the pots and pans that had been packed.

"Is it Brother Jun?" Li Sidani said.

As soon as he finished speaking, Han Dongjun came out of the tent yawning.

"Who called me?"

Yang Mi then asked: "Did you clean up the army?"

Han Dongjun was not fully awake yet, rubbed his eyes and asked, "What? Hey? Who packed this up? It's all packed up."

At this time, Zhao Jinmai came out of the tent and said, "This is what Ye Xingchen just cleaned up."

"What about others?" Yang Mi asked.

"I don't know, I should go back to his RV." Zhao Jinmai really didn't pay attention to where Ye Xingchen went, because he was sullen and ignored him just now.

"I'm here!" Ye Xingchen ran over from a distance.

After Yang Mi saw Ye Xingchen, he immediately showed a kind and cordial smile: "Xiao Chenchen, where did you go just now?"

Ye Xingchen was taken aback by Yang Mi's sudden and friendly tone. As the saying goes, if you don't have anything to do, you can either rape or steal.You have to protect yourself.

"I just discussed with the director team and said that I can use my RV, and I don't have to hand in my mobile phone, but the team funds can still only be used with the original ones, and can't be used from me."

"That's it, that's great, we're worried about having no place to put things. By the way. Did you pack these?"

Ye Xingchen nodded: "That's right, I think you are still awake, and it feels a little strange to leave at 10 o'clock, so I helped you clean up in advance."

Yang Mi: "Thank you very much, then let's pack up quickly. Brother Xiaoding still has an exam today, so everyone has to hurry up. Han Dongjun, Sister Kelly said yesterday that he didn't sleep much yesterday, and then he wanted to take the lead."

Han Dongjun readily agreed: "Yes."

"That's fine, then you and I, Xiao Ding, Miss Kelly."

"No, my car won't work."

"Oh yes, your car can only hold three people, right?"


Yang Mi thought for a while and then said: "Then I will take the tail car, because Ye Xingchen's RV director team said that it can be used, so let Mai Mai join him. I mainly want to arrive early so that I can help everyone make arrangements, then How about this, everyone, hurry up and start on time at 10 o'clock."

Sister Kelly responded: "Okay!"

Ye Xingchen helped the others put their luggage on the car, and then started to help them dismantle the tent. Everyone was busy and wanted to pack their things as soon as possible.

Yang Mi came to Mai Mai's side and watched Ye Xingchen standing beside him holding an umbrella for Mai Mai, while Mai Mai packed the suitcase by himself.

"Ye Xingchen, you just look at it like this for a boy."

Ye Xingchen smiled helplessly and said, "I want to too, but she refuses to let me help, and even said she would hit me when I helped."

"I didn't." Seeing Ye Xingchen's complaint, Maimai, who had always maintained an image of a good girl in front of her sister, finally couldn't stand it any longer.

"You two, forget it, the luggage in the car can't fit now, Ye Xingchen, please drive your car over, it happens to pack some suitcases, there should be room." Yang Mi informed them of the current situation.

Ye Xingchen nodded: "Yes, my car has a lot of space. By the way, I just heard that Teacher Kelly didn't sleep well. Do you want to sleep in my RV for a while? I just need to drive more steadily."

"No need, just let Sister Kelly take the lead car, you and Mai Mai, because there are not enough seats in the car now."

"I'm fine, the main reason is that she doesn't want to." After saying that, he didn't forget to look at Mai Mai.

At this time, Zhao Jinmai was looking at him fiercely, why did he use this word, because Maimai's angry appearance made people feel very cute.

"Mai Mai stop messing around, you and Ye Xingchen can go together. It's running out of time now," Yang Mi said.

"Okay." Mai Mai was helpless, he didn't want to talk to Ye Xingchen at first, but now that Sister Mi has spoken, he can't be willful anymore.

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(End of this chapter)

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