The road to academic dominance from the juvenile school

Chapter 214 Zhao Jinmai Gradually Transformed into a Miaomiao

Chapter 214 Zhao Jinmai Gradually Transformed into a Miaomiao

Ye Xingchen drove his RV over to help load everyone's luggage, which relieved a lot of pressure on the already full off-road vehicle.

"Good guy, your interior is too luxurious. You can't get it under 800." Han Dongjun knows cars very well, and he knows at a glance that such an interior is expensive.

"It's okay, now is not the time to discuss the price. Brother Xiao Ding has an exam today. You can take Teacher Kelly and brother and go first. Let's stay and pack the tent." Ye Xingchen looked at it Watch, knowing there's no time for small talk anymore.

"Xiao Chenchen is right, the three of you go first, or it will be too late."

Yang Mi urged.

Because she knows what is important and what is not, it is inevitable that everyone will be in a hurry for the first time camping.

At this time, Liu Mintao walked aside, looked at the hurrying crowd, couldn't help but shed tears, basically didn't sleep well last night, and today was so busy, the pressure instantly felt great.

Fortunately, Ye Xingchen still had a deep understanding of camping. He directed everyone to dismantle all the tents in order, and everyone packed the tents smoothly.

Because the original towed caravan of the program group was in a mess, the towing staff told everyone not to do this, it would affect the driving and cause accidents.

So Ye Xingchen had no choice but to spread the things on his car so that the RV could run normally.

"It's a good thing we have you Chen. Otherwise, we don't know how long it will take us to start today." Yang Mi was glad that Ye Xingchen could join in midway.

Ye Xingchen glanced around: "Don't say that, it's easy to do. By the way, sister Mintao, I haven't seen her all this time, maybe she's not feeling well."

Yang Mi looked behind: "I don't know, let me go and have a look."

"Okay, sister, go and have a look. Maimai and I can just clean up." Ye Xingchen said, "Maimai, you can get in the car first, I'll pack the dishes and we can set off."

"Okay, then be careful, that dish is very heavy." Zhao Jinmai still cared about Ye Xingchen in her heart, and she wasn't really angry just now, but just wanted to get back the feeling of the two of them.


After Yang Mi found Miss Mintao, he comforted her for a while, and then got into the car with her.

Li Sidani also cared about sister Mintao, so she suggested that she should drive the journey ahead. The two comforted and encouraged Liu Mintao for a while, and then Liu Mintao got better.

Zhao Jinmai got into Ye Xingchen's co-pilot, Ye Xingchen clicked to start the car, and followed Yang Mi and the others.

Looking at the dazed Mai Mai next to him, Ye Xingchen asked with concern: "Are you hungry?"

Zhao Jinmai shook her head.

At this time, I remembered the sound of "Gu~" in the car.
"Haha, okay, don't hold on anymore." Ye Xingchen couldn't help laughing, although Mai Mai said so, but his stomach is quite honest.

Mai Mai blushed, and an awkward atmosphere filled the car.

Ye Xingchen took out a bag of snacks from the side that he had prepared a long time ago: "No, here are the snacks and water I just took from the back. I don't know what you like, so I took some according to my taste."

Zhao Jinmai took it, opened it, and found that it was all her favorite food. To be precise, it was all Miao Miao's favorite food. She was a little bit angry with Ye Xingchen, and her mood suddenly became super good.

"Is this what you like to eat?" Zhao Jinmai looked at Ye Xingchen in the driver's seat.

"Hmm! It's delicious. Although I know that you stars need to keep fit and can't eat this kind of puffed food, it doesn't matter if you eat it once in a while."

"Really, then I'll give it a try." Zhao Jinmai skillfully opened the package, and ate it unceremoniously.

Ye Xingchen drove the car intently, without turning his head to look at Mai Mai, otherwise he would feel that Mai Mai's movements at this time were exactly the same as Miao Miao's.

The bored Zhao Jinmai couldn't help chatting with Ye Xingchen: "By the way, you said yesterday that the money to buy this car was won in a lottery?"

Ye Xingchen nodded: "Yes."

Zhao Jinmai couldn't help asking the question that he had been wondering in his heart: "Why are you so lucky and always win the lottery?"

Ye Xingchen was stunned when he heard this: "What do you mean I always win the lottery, I just won this time."

At this time, Zhao Jinmai also realized that he had said something wrong, and hurriedly made amends: "I mean, why does winning the lottery always happen to other people, and I have never won the lottery."

Ye Xingchen suddenly became interested: "Have you ever bought a lottery ticket?"

"I bought it once in a while, but I didn't win anything."

"Hahaha, maybe I'm lucky."

At this time, Ye Xingchen's car had already installed a fixed camera for the program group, so the conversation between the two had been completely recorded, but Ye Xingchen didn't care, after all, that's how recording programs are.

"By the way, Xueqiu." Zhao Jinmai immediately changed the subject in order not to make Ye Xingchen suspicious.

"Lying back in its den and watching TV, it is much more comfortable than us." Ye Xingchen said with a smile.

"Did you feed her?"

"It was fed in the morning."

"That's good."

Afterwards, neither of them spoke. Maybe because the atmosphere was too dry, Ye Xingchen turned on the music in the car.

In the dynamic of the DJ, Mai Mai couldn't help but sway along with the singing. He was a little restrained at the beginning, but later he released his nature and completely let go of his hands and feet.

"Sister, sister, sister, let's drive, why don't we let you jump in the car somewhere?" Ye Xingchen hurriedly stopped her from continuing, or if there was an accident, it would be big news.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I can't help it, I can't help it, hahaha, can you ask the director to cut this part for me in the later stage, this is not me, I must be possessed." Zhao Jinmai covered her forehead, and it was over. People all over the country know that he is a fool.

Ye Xingchen next to him saw such a lively Mai Mai for the first time, and couldn't help laughing: "Pfft, hahahaha, Mai Mai, are you always like this?"

"I didn't. I did this today. Forget it, don't explain it. You can drive well. I don't want to talk to you." Zhao Jin Maisheng leaned against the window, wanting to get out of the car quickly, no, she Now I want to escape from this earth.

Finally, after a long journey, all of them arrived at their destination.

Zhang Kaili saw that everyone had arrived, so she came out and greeted Dao's family for dinner: "Oh, you've already arrived, hurry up and eat."

"I can't, I'm starving to death." Yang Mi said after getting out of the car, "Ye Xingchen! Come and eat."

Ye Xingchen stuck out his head from the car and responded, "Here we come, Mai Mai, let's go down."

"Wait a minute, I'll clean up the garbage." Zhao Jinmai took out all the garbage he ate on the road and put it in the trash can next to him.

Ye Xingchen hurriedly asked after getting out of the car: "How's my brother's exam going? Is there no delay?"

Ding also responded politely: "No, no, thank you Brother Chen for your concern, I did very well in the exam."

"That's good!"

(End of this chapter)

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