Chapter 215

A few people came to the house very uncertainly.

Yang Mi looked at the environment and asked uncertainly: "Are you sure this is a restaurant?"

"It should be. Many farmhouses are like this." Ye Xingchen has seen many restaurants of this kind in the village, so it is not surprising.

Zhang Kaili warmly greeted everyone: "Sit down and eat, I'll tell you that this meat is delicious."

Ye Xingchen sat down to eat with these celebrities. Although he was not so restrained, it still felt weird. Fortunately, he was supported by a strong psychological quality and self-confidence.

Yang Mi saw Ye Xingchen didn't put down his chopsticks and asked concerned: "Xingchen, why don't you eat, don't you like it?"

Ye Xingchen: "No, this dish looks very appetizing, but I feel a little uncomfortable eating with you."

"Ham, just treat us like ordinary people. Come and eat a piece of meat. You have worked hard today. Get up early in the morning to help us pack our luggage or something. Eat quickly."

Yang Mi used chopsticks to pick up a piece of meat for Ye Xingchen, not acting like a star at all, but more like a caring big sister.

"Thank you Miss Mi!"

Now that Sister Mi said so, Ye Xingchen didn't continue to hold it, so he moved his chopsticks to eat this "big meal" with everyone.

Seeing this familiar scene again, Zhao Jinmai was very dissatisfied, and she muttered in a low voice: "It's like a child, you don't feel ashamed to eat until someone else feeds it into your mouth."

"What are you muttering about?" Ye Xingchen didn't hear clearly because the words were vague and quiet.

Mai Mai immediately returned to his original appearance, pretending to be stupid and said: "I'm not muttering, I just said that this dish is delicious."

But she remembered all these little things in her heart, and she would have to settle the account in the future.

Ye Xingchen adjusted his eyebrows: "Really?"

Zhao Jinmai put down her chopsticks and winked at him: "Yes."


Ye Xingchen looked at Miss Mintao, who was opposite her, not in a good spirit, looking listless.Reminiscent of sister Mi saying this morning that she didn't sleep well yesterday, she might be too tired now, so Ye Xingchen made a suggestion.

"Everyone try to eat as quickly as possible. After eating, let's go up and set up the tent as soon as possible, because I think everyone is a little tired. Go and pack up in the morning. We will rest early today."

"Brother Xingchen is right, we have a heavy task today." After hearing this, Han Dongjun also agreed, because his experience this morning told him that it is necessary to prepare early.

Yang Mi looked at Ye Xingchen and then at Miss Mintao, and immediately understood what Ye Xingchen meant: "Okay, then let's eat quickly, so as not to affect our itinerary."

After the meal was over, Mai Mai went to pay the bill. Although the environment of the restaurant was not very good, the price of the dishes was not cheap, and the total cost was 469 yuan.

After paying the bill, Yang Mi called Ye Xingchen out for a chat alone.

Ye Xingchen: "What's the matter, Miss Mi, why are you looking for me?"

"Xiao Chenchen was very thoughtful just now." Yang Mi looked at Ye Xingchen and said with a smile.

Ye Xingchen was taken aback by the sudden compliment: "Ah, what, sister Mi, what are you talking about?"

Yang Mi rolled Ye Xingchen's eyes and said, "Come on, didn't you just say that to make sister Mintao rest early? You have a high EQ, so you didn't say it directly."

"Haha, Miss Mi, did you see it?" Ye Xingchen scratched the back of his head.

Yang Mi said arrogantly: "Hmph, it doesn't matter who I am, I'm the team leader."

The two were chatting, and everyone came over.

Han Dongjun's face was full of sadness: "Miss Mi, there is a bad news now, our RV can't go up, because it's a towed type of mountain climbing may not be possible, although Ye Xingchen's RV is not towed, but the mountain road The turns are relatively large and shaky, so I can’t go up.”

Ye Xingchen couldn't help frowning when he heard the news. Without an RV, it meant that it was impossible to drag all the luggage there, and maybe even the basic daily necessities couldn't be loaded.

Zhao Jinmai also thought of these questions: "Then what should we do with those things?"

"Why don't you go up there with your necessities first." Ye Xingchen suggested, "Because there are eight of us in total, two cars can't carry much, so we have to go up first anyway."

Yang Mi nodded, thinking that this is the only way to go: "Then listen to Chenchen, everyone first take the necessities and go up to have a look."

Han Dongjun: "OK, yes."

"Okay then, let's go."

When several people took their belongings and were about to get in the car, the problem came.

Ye Xingchen looked at the two cars and asked, "Which one should I take?"

Yang Mi: "Xiaochen, go to Han Dongjun's car, me, Mai Mai, Danni and Sister Mintao's car."

"Can you drive up the mountain road? I think sister Mintao is quite tired, I'm worried..." Ye Xingchen expressed his concerns.


Yang Mi also felt that Ye Xingchen's worry was correct, but there was no one else to open the mountain road except sister Mintao, so suddenly she looked at Ye Xingchen.

"Brother, it's okay for you to drive the mountain road."

Ye Xingchen replied: "It should be fine, my driving skills are not bad."

Yang Mi immediately made a decision: "Then you drive, and let Min Tao take a break. Danni, you can go to Han Dongjun's car, and I will let Ye Xingchen drive."

Li Sidani: "OK, yes, I'm fine."

"Okay, then everyone, get in the car quickly, Mai Mai, Sister Mintao, let's go."

Zhao Jinmai: "Here we come."

Ye Xingchen got into the driver's seat immediately, Mai Mai and Yang Mi sat in the back, and sister Mintao sat in the co-pilot's seat.

Han Dongjun used the walkie-talkie to say to Ye Xingchen and the others: "Just follow me, I won't drive very fast, you must follow well, let's go."

Zhao Jinmai immediately responded, "Understood."

Then he looked at Ye Xingchen in front and asked, "Why did you get this car?"

"Isn't that obvious? I'm here to be your driver." Ye Xingchen said with a smile.

Liu Mingtao said with some concern: "Why don't I drive it, I'm fine."

Yang Mi: "No need, sister Mintao, just rest and let Xiaochen drive. His driving skills should be fine. His RV should need an A1 certificate, right Xiaochen."

Ye Xingchen lined up his chest and promised: "Yes, A1, so leave it to me, it's okay, you can take a good rest, Miss Mintao."

"Hahaha, when I was in his car today, he drove quite steadily." Maimai raised his hand behind to testify.

"That's good, then I'll take a nap for a while." Liu Mintao breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that he could finally take a rest.

At this time, Ye Xingchen suddenly thought of something: "By the way, when we come down to get things and luggage later, we must still come down together. If this is the case, we still won't be able to hold much luggage."

Mai Mai asked suspiciously, "Why?"

"Because only you know what you want to take." Ye Xingchen reminded.

After hearing the sermon, Yang Mi clapped his hands: "That's right, we will go up like this for a while and then come down again."

 Thanks to book friends 20211216201707840 for the monthly ticket

  Thanks to Beifengbei for the monthly ticket to be rewarded

  Thanks to Mingmu Zuishang for the monthly ticket

  Thank you Moonlight Treasure Box for the monthly ticket rewarded by the ancient wolf

  Thank you Moonlight Treasure Box Laolang for the book coin

  Thank you brothers who voted for recommendation, thank you for your support
(End of this chapter)

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