The road to academic dominance from the juvenile school

Chapter 219 Are you sure you don't want to go?

Chapter 219 Are you sure you don't want to go?
"I feel good and want to go." Ding Chengxin said in a low voice.

Although everyone is in high spirits, as the head of the group, he still has to consider economic issues.

"Don't be happy, everyone. It charges 588 to 688."

As soon as these words came out, the smiles on everyone's faces froze instantly.

"Wow, it's so expensive." Li Sidani opened her mouth wide.

At this time, Yang Mi went on to make up for everyone. "I was just talking about a person."

"One?" Ding Chengxin sat up straight instantly.

Yang Mi: "If anyone wants to paraglider, please vote and I will count the number."

Ye Xingchen raised his hand without hesitation, followed by Mai Mai, Ding Chengxin, Han Dongjun, and Li Sidani.

Looking at the five children in front of him, Yang Mi was so worried that he was dying.

"Then... well, let's call and ask later."

"Well... Do we have enough funds?" Ye Xingchen hesitantly raised his hand, "If not, can I quit now? I want to play by myself. It's too pitiful to play with you, PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds, woooooo .”

Yang Mi sneered: "Hehe, I can't, just be honest, Mai Mai, you look at him, if he wants to run, break his leg."

"Okay, leave it to me." After that, he found a broken log from the side and put it beside him.

Seeing this, Ye Xingchen quickly shut up.

It's too cruel, why did I come to this show in the first place.

Han Dongjun called the staff, and was told by the staff that the weather was bad and it might be dangerous.

After hearing the news, everyone looked disappointed.

At this moment, the sky suddenly exploded with thunder.

Almost at the same moment, Ye Xingchen covered Mai Mai with his hands.

Although everyone was frightened, they still saw Ye Xingchen's small movements.

But Ye Xingchen didn't think too much about it, and hurriedly said:

"Everyone, go back to the house quickly. Our place is full of needles, which is very dangerous. In addition, this is the top of the mountain."

"What is a pin?"

Everyone doesn't understand the concept of pins very well.

At this time, Han Dongjun came out and explained to them: "The high point will lead the way. Brother Xingchen was right just now. We are particularly dangerous on the top of the mountain."

At this time, the staff also came over and told everyone to go back to the house quickly.

Several people got up and held umbrellas, and hurried into the house.

Because Mai Mai was holding the kitten in his hand, Ye Xingchen held an umbrella for her beside her.

At this moment, there was another thunderclap.Ye Xingchen instinctively sensed the danger, threw the umbrella out without hesitation, and then said to Miss Mi behind:
"Quick, throw away the umbrella."

After hearing this, everyone followed suit and threw their umbrellas on the road.

Ye Xingchen took off his coat, put it on the heads of the two, and then said to Mai Mai next to him, "Let's go quickly."

"But you..."

"It's okay, I'll go back and change my clothes."


Maimai's eyes seemed to glow in the dark, and her face was rarely flushed, but it was a pity that she couldn't see it at night.

After several people returned to the house, Li Sidani shouted: "My friends, I was almost struck by lightning, almost, I feel like I'm burnt."

"Haha, then you can play for the rest of your life." Han Dongjun laughed loudly.

On the other hand, Mai Mai smiled more reservedly, and probably didn't come out during the close contact between the two just now.

At this moment, Yang Mi smiled and said, "Hey, did you see that just now, when the thunder struck for the first time, Ye Xingchen looked so manly protecting Mai Mai."

"Yes, yes, yes, I saw it, and I protected it with a swipe. I wanted to say it just now." Li Si suddenly sat up straight and said, the fear of being almost struck by lightning just now disappeared.

Han Dongjun said half-jokingly: "As soon as this program is broadcast, Brother Xingchen is in danger."


While everyone was teasing Ye Xingchen and Zhao Jinmai, the staff came over and told them about tonight's arrangements.

"Because it is more dangerous to go down the mountain today, there are two rooms in this place, and then there is a group of boys and a group of girls, let's spend tonight first."

"Okay, okay, that's it. Let's read all the items first, and then raise your hands if you want to go."

Mike: "Yes"

Ye Xingchen: "OK!"

"The first one is Zhuting Fresh Fruit Town."

Everyone shut down.

"Okay, come on, the next person, Happy Farm."

No one spoke.

Han Dongjun scanned around and saw no one responded, then joked, "Okay, this farm is no longer happy from now on."

"Hahahahaha!" ×8
"Next, grab the bamboo shoots in the morning."

Mai Mai: "Haha, grab the bamboo shoots!"

Yang Mi: "Pick bamboo shoots, pick bamboo shoots!"

Han Dongjun took the lead: "I can try picking bamboo shoots."

Zhao Jinmai: "I can do it too!"

Liu Mintao and Li Si immediately raised their hands.

Zhao Jinmai looked at Ye Xingchen and found that he didn't make any moves.

"Hey, aren't you going?"

"Well, no." Ye Xingchen said lightly.

Mai Mai asked puzzled, "Why?"

"do not like."

The answer is still very simple.

"Forget it." Seeing Ye Xingchen being so ignorant, Zhao Jinmai angrily turned her head and ignored him.

In fact, Mai Mai still wanted to go with Ye Xingchen in his heart, but it couldn't be so obvious after recording the show.

In fact, it can be seen from Mai Mai's expression that after Ye Xingchen said no, he was not very interested in picking bamboo shoots.

"Four, right? Okay, then we'll be the next one, fishing and catching chickens. Does anyone want to go?" Han Dongjun said while catching chickens, he took a special look at Ding Chengxin.

Ding Chengxin immediately raised his hand: "I'll go!"

Yang Mi: "I'll accompany you, Ye Xingchen, you go too."

Ye Xingchen shook his head: "I don't want to go."

"Why? There are so many projects, you must participate in one."

"I'm here for camping, not for work. Moreover, when I was at home when I was a child, I caught chickens, fished, and worked in the fields. If you want to experience life, I won't go. But I am paragliding. You can play for a while." Ye Xingchen did not forget to raise his eyebrows after speaking.

Yang Mi: "Paragliding is too dangerous, otherwise we would have gone to play."

Li Sidani: "Yes, I want to play too, woo woo woo."

"Then I don't have anything else to play with." Ye Xingchen lay down on the back and began to play.

"Okay, tomorrow I, Ding Ding, Mai Mai, Tang Tang, and Ye Xingchen will catch the chicken." Yang Mi ignored Ye Xingchen's struggle and directly helped him make a decision.

Ye Xingchen was dazed and hurriedly said, "Hey, I'm not going, Miss Mi."

"Mai Mai, you should communicate with him. If he doesn't go, it will be up to you." Yang Mi said to Mai Mai calmly with his eyes fixed.

Zhao Jinmai nodded in agreement, then turned her head and smiled gently at Ye Xingchen, and asked, "Are you really not going?"

This sentence seems to be a simple interrogative sentence, but in fact the meaning expressed in it is very obvious, if you don't go, you will be finished.

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  The remaining chapter is not necessarily when, it will be published as soon as it is finished
(End of this chapter)

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