The road to academic dominance from the juvenile school

Chapter 220 Ye Xingchen's First Love

Chapter 220 Ye Xingchen's First Love
"Go, can't I go?"

There are several reasons why Ye Xingchen finally chose to go. One is that he invited himself to be Mai Mai. Subconsciously, Ye Xingchen still likes to follow Miao Miao, even if the other party is not.

Second, if he is recording a program now, he may be scolded if he doesn't do anything. Although Ye Xingchen doesn't care, if the keyboard man messes up the rhythm, it is very likely to be detrimental to the entire team.

Although Ye Xingchen has only been here for a few days, his identity is just an amateur.But in just a few days, he became the favorite of the entire Huashao team. He has strong hands-on ability, knows a lot of things, and is not afraid of hardship or tiredness. Who doesn't like such a tool person.

Yang Mi sighed lightly: "Oh, sure enough, I still have to look at Mai Mai, and no one else can invite me."

"That's right, Maimai can invite Brother Xingchen." Han Dongjun echoed.

Mai Mai whispered shyly, "Where is it?"

"Okay, stop talking, Mai Mai is shy." Li Si said.

Yang Mi made up his mind as soon as possible. "Then it's settled, then make a call now and tell them in advance."

"Okay, let's fight."

Li Si took out his mobile phone and called the staff in advance to ask about the specific situation.

During the period, Ding Ding also made a joke, asking what time the chicken gets up.

This really won't fix it for everyone.

After a brief exchange, the specific time to go was determined.

Because Ye Xingchen's phone was not turned in or muted, the sound was particularly loud when messages came.

ding dong~

Yang Mi looked at the people in front of him and asked, "Who's phone is ringing?"

"It's not ours, our voice is different." Li Sidani said.

Ye Xingchen took out his mobile phone from his trouser pocket and said, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, mine."

Yang Mi: "Yes, I forgot, he didn't hand in his mobile phone."

Ding Chengxin: "I'm so envious!"

Ye Xingchen took out his phone and opened WeChat, and the person who sent him a message was obviously his favorite person before time travel.

"Are you there?"

Ye Xingchen opened the dialog box and replied: "Well, what's wrong?"

ding dong~

"Did you retake the college entrance examination?"



"There's no reason for this, I just want to try it out of nowhere."

"Is it because of me? Actually, you don't have to go to the same school as me."

Seeing the message she sent, Ye Xingchen couldn't help laughing: "No, don't think too much, I just want to try again, to make up for one of my regrets."


"Really, by the way, I have good news for you. I have a girl I like, so bless me. I still have something to do, so let's not talk about it."

After Ye Xingchen sent this sentence, he put the phone away.

After receiving the message over there, it took a while before sending a message.

"Well, you go ahead."

After the chat was over, Ye Xingchen saw that everyone was looking at him with strange eyes, which made him feel hairy.

"Why are you looking at me? Is there something on my face?"

At this time, Han Dongjun asked with a smirk on his face: "Tell us all, is it a message from your little girlfriend?"

"That's right, seeing how seriously you replied to the message just now, is it possible that your girlfriend has checked the post?" Yang Mi also asked with a half-smile.

Ye Xingchen had black lines all over his head: "Hey, I don't have a girlfriend, don't spread rumors, or I will sue you for defamation."

"Really? We don't believe that the person who just sent you a message is a man. Besides, why are you nervous if it's not your girlfriend?" Yang Miyan smiled calmly as if he had seen through everything.

"I'm not nervous, I'm just an ordinary friend." Ye Xingchen broke out in a cold sweat, and he couldn't help sighing that the girl's intuition is really sharp.

Hearing Ye Xingchen's words, Yang Mi narrowed his eyes, as if to say again: You make it up, keep making it up.

Zhao Jinmai didn't speak, as if she was waiting for Ye Xingchen's explanation.

Finally, under everyone's gaze, Ye Xingchen let go.

"Well, it is indeed a girl."

Han Dongjun clapped his hands together: "I knew it."

"Hmph." Zhao Jinmai snorted softly when she heard it.

Of course it was very light, so light that no one else noticed it.

"Xiao Chenchen, you are dishonest, you are lenient when you confess, and strict when you resist. Tell me your story quickly." Yang Mi pointed at Ye Xingchen and urged.

Sure enough, gossip is the nature of human beings. Seeing the eagerness of the people next to him, Ye Xingchen knew that if he didn't talk about it, he wouldn't want to sleep.

Anyway, it's not a big deal, Ye Xingchen now is different from Ye Xingchen before, it's time to bid farewell to the past.

"I really don't have anything to do with her. If we have to say we have, we can be regarded as good friends. I really like her very much, but like most people in Utah, I haven't succeeded in chasing her for three years."

When saying this, everyone who was still laughing and laughing fell silent.Ding Chengxin looked at Ye Xingchen, who was a few years older than himself, and didn't understand why he could talk about it so easily.

After Zhao Jinmai heard that Ye Xingchen said that she likes others, her heart suddenly ached, and she felt unspeakably uncomfortable. She lowered her head and tried to prevent others from seeing her current expression.

Yang Mi comforted her with concern: "It's okay, our Chenchen is so handsome, I'm afraid I won't be able to find a girlfriend in the future, it's all right."

"That's right, if it doesn't work, this show will be a marriage proposal for you. Everyone is yelling, and Hua Shaotuan is soliciting marriage from netizens." As a man, Han Dongjun would not say anything too hypocritical, so he could only use another A way to comfort Ye Xingchen.

"Uh, I'm fine. I haven't finished my sentence yet. I did like her two months ago, but now, I don't like her anymore, so don't worry everyone. Besides, I'm much luckier than others. At least I met her." Here you go, right?"

Ye Xingchen didn't understand why the atmosphere suddenly became so strange, so he hurried out to liven up the atmosphere.

"That's right, you and us all. But I still want to ask, apart from the girl you mentioned just now, have you really never been in love?" Li Sidani asked in disbelief.

Ye Xingchen thought for a while and said, "If dreaming counts, we talked about it."

"Hahaha." ×6
Everyone thought that Ye Xingchen was joking, but both Zhao Jinmai and him knew that it was true.

From this moment on, Mai Mai (Miao Miao) finally understood what Ye Xingchen said to herself.

"If there is someone I like in this world, it is you."

It turned out that he had never lied to himself, but he didn't understand it at the beginning.

"However, I have summed up a truth in the past three years, which can be regarded as my true feelings. What I am telling the audience here is that the answer is already in the details.

To answer what is not asked is to answer, to keep a respectful distance is to dislike, to be silent is to refuse, to flicker is to lie, to be in a cold war is to not be afraid of losing, and there is really no need to ask about some things, because when you look back, all the details are the answer.

Never overestimate your position in other people's hearts, don't think that you are very important, in fact, you are only needed occasionally.Don't get to the bottom of everything.Ask yourself first if you can accept the stimulation that you really want to bring.


 The author is too lazy, so I won't organize the list of rewarded monthly tickets for everyone.

  Anyway, thank you all for your rewards.Thank you for your recommendation and monthly pass.

  Escape Room 4 is coming out soon, God's will, so I can perfectly fill in the previous pits.

  Look forward to the plot, the two protagonists will soon recognize each other.

  Ye Xingchen, a young master of death, was still kept in the dark, but he didn't know if Mai Mai would beat him up.

(End of this chapter)

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