The road to academic dominance from the juvenile school

Chapter 221 The First Close Intimate Contact

Chapter 221 The First Close Intimate Contact
Li Sidani: "Wow, he's so talented and talented, it's nice to say these words from him."

Yang Mi nodded and said: "Well, at first glance, he is a scholar, the kind of 5 with good academic performance."

Ding Chengxin: "Yes, Brother Chen's Chinese is definitely very good."

"Handsome and talented." Liu Mintao also praised Ye Xingchen in a rare way.

Just as everyone was praising Ye Xingchen for his profound literary background, Mai Mai, who had been silent all this time, suddenly said, "I have a poetic spirit in my stomach."

"Wow, Mai Mai is so talented, am I the only one here?" Li Sidani couldn't sit still anymore and said with a frustrated face.

Han Dongjun immediately interrupted her: "No, there's me too. After the discussion just now, I found out that, really, it's nothing."

"Same, same, I feel that the position of my regiment leader can also be given to the two of them, really, I am not worthy."

Yang Mi put away the smile just now, and said seriously.

Seeing that everyone was making jokes about the two of them, Ye Xingchen chose to remain silent.After all, the more you say, the more mistakes you make, and the less you say, the less mistakes you make.

A few people chatted casually again, and then went back to the room to wash and sleep.

This was the first time that Ye Xingchen and Xingxing slept together in the same bed, no, they did not sleep together in the same room.

This night was destined to be a restless night, after a tiring day, the sun god let out a thunderous grunt on this night.

But because Ye Xingchen likes to sleep with headphones listening to music, so everything outside has nothing to do with him. When the noise reduction mode is turned on, it doesn't care about your voice, everything is quiet.

But the kid Ding Chengxin who was on the side was not as lucky as Ye Xingchen. He suffered a whole night of torture and didn't sleep well that night.

Yang Mi and others next door also suffered setbacks. Although separated by a wall, Han Dongjun's snoring could still be heard in a quiet environment.


Silent all night.

Ye Xingchen woke up on time at 6:00 in the morning, then gently took his clothes and walked out of the room, and went to the bathroom to wash up.

As soon as Ye Xingchen went out, he found that the room next door was also opened. After a closer look, it turned out to be Mai Mai, and she also woke up early.

"Woke up so early?" Ye Xingchen was a little surprised.

Because he is used to getting up at 6 o'clock, but it is quite surprising to see celebrities getting up so early every day.

Zhao Jinmai rubbed her eyes and whispered, "It's okay, don't you wake up very early?"

"Um, that's right, do you want to wash up too? Then you do it first, and I'll go down to take a breath."

"Thank you!"

"You're welcome."

Seeing Mai Mai who had just woken up in the morning and still had no makeup on, Ye Xingchen felt in a daze, because this appearance reminded him of Miao Miao again.

Ye Xingchen patted his face to wake himself up.

When he came down, he saw that there was no hot water, so he boiled a pot of hot water for everyone. After a while, everyone woke up and could make some tea or something. By the way, he simply washed his face and brushed his teeth.

Ye Xingchen opened the door of the room and went outside to see a thick white mist, with a visibility of only 5 meters. It seemed to be morning fog, which would dissipate after a while, but Ye Xingchen liked this feeling, breathing Seeing the cool air outside always makes me feel refreshed.

After staying outside for a while, Ye Xingchen went back to the room and took out his mobile phone to go back to the few messages sent at home yesterday, and then his consciousness entered the system space.

He suddenly found that he hadn't shut down the system for a while, and the system was secretly updated, and a new lottery function was added, with 1000 reputation points once.

After the video of the college entrance examination was broadcast, Ye Xingchen's reputation value reached more than 200 million, so with the attitude of giving it a try, Ye Xingchen directly came to a ten consecutive draw.

Sure enough, it’s cheap but not good. I didn’t get anything except some daily necessities. The worst thing is that you can only smoke but don’t know what’s in it. It’s just playing blind box, but Ye Xingchen has so many reputation points, so Just like that, four more ten consecutive draws came out proudly, and the 4 prestige points were gone.

But fortunately, Ye Xingchen got a buff, which is called symbolic emoticon realization, and seeing the small characters in the function box that ask the host to discover it by himself, Ye Xingchen knew that he was cheated again.The functions of the things drawn out by this broken system and the rewards need to be discovered by yourself, I found your sister.

Just as Ye Xingchen was complaining about the system, there was a sound from the stairs. Ye Xingchen, who was sensitive, got up from the sofa and looked up. It turned out to be Maimai.

Maybe it was because he was not very clear-headed when he got up early, and the stairs were relatively steep, so Zhao Jinmai accidentally stepped on the ground and climbed forward with his whole body, and the raised stairs were below.

Ye Xingchen had quick eyes and quick hands, stepped forward and stretched out his hand, hugging Mai Mai tightly.Because his body hadn't fully sublimated to its peak, Ye Xingchen leaned forward due to inertia, and Zhao Jinmai hugged his neck tightly, causing the distance between the two to be less than 2 centimeters.

Because of his personal quality, Ye Xingchen has never stared directly at Mai Mai these days, and he watched from a long distance, but looking at Mai Mai who is so close, Ye Xingchen felt as if his heart was moved by a call.

Zhao Jinmai was exactly the same as Lin Miaomiao, even if Lin Miaomiao was Ye Xingchen's girlfriend aside, Ye Xingchen also liked Zhao Jinmai before falling in love with Lin Miaomiao.

After the two of them held this action for tens of seconds, Zhao Jinmai reacted first and pushed him away.

"Thank you!" Mai Mai said with a red face and bowed her head.

"No, it's okay, are you okay?" Ye Xingchen also realized that he had offended Mai Mai just now, and just wanted to apologize, but Mai Mai actually thanked him first.


"That's good."

Both of them came to the sofa and sat down, looking around with their glasses, as if they wanted to divert their attention to relieve their embarrassment, and neither of them spoke again.

Seeing the strange atmosphere, Ye Xingchen got up and said, "Well, I'll go up there and wash up."

Seeing Ye Xingchen get up, Mai Mai got up unconsciously and said, "Okay."

After Ye Xingchen put down his phone, he hurried upstairs.

Zhao Jinmai sat down again after seeing Ye Xingchen leave.Thinking of the scene just now, the corners of Mai Mai's mouth turned up, and he couldn't help laughing. He felt a little embarrassed for a moment because of the intimate actions of the two of them just now, so he buried his head deeply in the pillow next to him.

Although the cameraman hasn't woken up yet, the scene just now has been captured by the machines installed by the program crew.

Ye Xingchen came upstairs and rinsed his head with cold water, trying to calm himself down in the ambiguous atmosphere.

Although the memory has faded, Ye Xingchen still unconsciously wants to get close to her deep in his heart, even if Zhao Jinmai is not Lin Miaomiao.

After washing, it took a while before Ye Xingchen dried his hair with a hair dryer, and then went back down.

(End of this chapter)

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