The road to academic dominance from the juvenile school

Chapter 222 Cook porridge for everyone

Chapter 222 Cook porridge for everyone

At this time, Maimai had already filled up the water in the kettle and washed the cooked rice for everyone.

After Ye Xingchen went downstairs and saw this scene, he couldn't help feeling more fond of Zhao Jinmai from his heart.

Because he found that Zhao Jinmai, despite the noble cloak of a celebrity, Maimai is still a gentle, intellectual, lively and lovely person.

Ye Xingchen knew that his appearance was a bit scumbag, he had already restrained himself, and kept telling himself that Zhao Jinmai was not Miaomiao, but the inner drive was to let him keep getting closer to Maimai.

Zhao Jinmai had already spotted Ye Xingchen behind, but she was too embarrassed to speak first, so she could only pretend that she didn't know there was someone behind.

"Are you hungry? Let me cook. What do you want to eat?" Ye Xingchen came to her side and said.

"Just have some porridge for breakfast." The blush on Maimai's face is still there, and it's unknown if it was just red or if it has been red for a long time.

"Okay, then you can boil an egg for everyone first. I'll see what we have, and then cook porridge for everyone."

Ye Xingchen turned around and looked at the ingredients in the refrigerator, and found that there were actually soaked red beans and red dates. He made up his mind to make a simple red date, red bean and glutinous rice porridge for everyone this morning.

Ye Xingchen took out the auxiliary ingredients from the refrigerator, prepared them according to the ratio, then carefully put the ingredients in step by step, simmered slowly, and set the time.

Although it is not very rich, it is quite nutritious in general, especially for girls.

Teacher Kelly is the only one who wakes up early besides Ye Xingchen and Zhao Jinmai. She may be older, and she is more interested in rest and has a good schedule.

After Zhang Kaili went downstairs and saw the porridge that was already cooking, she couldn't help being surprised: "Oh my god, the rice is already ready."

"Ms. Kelly is awake? Sit down and eat later." Ye Xingchen said with a smile.

"Xiao Chen, you did this?" Zhang Kaili looked at him in surprise and said.

Ye Xingchen pointed to Zhao Jinmai's position and said, "Maimai and I did it together."

"It's so fragrant, hahaha, you two children are sensible and can cook, you are both good children."

"No, these are the things that should be done. After all, if I only eat and don't work, I won't mention you, and I will be scolded to death after the show is broadcast." Ye Xingchen said jokingly.

"Pfft ha ha ha." Mai Mai was reading the book beside him, and didn't stop after hearing this sentence.

"Don't worry, you are so sensible, why would netizens scold you." Zhang Kaili laughed when she heard Ye Xingchen's words.

After Ye Xingchen and Zhang Kaili exchanged a few words, the set time was up. He turned off the fire, and then helped them put the porridge into bowls. Zhao Jinmai was next to him. Serve a bowl, just like a virtuous wife.

Seeing this scene, Zhang Kaili immediately showed an aunt smile on her face. As a person who has experienced it, she looked at the two children in front of her and thought it was quite appropriate.

"Sister Kelly, this is yours." Maimai carefully helped her bring the porridge over.

"Thank you, Mai Mai, by the way, you didn't talk about your boyfriend, did you?" Zhang Kaili accepted it with a smile on her face, and then asked casually.

Zhao Jinmai blushed and said hastily, "No."

Zhang Kaili continued: "Xiaochen also said last night that she didn't talk about a girlfriend. Alas, this child is different now from our time. At that age, we basically had a date."

Although it sounded like a casual mention, anyone with a discerning eye could see what Teacher Kelly meant.

But this is recording a program, Ye Xingchen and Mai Mai can only pretend to be stupid, otherwise it will probably be on the hot search after it is broadcast.

Ye Xingchen hastily changed the topic: "It can only be said that times have changed, society has developed too fast, and the trend is very different from before, but life is getting better and better. For example, now, you can drink red dates cooked by yourself for breakfast. Red bean and rice porridge."

Maimai gently blew on the rice porridge in the small spoon, put it in his mouth before it cooled completely, and then showed an expression of enjoyment.

"It's delicious, I finally have such delicious jujube porridge again."

Looking at Mai Mai's exaggerated expression, Zhang Kaili couldn't help but also took a sip.

"Well~ Xiaochen, how did you do this? It's so delicious. If you have time, you can teach me. I'll learn it."

"Okay, it's my honor, drink more if it tastes good, I cook more, enough for eight of us to eat."

Zhang Kaili: "Then I have to drink more, hahaha."

"I want to drink two bowls too." Zhao Jinmai said playfully.

Ye Xingchen soaked the boiled eggs in cold water and brought them over: "If you can, you can drink three bowls. By the way, don't forget there are eggs, one for each person."

"Wait until Mimi and the others come together."

Zhao Jinmai stroked her hair: "Yeah, wait for Miss Mi."

Said that Cao Cao and Cao Cao will be here, just as Mai Mai finished speaking, Yang Mi's voice came from the corridor.

"Wow, it smells so good, what are you doing right now? It smells so good."

Seeing Yang Mi come down, Zhang Kaili immediately said: "Mi, come here quickly, try this porridge, it's really delicious."

Yang Mi: "I know, it smells so good to me."

Ding Chengxin said immediately after the first sentence: "It smells so good, who cooks the porridge so fragrant."

"Hahaha, it all came down from the smell, both Xiaoding and I." Yang Mi laughed.

Seeing that they had all come down, Ye Xingchen got up and helped them serve the porridge: "Sister Mi, Xiao Ding, you sit down first, and I'll serve it for you, Mai Mai, do you still drink?"

Zhao Jinmai's eyes lit up, and she handed over the bowl with skillful movements: "Drink another bowl."

Seeing this, Ding Chengxin said politely: "Let me help you, Brother Xingchen."

Ye Xingchen filled a bowl and handed it to Ding: "Okay, I'll fill it up and you can just carry it over. Be careful, it's from Maimai."

Ding Chengxin carefully brought it to the dining table and placed it in front of Mai Mai.

Zhao Jinmai replied politely with a thank you, and then continued cooking.

At this time, Li Si and Sister Tao also came down, and Ye Xingchen also served them a good meal.

Li Si also said the familiar sentence: "Wow, it smells so good, I can smell it upstairs."

Yang Mi couldn't help laughing and said: "Should we all say it at this time?"

"By the way, who cooked this porridge, Teacher Kelly?" Ding Chengxin couldn't help asking.

Zhang Kaili explained to everyone: "Xiao Chen made this, he and Mai Mai did it when I first came down."

"Xiao Chenchen, did you make this? You actually know how to cook." Yang Mi asked in surprise, as if he had discovered a new continent.

"Home-cooked food is okay, and besides, I didn't finish this meal entirely by myself, so Mai Mai helped me." Ye Xingchen said modestly.

(End of this chapter)

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