Chapter 223

"Awesome, omnipotent, really, Ye Xingchen is omnipotent." Yang Mi praised without hesitation.

Brother Ding also sighed: "Oh, I can't compare, suddenly I feel so useless."

"Everyone stop praising me, I really can't bear it, if you praise me again, I'll be gone."

Ye Xingchen clasped his hands together and begged everyone to let him go, after all, the higher you lift yourself up, the harder you fall.

Now that Ye Xingchen said so, everyone didn't continue to tease him, but to be honest, Ye Xingchen is indeed very versatile in their hearts, at least in the past few days of camping, they can hardly find anything he doesn't know.

At this moment, Ding Chengxin turned his head and asked:

"By the way, Brother Xingchen, did you hear Brother Sun God's snoring last night?"

Ye Xingchen shook his head and looked puzzled: "No, did anyone snore last night?"

"You didn't hear such a loud snoring." Ding Chengxin was stunned and shocked.

"Last night, I wore headphones and listened to music, and I turned on the noise reduction mode," Ye Xingchen said.

"I don't even know how I got here last night." Ding Chengxin put down the bowl in his hand and looked hopeless.

Yang Mi laughed dumbfounded when he saw Ding Ding's appearance: "Ding and Xiao Chenchen are the worst, sleeping on the eye of the storm."

At this moment, the voice of "Sun God" came from upstairs: "How can I hear someone talking about me?"

Everyone watched Han Dongjun come down the stairs, and they all looked at him with smiles on their faces, which made him a little nervous.

Yang Mi said bluntly: "No, no, we are going to talk about you, because you came too late, we are talking about your snoring."

Looking at everyone like this, Han Dongjun knew that he should know all about his snoring, but he still struggled to argue.

"Why do you think it can't be Xiaoding or Xiaochen?"

Li Sidani said very firmly: "It can't be Xiaoding, I don't think it will be him."

"It's impossible for Ye Xingchen, Ye Xingchen never snores." Zhao Jinmai blurted out subconsciously without any thought.

Because although Mai Mai is still concealing the truth of the matter, the husband's reaction is subconscious, without going through the brain at all.

Ye Xingchen almost didn't spit out after hearing what Mai Mai said. He looked at Zhao Jinmai blankly, thinking how could she be so sure that he didn't snore, and the tone just now seemed...

But the Sun God didn't realize what Mai Mai said just now was wrong.

"You are prejudiced, and you think Han Dongjun looks like a snorer." Han Dongjun pointed at the crowd and accused them of injustice.

"I'm not saying snoring is bad, I just think it's very manly, and the image of a tough guy is standing, so don't feel embarrassed... Wait a minute." Yang Mi said these words to give Han Dongjun some face, after all, he is I was recording a show, but after thinking about it for a while, I felt that something was wrong with what I just said.

Then she looked at Zhao Jinmai dumbfounded and said, "Maimai, how do you know that Ye Xingchen never snores, you..."

Mintao next to him clapped his bracelet and suddenly realized: "Yes, I just felt that something was wrong with what Mai Mai said, but I didn't realize it. Mai Mai, you two are..."

Zhao Jinmai realized that he was bald just now, and quickly explained: "I, I, I, my guess is, oops, anyway, I don't think he looks like a snorer."

Even though they said so, Yang Mi and the others were still surprised and felt that things were not that simple.

Ye Xingchen didn't care either. He glanced at the time and found that it was around 10:[-], and the whole morning had passed. The weather outside was still bad, and he couldn't go out. He thought that he couldn't get the bamboo shoots in the morning.This day is enough to catch chickens, so it happens that I can go upstairs and play a few games to relax.

Seeing how everyone was eating, Ye Xingchen asked: "Is everyone full?"

"I am full."

"I'm full too."


"If I'm full, I'll take it away and wash it up later." Ye Xingchen got up and began to pack the dishes.

"I'll help you." Mai Mai also followed, helping Ye Xingchen clean up the table.

As an elder, Zhang Kaili was very relieved to see this scene, but she still couldn't bear to watch the two children work.

"Let me come, you are tired of cooking for everyone in the morning."

"No, no, no, don't occupy your hands. Ye Xingchen and I will be fine." Zhao Jinmai said, without stopping at all.

The two were busy on the side, Ye Xingchen was in charge of cleaning the pots and dishes, and Mai Mai was like a small follower in the back to put away the cleaned dishes.

Seeing the tacit cooperation between the two, Ding Chengxin couldn't help but said: "I don't know if I should say something or not."

"Ding, what do you want to say, say it quickly." Yang Mi looked at him with an aunt's smile, as if he already knew what he wanted to say.

Under Yang Mi's instigation, Ding Cheng Xinzhong finally said what he wanted to say: "Do you have Mai Mai and Brother Chen who are like a couple, I mean they have a sense of CP."

Li Si chuckled: "Haha, Ding, you thought you were the only one who felt it."

Ding Chengxin: "Do you also feel this way?"

"I felt that the two were a good match this morning, but I didn't say it clearly, because I was afraid that netizens would say this and that after the show was broadcast." Zhang Kaili said.

Yang Mi also expressed his feelings at this time: "Really, if two people feel suitable, I feel good together. Anyway, I think Mai Mai should have a good impression of Ye Xingchen, and Ye Xingchen also likes Mai Mai. Yes, the only thing is..."

"The identity gap." Han Dongjun said.

Yang Mi nodded: "Yes, that's it. I'm just afraid that Mai Mai's fans will be dissatisfied with Ye Xingchen. Let me talk to Xiaochen when I have a chance to see if I have any plans to develop in the entertainment industry. He The sense of variety is quite good, and the image is not bad, it would be really good to develop in the entertainment industry."

"Well, yes."


At this time, the two people who were still washing dishes in the house did not know what happened outside.

Ye Xingchen also kept looking for topics to chat with Zhao Jinmai. After what happened this morning, he obviously felt that the relationship between the two of them was getting closer, and he could also feel that he and Maimai were not so far apart.

Zhao Jinmai pretended to be chatting and asked, "Have you really liked someone for three years?"

Ye Xingchen paused for a moment, then smiled and said, "Why did I remember to ask this?"

"Curiosity, gossip is human nature, tell me about it."

Zhao Jinmai desperately wanted to know whether Ye Xingchen still liked that girl or not.

Seeing that Mai Maizhen talked about Ye Xingchen, he didn't hide anything: "Really, I did like her for three years, but it's already in the past tense."

"That girl must be very beautiful." Zhao Jinmai's eyes suddenly became transparent and bright, like clear springs.

Ye Xingchen stopped what he was doing, and said emotionally: "As long as you like her, then she is the most beautiful. But, she is not as beautiful as you."

After finishing speaking, he did not forget to blink at Mai Mai.

 Wow, thanks to the boss hyj930717 for the Wanshou Book Coin, and now I am truly Wanshou.When I woke up in the morning and saw it, I was so happy that I flew up.thank you boss! ! ! ! ! !Benlong will definitely work hard to type, woo woo woo woo, weeping with joy.

  Thanks to Fang Yun 123 for rewarding 500 book coins, thank you!

  Thank you for the monthly ticket rewarded by Aria of the Night

  Thanks to 5862426 for the rewarded monthly pass

  Thank you for the monthly pass rewarded by pleasing to the eye, fresh and drunk

  Be happy, be happy, say important things three times.

  Three days in a row are good days, July 7th, July 7th, July 7th, oh yeah! ! !
  Add one more today and tomorrow! !huh huh

(End of this chapter)

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