The road to academic dominance from the juvenile school

Chapter 225 Everyone Attacks Ye Xingchen

Chapter 225 Everyone Attacks Ye Xingchen

Han Dongjun said in surprise: "Oh, it's really smart, the eternal problem has been solved, and this will be the standard answer from now on."

Yang Mi showed disdain: "Tangtang, when your girlfriend asks you whether you want games or her, you can lie on the ground and let her choose you. Do you think she chooses you?"

Han Dongjun, who thought he had learned it, almost spit out a mouthful of blood when he heard Yang Mi's make-up. Han Dongjun clutched his little heart and said in "pain":

"My heart is pierced, Mi. Woo woo woo."

"Shh, stop howling." Yang Mi patted Han Dongjun lightly to signal him to shut up.

Ye Xingchen sensed Lin Miaomiao's little thoughts. He wanted Zhao Jinmai to stop quarreling with him.

He walked up to Lin Miaomiao, then bent down and knelt down to gently rub its cute little head.

Lin Miaomiao also licked Ye Xingchen's palm very affectionately.


Lin Miaomiao yelled in Zhao Jinmai's direction.The meaning is obvious, that is to let Zhao Jinmai come over together.

Maimai really couldn't refuse this cute little thing, so she also came over and squatted down and picked up Xueqiu again.

"Not angry anymore?" Ye Xingchen asked with a gentle smile.

Zhao Jinmai smiled and said softly, "Hmph, for Xueqiu's sake, I'm too lazy to be angry with you."

"Then shake hands and make peace?"

Ye Xingchen stretched out his innocent hand, waiting for Zhao Jinmai's response.

But Mai Mai, who is a bit arrogant, would not agree easily: "I'm holding Snowball, so I can't shake hands."

"It's simple."

Ye Xingchen hugged the snowball from Mai Mai's hand, and then put it on his shoulder.

"No, now we can shake hands and make peace."

Seeing that she couldn't evade this time, Zhao Jinmai stretched out her slender hand and held it with Ye Xingchen.

"Then Ms. Maimai's forgiveness."

Zhao Jinmai couldn't help chuckling, and then immediately restored the "cold face" just now: "I'm doing it for Xueqiu's sake, otherwise I won't forgive you."

"Fine, fine, as long as you're happy."

The two kept holding each other like this, Ye Xingchen didn't let go first, and Mai Mai also enjoyed the intimate contact between the two of them across time and space.

However, at this warm moment, there are always people who don't wink and interrupt.

"Well, you two also shook hands and reconciled, can we discuss going out to catch chickens?"

As soon as Han Dongjun finished speaking, Ye Xingchen and Zhao Jinmai let go of their hands. Ye Xingchen was fine, with thick skin and no shy expression.

On the other hand, Maimai's face was already showing a kind of blush.

Yang Mi, Li Si, Mintao, Teacher Kaili, and Ding Ding who was beside him, felt angry when they saw this kind of live-action fresh "love drama" interrupted by this brainless guy.

Han Dongjun keenly sensed that the surrounding atmosphere was not right, so he asked weakly, "Did I say something wrong?"

Yang Mi asked the "movie viewing group" behind with a cold face: "I don't think there is any need for him to exist."

"I think so too." Li Sidani arched her nose and echoed.

Liu Mintao, who has not been sleeping very well, is also full of anger at this moment: "Then why are you still standing there, throw it down for him, and walk around."

"Hahahaha!" Mai Mai sat on the sofa and saw that the shyness just disappeared in an instant, and laughed so much that his stomach ached.

Han Dongjun backed away in fright: "Don't, don't, it's still useful to keep me. I can be your driver. Aren't we going to catch chickens for a while? You throw it down for me, who will take you there."

Liu Mingtao immediately began to make up the knife: "Well, Mi, I am not very sleepy suddenly, I can take you down the mountain, let's not let the sun god hang up, let's throw it down."

Pfft~Han Dongjun, a pawn, died of vomiting blood.

"Pfft ha ha ha." ×4
"Hahaha, I can't do it, my stomach hurts from laughing."

Ye Xingchen looked at Zhao Jinmai's current appearance. He dared to bet that if this was on the bed, Zhao Jinmai would definitely roll from side to side, and the kind that rolled to the ground. Seeing such a funny look, Ye Xingchen couldn't help it. Keep thinking about it.

He hugged Lin Miaomiao, quietly came to her left, and then suddenly hung the cat over her head while she was looking at her phone.

Because of the backlight, Zhao Jinmai only felt a fluffy black shadow suddenly approaching in front of his eyes, and he was terrified.


Lin Miaomiao wanted to get up and run away, but her legs slipped and she sat on the ground with a slap.

"it hurts."

Ye Xingchen felt at the time that he seemed to be playing too big.

"It's okay, Mai Mai!" Ye Xingchen put the cat on the sofa and hurried over to help Zhao Jinmai up.

Although Zhao Jinmai was not angry, she still said with a bitter face, "It hurts!"

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to."

Seeing Mai Mai fall down, Yang Mi immediately lost his temper, and immediately started calling Ye Xingchen by name: "Ye Xingchen, why are you scaring Mai Mai when you're free, is it itchy?"

"I, I, well, my fault, I'm damned, I will never dare next time."

Ye Xingchen knew that the mistakes he made were unforgivable and did not continue to quibble, and after he fell down in fright, he felt particularly guilty and distressed.

Yang Mi ignored him, but cared to help Mai Mai and asked softly: "Is everything alright, Mai Mai?"

"It's okay, it's okay, it's just a fall, it's nothing serious."

After Yang Mi helped Mai Mai to the sofa, he stared fiercely at Ye Xingchen and said, "Fortunately, Mai Mai is fine. If anything happens, I will throw you and the Sun God down together."

Han Dongjun immediately protested when he heard this: "What does this have to do with me? Why are you still throwing me away?"

"Stop talking, Miss Mi, I want to jump down to atone for my sin now."

Ye Xingchen stood in front of Mai Mai and Yang Mi with his head lowered and his hands behind his back. He looked like a primary school student admitting his mistake. It looked much more funny, and was a little different from the sunny and cheerful style in the past.

Seeing this, Zhao Jinmai immediately took out a Polaroid and took a quick photo of Ye Xingchen. This is a piece of black history, and I will use it later, hehe.

Yang Mi will not forgive him just because of a few words: "You must prepare a gift for Mai Mai before dinner to admit your mistake, otherwise I will really throw you down."

"It's okay, I'm fine, don't blame Ye Xingchen."

Seeing Ye Xingchen being scolded, Mai Mai still felt very uncomfortable. After all, his boyfriend said it was okay, but others said it was not.

"No, Mai Mai, you can't forgive him so easily, or he will get worse in the future." Li Sidani also fanned the flames beside her.

Liu Mintao also smiled and said, "Yes, you can't forgive him so easily. You must ask him to prepare an apology gift, otherwise you won't have any sincerity."

Zhang Kaili: "Agreed."

Han Dongjun didn't care too much: "I agree too."

Yang Mi: "Xiao Ding, how about you?"

Although I still can't bear it, but in the face of a 1v6 battle, it is better for me to join the side with more people: "I, I, brother Xingchen, I'm sorry, I think it is necessary to prepare a gift to apologize."

 Thanks to Jinmailang who wants Maimai for the monthly ticket
  Thanks to Su Yumiao for the monthly ticket
  Thank you for the monthly pass rewarded by pleasing to the eye, fresh and drunk

  Thank you for the monthly ticket rewarded by VDE Lipstick

  Thanks to Fang Yun 123 for the 500 book coins, thank you.

  Thank you guys for your votes.thank you all.

  The third update is released, and the third update will continue tomorrow.

  It is preliminarily set that during the recording period, Ye Xingchen will travel again. This time travel is very exciting, because at the beginning this drama was directly emptied, so two characters can be used to travel, of course it is also possible to travel alone, let me think about it.

  Well, the last update is for everyone’s sweet dreams

(End of this chapter)

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