Chapter 226 Forced to Catch Chickens
Ye Xingchen had no choice but to agree to this "unequal treaty".

"~_~Okay, I will prepare a gift for Mai Mai before the evening."

After hearing this, Yang Mi finally nodded in satisfaction.

The fog outside is still very heavy, and the weather these days has not been better, either cloudy or rainy. Originally, everyone came to the top of the mountain to help Ding Chengxin's brother fulfill his wish to see the starry sky, but now it seems impossible.

Yang Mi sighed: "Xiaoding's starry sky seems impossible to see."

"That's right, on a day when it's been raining, the rain will follow wherever we go." Han Dongjun also looked sad when he looked at the weather outside.

Yang Mi looked at Ye Xingchen and then at Xiaoding, and then showed a different smile:

"You can't see the starry sky, but you can still see the stars, or Xiao Ding, you can just stand next to Ye Xingchen and watch until you see enough."

Ye Xingchen gave her a big roll of eyes: "This cold joke is not funny at all."

Yang Mi made a gesture to hit Ye Xingchen: "You're the one who talks too much!"

Ye Xingchen subconsciously hid tightly behind Mai Mai, only one head was exposed.

Everyone saw Ye Xingchen's funny look, and they all thought it was very funny, and the current look is very cute, just cute.

"Okay, okay, stop making trouble, I think we need to talk about what to eat tonight." Han Dongjun said.

Eating is a more useful topic for Huashao's 8-member group, because the only thing that can interest a few people in this recording is eating.

Yang Mi: "After eating hot pot at night, Li Si and Xing Chen decided to make a star dance for Ding Ding, because he wanted to see the stars."

Ye Xingchen was stunned, when did he say he had choreographed the Xingxing dance?Before he could react, Li Sidani danced the "orangutan" dance there, which looked very funny.

Ye Xingchen suddenly realized: "Oh, I said, how is it possible to see the stars in this weather, so it's this orangutan."

"Oh, you big-headed ghost, it's the twinkling star, not the orangutan of the banana apple, shut up and go think about what gift to prepare for Mai Mai." Yang Mi said speechlessly.

Ye Xingchen shut up quickly.

At this time, Zhang Kaili asked with a special gesture: "Mi, shall we have hot pot tonight?"

Yang Mi: "Yes."

"Wow, this pose is so enchanting." Li Sidani said.

"No, Sister Kelly is posting motion sickness stickers."

After Yang Mi finished speaking, he did not forget to imitate it.

In addition to being a little enchanting, this action is quite magical, which caused everyone to imitate it.

Ye Xingchen was sitting on the sofa holding Lin Miaomiao and watching these people dancing wildly there. If Mai Mai was only funny before, then today is a group of funny comparisons, which completely refreshed his perception.

"Xingchen, come dance with us." Li Sidani invited Ye Xingchen with her signature gesture.

Ye Xingchen blinked cutely at them, and then said in a very embarrassing tone: "Well, my mother won't let me play with idiots?"

"?????" ×7
Yang Mi: "Ye! Star! Chen!"

Seeing this, Ye Xingchen hurried away: "I'll go out to catch my breath."

But how could seven people let him run away.

Han Dongjun and Xiao Ding Fufu pushed him onto the sofa, and the girls were responsible for ravaging him.

10 minutes later……

Ye Xingchen's legs were curled up on the sofa, looking like he was being bullied, while Lin Miaomiao was afraid of being on his head, and he looked very funny.

"Sit still and don't move. If the snowball falls from your head later, just wait for Si." Yang Mi threatened.

"Okay, everyone pull back, hold a meeting to ask everyone's opinions, should we go catch chickens and fish in this weather?"

Ding Chengxin: "It's too cold to catch fish."

Ye Xingchen could feel that Ding Ding didn't really want to go out now.

Han Dongjun: "What about grabbing bamboo shoots or catching chickens?"

"It should be fine to catch chickens, yes to catch chickens." Zhao Jinmai said with a smile, as if he was quite interested in this thing.

"Well, if we want to catch chickens or bamboo shoots now, we may need two cars, because everyone may go. Of course, if some people don't want to go, they don't have to go." Yang Mi, as the head of the group, still wants to explain this problem to everyone.

When Ye Xingchen heard that he could not go, he quickly raised his hand: "I won't go! It's raining outside, I like to stay at home."

Yang Mi glanced at him and "agreed" to his request: "Okay, Ye Xingchen is going, do you still want to go? If you do, raise your hand."


Because some expressions were passive, everyone seemed to see a bunch of big question marks above Ye Xingchen's head.

Li Sidani couldn't help laughing: "Hahaha, Xingchen is so miserable."

Although she expressed sympathy for Ye Xingchen, she couldn't help him at all.

Mai Mai couldn't help laughing out loud after seeing this scene.

I am very relieved, I deserve it!Who told you to bully me to come here, la la la la la.

"I won't go because I didn't sleep very well at night, so I'll just stay at home and see what I need to prepare for everyone."

Liu Mingtao doesn't seem to have much interest in the matter of catching chickens and taking bamboo shoots.

In fact, Ye Xingchen wasn't interested either, he didn't understand why these people were so interested in this thing.

Li Sidani: "I'm not going either, I'm staying at home with Sister Mintao."

Since everyone didn't want to go, Yang Mi didn't force it.

"Okay then, let's go six, right?"

Ye Xingchen still wanted to struggle: "Then I..."

"Huh?" Yang Mi's eyes turned cold.

"I, I'll drive." Ye Xingchen had no choice but to change his words.

Mai Mai (Miao Miao) has never seen Ye Xingchen deflated before, so now seeing someone deflate Ye Xingchen feels quite amusing.

Maybe it's because of a change of identity. In that world, Ye Xingchen has a deposit of 2 million yuan, has the highest academic performance, and has won the championship of the National Mathematical Olympiad. His appearance, economy, and talent coexist.

Although the current Ye Xingchen still has talent and good looks, he is not so sharp.

"Okay, then let's go. I, Mai Mai, and Ye Xingchen have a car, Sister Kelly, Xiao Ding, and Tangtang have one for you." After counting the number of people, Yang Mi assigned everyone which car to go to.

"Okay, let's go."

At 2:10, the star group officially set off to start their journey of catching chickens.

Ye Xingchen was driving the car, Mai Mai sat in the passenger seat, and Yang Mi sat in the back.

The visibility outside was still very low, and the road down the mountain was extremely slippery. Ye Xingchen didn't dare to lose his mind at all, and concentrated on following the car in front.

The mountain road that usually only takes 40 minutes took an hour to walk, but fortunately, they all arrived at the foot of the mountain safely.

After arriving at the place, Ye Xingchen couldn't help but said: "Even if it's to catch chickens, there's no need to take such a big risk to go down the mountain. The fog is still so thick. It's really unnecessary to go back and forth for two hours."

Yang Mi: "Catching chickens is Xiao Ding's dream, you brother must understand."

"Okay, but I still feel that the point of camping is to relax, not to be forced into business."

After Ye Xingchen finished speaking, he walked ahead.

 Thanks to Crystal's soda for the 1500 book coins
  Thank you for your monthly tickets and recommended tickets.

  Posted late today, one chapter in the afternoon and one chapter in the evening.

  Come on! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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