The road to academic dominance from the juvenile school

Chapter 227 Ye Xingchen's Daily Death

Chapter 227 Ye Xingchen, the Daily Killer (Two in One)
Ye Xingchen can see from the recording of these two days that everyone basically spent their time on the journey and setting up tents, leaving little time for everyone to entertain. In addition to the rain these two days, many projects were rejected , which means that there are very few playable items, and most of them are still tiring.

If it wasn't for Mai Mai, Ye Xingchen really wanted to leave Huashao's recording.Because my purpose is to camp and relax, not to be forced to open.

Several people now came to the RV with the necessary things for tonight.

Ye Xingchen also returned to his RV, and gave Xueqiu a few packs of dried fish as snacks, because the ones he bought were all edible, so it was very convenient.

"Is Heitan here?"

Ye Xingchen issued the password, and immediately projected the image of a black cat in the middle of the dining table. It looked very similar to Snowball, but it was black in color.

"No, why are you like this?"

Ye Xingchen was very surprised, because the last time it was just a talking screen, this time it changed directly, the key is that he hasn't moved yet.

"Boss, this is what it looks like randomly generated."

"That's it, that's fine, Heitan help me get an umbrella out."


After receiving the instruction, the middle of the table suddenly changed its shape with a sci-fi feel, and then pushed out a black umbrella from inside.

As soon as Ye Xingchen picked up his umbrella and was about to leave, he saw Mai Mai showing his cute little head, looking curiously at the holographic cat.

"Mai Mai, why are you here?"

Seeing that he had been discovered, Zhao Jinmai walked in awkwardly.

"My man, come and see what you're doing."

"Heitan, go back." Seeing Mai Mai coming to him, Ye Xingchen was afraid that the staff of the program team would also come in to shoot, and it would be particularly troublesome to broadcast it, so he quickly turned off the smart system.

After seeing this scene, Zhao Jinmai couldn't help but said, "Was it a projection just now? It's amazing."

Now that Mai Mai saw it, Ye Xingchen didn't hide it: "Well, this is a holographic projection, doesn't it feel very technological?"

"Yeah." Zhao Jinmai nodded quickly.

"Let's show it to you later when I have a chance, forget it now, I'm afraid of being photographed."

"it is good."

Zhao Jinmai also knew the pros and cons of this, so she also understood why Ye Xingchen turned it off in a hurry.

"I was just thinking about what kind of apology gift to prepare for you." Ye Xingchen signaled Mai Mai to come and sit down.

Zhao Jinmai sat down next to Ye Xingchen without restraint: "Then have you thought about it?"

"Haha, I thought of it, but I'll tell you tonight."

Zhao Jinmai looked at Ye Xingchen's smiling face, and always had the urge to beat him to death.

"Well, then I'm looking forward to my present."

Finally, everyone has taken all the things that should be taken, and did not forget to take a stroll in the canteen before leaving.

Ding Ding originally wanted to buy some snacks, but Mai Mai rejected them all.

After Ye Xingchen saw this scene, he remembered that when Miaomiao used the only 50 pocket money to treat everyone to eat, it was like this, as long as it exceeded the money limit, they would not buy it. In the end, Ye Xingchen, Qian Sanyi, Jiang Tianhao and Deng Xiaoqi Waiting for a person to buy a pack of spicy strips and a bottle of mineral water.

In the end, Ye Xingchen couldn't stand it anymore and said he would pay the bill, and then Lin Miaomiao took a lot of food back.

In fact, Lin Miaomiao didn't pick at all, she just divided people up. When she bought Ye Xingchen a gift for the first time, she almost spent all the pocket money she had saved.

When Ye Xingchen rewarded her with 2000 yuan, she was never willing to spend it, and she would only take it out to pay the bill when the two were on holiday.

Whenever he saw Miaomiao's shadow on Mai Mai, Ye Xingchen would always ask the system, did Miaomiao really disappear?Although he didn't have hope, he was still very disappointed after hearing the system's affirmative answer.

Although the recording of the program was very boring and almost no fun, it was the only chance he could get along with Mai Mai, so he chose to stay. Although he knew it was not Miao Miao, he always felt very kind.

Finally, under the leadership of the staff, several people came to the place where the bamboo shoots were taken.

Because everyone has never dug bamboo shoots by themselves, it feels quite interesting, and they are all looking for bamboo shoots on the ground carefully.

But there are those who dig bamboo shoots and those who make trouble, that's right, our high-cold academic tyrant Ye Xingchen has come out to kill again.

He quietly came behind Maimai, shook the bamboo next to him vigorously, and then ran away quickly.

"Ah~ what are you doing?"

Mai Mai was successfully covered by firepower, and Ding Chengxin was originally making trouble in the past, but he was accidentally injured directly.

"Hahahaha." Seeing that his "conspiracy" was successful, Ye Xingchen couldn't help laughing.

Yang Mi looked at Ye Xingchen who was so skinny and said with a smile: "How old are you, are you childish?"

Han Dongjun didn't think it was a big deal to watch the excitement, so he hurried out to pick things up: "Sister Mi, he bullied my sister again, this is unforgivable."

Ding Chengxin clapped his hands: "Yes, it's unforgivable, I think brother Xiachen should be punished."

"Hey, hey, Ding Ding, you also used to shake the bamboo just now, don't think I don't know, you can't escape even if you punish me."

"I didn't shake it, I just wanted to."

"Pfft~" Ye Xingchen felt that he had suffered internal injuries.

Yang Mi saw that everyone had the same opinion, and he couldn't protect him anymore. Who told him to die: "Go back, he will have nowhere to run. You can still run if you catch him now."

Ye Xingchen was stunned on the spot, so black-bellied, this is simply murder.

But for Mai Mai, it's still straightforward, she quietly came to Ye Xingchen's side, and then took advantage of him not paying attention, and shook the bamboo next to her vigorously.

Because Ye Xingchen didn't wear a raincoat and brought an umbrella, he was completely drowned.

"Mike you."

Ye Xingchen looked at Zhao Jinmai in disbelief. He never expected that this seemingly quiet girl would be even darker than Lin Miaomiao.

"Hmph, let's see if you dare next time."

Zhao Jinmai looked at Ye Xingchen proudly, looking even worse than Ye Xingchen just now.

After Yang Mi saw this scene, she thought to herself, everyone was spoiled by Ye Xingchen, why did she recruit her, she regretted her decision.

"It's Ye Xingchen who deserves you to bully Mai Mai." Yang Mi said bluntly.

"I... Forget it, you guys go ahead and play, I'll wait for you in the car." Ye Xingchen left this sad place as if suspicious of life.

Maimai looked at Ye Xingchen who left lonely, and couldn't bear to say: "Did I go too far?"

"Tit for tat can be called too much." Yang Mi said.

Mai Mai: "I'd better go see him."

Although with Maimai's understanding of Ye Xingchen, he would not get angry and sad so easily, but who knows if he will be narrow-minded.

When Mai Mai came to the car, he found Ye Xingchen playing King of Glory in the driver's seat.

"You came back just to play games?"

"Yeah, it's too boring, so find a reason to run away, I'm smart." Ye Xingchen didn't go to see Mai Mai, but concentrated on playing games.

Although Zhao Jinmai knew that Ye Xingchen was definitely not angry and ran away, but he didn't expect that the reason for running away was more outrageous than anger: "As expected of you, this is the king?"

"Yes, do you play this game?" Ye Xingchen asked casually.

"Well... I played it, but I don't have time to play it now, so I just..." Zhao Jinmai told the truth, because he doesn't have an account yet.

"Understood, actually I only play a few games when I'm bored, usually with my friends." Ye Xingchen said.


Mai Mai didn't talk too much, because she knew that it was best not to disturb others when she was playing games, and she was prone to mistakes.

But when she saw the id of Ye Xingchen's game, she couldn't help trembling.

Miao can pick the stars, this is Lin Miaomiao's game id.

When Ye Xingchen logged in to the game once in a while, after looking at the original id Xingchen, he bought a name change card and changed his name. It was a commemoration.

Not long after, everyone came back after digging the bamboo shoots.After Yang Mi got into the car, he watched the two of them play the game attentively, while the other watched seriously from the side, not paying attention to her arrival at all.

"What are you doing?" Yang Mi asked suspiciously.

"Shh, Ye Xingchen is playing ranked, and he is about to win." Mai Mai turned around and made a silent gesture, and then went to watch Ye Xingchen operate.

Yang Mi couldn't help but moved to the front to have a look: "Xing Chen, do you also play King?"

"That's right, there's almost nothing you don't want to play now." After Ye Xingchen's last flat a hit the enemy's crystal, Victory's voice came from the phone.

"Then what rank are you?" Yang Mi asked excitedly.

Ye Xingchen: "I haven't played much so far, only Xingyao."

"We're free together."

"of course can."

Yang Mi asked Zhao Jinmai next to him again: "Mai Mai, are you playing?"

"Play occasionally, but not very well."

"It's okay, we can be together when the program finishes recording and we take a break."


Of course Zhao Jinmai agreed.

Ye Xingchen: "Sure, but don't trick me."

"Tch, as long as you don't trick us." Facing Ye Xingchen's questioning, Yang Mi gave him a big white eye.

Because it was getting late, several people were led by the staff to the chicken coop, which was the last place to play today.

Ye Xingchen looked at these chickens, but there was nothing new about them, but seeing the behavior of Teacher Kelly and Sister Mi, they were quite scared.

Alas, man, he is cheap, good at food and loves to play.

Ye Xingchen came to Mai Mai's side mainly to protect her from being frightened. As for catching chickens, I left it to these "unknown" stars.

"Oh, this chicken runs so fast, it's too scary." Yang Mi looked at the chickens all over the floor, and she was very afraid that the chickens would fly over suddenly.

Zhang Kaili looked at the low-flying chickens and asked in surprise: "Mi, how can this chicken fly? Is this chicken flying?"

"Sister Kelly, the chicken flies, the chicken flies."

Yang Mi helplessly explained.

"Oh, yes, chickens can fly, right?"

Zhang Kaili suddenly realized.

Ye Xingchen looked at Mai Mai who was carefully avoiding the chicken beside him, and couldn't help laughing and asked, "Hahaha, are you scared?"

"It's okay, it's okay when it's not moving, but it's more scared when it moves." Zhao Jinmai said awkwardly when she saw Ye Xingchen's embarrassing appearance.

"It's okay. If you're scared, just hide behind me. My mission is to protect you." Ye Xingchen stretched out his hand subconsciously to touch Mai Mai's head, but in the end he held it back abruptly, and then said awkwardly. Stretched.

Of course Zhao Jinmai noticed his movements, and when she saw Ye Xingchen put down her hand, she felt a little disappointed.

"Xing Chen, Mai Mai, aren't you going to try to catch chickens?"

Yang Mi looked at the two people chatting behind and asked quickly.

"I'm fine, what are you doing grabbing this thing? Go grab it, I'll watch you grab it." Ye Xingchen refused to make a biubiu gesture after speaking.

Seeing Ye Xingchen's refusal, Yang Mi didn't force it either. After all, Ye Xingchen wasn't planning to come just now, so he brought him by force.

"Where's Mamy?"

Zhao Jinmai looked at the chickens running around. Although she was scared, she still wanted to take a closer look.

"I can try it, but I'm afraid it will move."

"It's okay, you hug it, and it won't move if you hug it." Han Dongjun gave Mai Mai the experience of catching chickens.

"let me try."

Ye Xingchen covered his head, he didn't understand what's so interesting about this, and how to catch it, chickens run really fast, when I was young, the sb in my grandson city, a group of people couldn't catch a chicken live, let alone you.

Because this time he accompanied Xiao Ding to fulfill his wish, so after Xiao Ding saw the chicken, he started his journey to catch the chicken.However, the courage is commendable, and the physical strength is exhausted. I ran around and failed to catch up, but I still caught one under the siege of several people.

Compared with Yang Mi and others' chicken catchers, Mai Mai seems to have a different interest in picking flowers.

Ye Xingchen was beside her quietly watching her pick up the flowers. If Manguo TV edited and gave special effects to the two of them, the picture should be quite beautiful.

Seeing that everyone had their own things to do, Ye Xingchen also thought about what kind of gift he would prepare for Mai Mai tonight.Just when he had no idea, he thought about how regretful Sister Mi said today that he couldn't see the starry sky in this weather, so he had an idea in his mind.

Yang Mi: "Mai Mai, Xingchen, do you two want to experience catching chickens? If you don't experience it, we will go back."

Ye Xingchen said lightly: "I can't, what about you, Mai Mai?"

"Me, me too."

"Okay, then let's go back."

"it is good.

Ye Xingchen was only responsible for being the driver, and had no interest in anything else.

Before leaving, Sister Kelly did not forget to ask the boss for some eggs, and cooked them when she was going back.

Because the fog had almost dispersed, it was relatively smooth for a few people to go back to the mountain.But the fog on the top of the mountain still hasn't dissipated.

Ye Xingchen has already redeemed the star projection lamp from the system, and is going to surprise Mai Mai tonight.

 Thank you Ye Yitan for the one hundred book coins rewarded by Yongtiao, and thank you for the monthly tickets and recommendation tickets that you rewarded. There are not many dry goods today. I will also fill in this hole.

  In the later stage of the plot, Ye Xingchen may continue to participate in variety shows. Although Ye Xingchen is not short of money now, he has no plans to go to the mall, but the funds can be handed over to the artificial intelligence Heitan for him to operate.

  The main style is still relaxed and entertaining.

  The author will write more interesting plots for everyone this month.

  thanks for your support

(End of this chapter)

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