The road to academic dominance from the juvenile school

Chapter 228 Obey Your Lady Queen's Order

Chapter 228 Obey Your Lady Queen's Order
On the way, everyone wants to go to the top of the mountain to have a look at the scenery on the top of the mountain in the clouds.

At this time, there was a feeling of smog on the top of the mountain, because the cloud layer was very low, so it was like a fairyland on earth.

Of course, where there is a fairyland, there are fairies. In Ye Xingchen's eyes, Mai Mai is the fairy in this place.

"Mai Mai!" Ye Xingchen held back his cry.

"Ah? What's wrong?"

Zhao Jinmai, who was feeling the magic of nature, heard someone calling him from behind, so he turned his head to look in the direction of the voice.

I saw Maimai's black hair hanging over her shoulders, and a few strands of blue hair caressed her ears. Perhaps because she had just run a few steps, there was still a little blush on her cheeks, which added a bit of beauty out of thin air.Ye Xingchen looked at the lovely girl who looked like an elf, and all his troubles disappeared.

"Be careful!"

Even though there were thousands of words, Ye Xingchen only uttered these three words.

But he said that he had no intention of doing so, but he listened with intention.Even though it was just three short words, Zhao Jinmai could still hear the concern contained in it.

Mai Mai smiled at Ye Xingchen, and then replied with a voice like a silver bell: "Understood."

Ye Xingchen took out the camera he had prepared, and took a few photos of Mai Mai not far away from him, which he thought was a good angle.

Time can't be kept, but photos can be kept. Beautiful moments should be recorded. Looking at the girl in front of him, Ye Xingchen's long-calm heart seemed to be touched again.

Yang Mi watched Ye Xingchen taking pictures of Mai Mai with the camera, and couldn't help but said, "Xingchen, don't just take pictures for my sister, take some pictures for us too."

The tone of Yang Mi's speech was ridiculed, and the meaning expressed was also obvious.But this is a small problem for Ye Xingchen, after all, he has a thick skin.

Ye Xingchen smiled faintly after hearing this: "Don't panic, come one by one, I'll shoot your sister now."

"Okay, take more pictures and make them look better." After Yang Mi said that, he posed on the fence.

Ye Xingchen set the focus and found a good angle, quickly pressed the shutter with his hand, click click click, and took three consecutive shots.

Yang Mi is also familiar with taking pictures, constantly changing his posture on the fence, taking pictures with Ye Xingchen.

Maimai, who was having fun in the front, came back to see this scene, the corners of his mouth slightly raised, and he had a strange thought in his heart.

I saw that she took out the Polaroid that she had been carrying all the time, pointed at Ye Xingchen, and pressed the shutter to record this moment.

In fact, this is not the first time that he has been photographed secretly, but everyone has not found out.

When taking pictures, Maimai's clothes slipped down, and a red bracelet slowly appeared on her smooth arm.

This is Ye Xingchen's birthday gift to Lin Miaomiao. Maimai didn't bring it with her for the first two days. The reason why she didn't bring it was because she was afraid of bumping into it when setting up the tent, or getting dirty with this bracelet, such an important thing. Zhao Jinmai kept putting it in her bag until today.

But because of the weather, everyone was wearing long sleeves, so Ye Xingchen didn't notice it, and he didn't have time to find it.

At this time, Ding Chengxin ran to Mai Mai and asked suspiciously: "Sister, what are you filming?"

Zhao Jinmai quickly put down the camera, as if someone had spotted a sneaky cat, and said in a panic, "I didn't take any pictures, I was taking pictures of the scenery."

"Lie, I've seen it all, you're secretly taking pictures of Brother Chen."

Seeing that he knew everything, Zhao Jinmai did not continue to quibble: "You guessed it right, you just shoot him, what's the matter? I'm not only shooting him, I'm also shooting you."

After finishing speaking, I immediately took a few close-up shots of Big Nail.

"Ai ai ai ai ai ai ai ai ai ai ai ai ai ai ai ai ai ai ai ai ai ai ai ai ai ai ai ai ai ai ai ai ai ai ai ai ai ai ai ai ai ai ai ai ai ai ai ai ai ai ai ai ai ai ai ai ai ai ay

"Show what, show, just like this, true."


"No, but, if you talk too much, I'll hit you." Maimai stretched out her fist the size of a sandbag and shook Ding Chengxin's eyes.

Ding shut up in fright.

I thought to myself: When did my sister become so fierce, it's really scary.

At this time, Han Dongjun said: "Let's gather together and take a picture together. Xiaochen will use your camera."

Ye Xingchen nodded in agreement.

Seeing the other five people posing properly, Ye Xingchen skillfully found a good angle and pressed the shutter.

"Okay, let me take a look." When Yang Mi saw Ye Xingchen put down the camera to check, he couldn't help but also went to have a look.

Yang Mi took the camera and looked at the photos Ye Xingchen took just now. Every photo was very artistic. At first glance, it was the work of a professional photographer. This made Yang Mi refresh his understanding of Ye Xingchen. No he wouldn't.

Mai Mai also came over at this time, squeezed between Ye Xingchen and Yang Mi, seeing that the photo of the five of them was pretty good, but it always felt like something was missing.

Zhao Jinmai suggested that everyone stand up and take a new photo for them, including Ye Xingchen.

Of course Ye Xingchen understood Mai Mai's kindness, he leaned close to Miao Miao's ear, and said in a voice that only two people could hear: "Thank you."

After getting up, Mai Mai stared at him with two big eyes like copper bells, looked at him with a smile and said, "You're welcome."

Ye Xingchen stood beside Mai Mai, and the six of them stood together. As everyone said the word "eggplant" in unison, the picture was frozen at this moment.

After the shooting, Zhao Jinmai gave Yang Mi her Polaroid, and wanted her to take a separate photo of herself and Ye Xingchen.

Yang Mi readily agreed.

Then Zhao Jinmai and Ye Xingchen discussed how to pose in any pose, and finally the two decided to pose with the two sideways holding guns, which looked cooler. (For details, please see the ninth video from the bottom of the Douyin Maimai video)
Yang Mi looked at the two in front of him with a smile, focused on them, pressed the shutter, and recorded this moment.

Finally, everyone took the photos they wanted.Seeing that it was going to be dark soon, Mi Tuan was worried about safety, and then hurriedly called his children back home.

On the way, Ye Xingchen and Mai Mai kept talking: "Give me a copy of the photo I just took."

"Of course, you also secretly filmed me, don't think I don't know, send it to me after recording the show, otherwise hum."

With a serious face, Mai Mai pointed at Ye Xingchen with one hand and said.

When Ye Xingchen saw Mai Mai like this, his first impression was that it was cute, and it didn't have any deterrent effect, but it could arouse your emotions even more... (not to mention being afraid of river crabs).

"Okay, no problem, follow Her Lady Queen's orders."

"Pfft ha ha ha." Mai Mai was amused by this scene.

Ye Xingchen looked at Mai Mai who was smiling like a fool, rolled his eyes at her, then ignored her and ran to the front to chat with Ding.

Seeing Ye Xingchen running to the front, Mai Mai's laughter stopped abruptly.

"Hmph, just ignore me."

... >
This was just a small episode. After returning to the base, everyone started to get busy with the hot pot for the evening. Ye Xingchen also took out the ingredients from the car, which turned out to be fresh mutton rolls.Seeing this thing, everyone stared at it closely, as if they wanted to destroy it alive.

 Thank you for the 5000 book coins rewarded by the old wolf of the Moonlight Treasure Box.Thank you, woo woo woo.But the author is already unable to add updates, so I owe it first.Another chapter tonight.

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(End of this chapter)

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