Chapter 231 Aren't You Greedy?
Yang Mi held back his smile and said, "Ye Xingchen, go to sleep in the tent tonight, I think you should reflect on it."

"Pfft, hahahaha, I'm sorry, I couldn't hold back." Li Sidani pressed her hands next to her eyes so that she wouldn't wrinkle from laughing.

Seeing that the girl group was colluding, Ye Xingchen pinned his last hope on Sun God and his younger brother, only to see Ye Xingchen look at them for help.

Han Dongjun and Xiaoding felt that Ye Xingchen was still a bit unbearable to go outside, and they were about to intercede with Yang Mi, but Yang Mi said to them with a sneer:
"You two think it over before we talk."

Han Dongjun and Ding Chengxin looked at each other, slapped the table and got up and said domineeringly: "Who are you scaring me, I, the sun god, rich and noble cannot be promiscuous, poor and humble cannot be moved, and mighty cannot be subdued. I am afraid of your threats?"

When Ye Xingchen and Xiaoding heard Han Dongjun's domineering speech, their admiration for him was like a torrent of water, endless.Just when Ye Xingchen made up his mind to follow the sun god's lead in the future, the next sentence completely wiped out Ye Xingchen's admiration for him just now.

"I mainly think that Xiaoye has really gone too far in this matter. I support Mituan's decision and let Xiaoye go out and reflect on it." Then he hugged his small bench and sat opposite Ye Xingchen.

Seeing the rebellion of the boys' main force, Xiao Ding also picked up the bench and ran to the other side.

Now the situation is more obvious, 7:1, Ye Xingchen was successfully driven outside.

Ye Xingchen saw that the situation on the stage was really not good for him, so he tried to quibble: "First of all, as an audience, I appreciate sister Zifeng's acting skills more, so I pay attention to the variety shows she recorded, there is no other meaning at all. , I follow her works first, followed by her people. But Mai Mai, I follow the people first, and then the works. The nature of the two is different, I swear."

Although Ye Xingchen's analysis is well-founded, Yang Mi will not easily believe what a person who "starts in chaos and ends up abandoning" said, she asked through Ye Xingchen's explanation: "Who knows if what you said is true?" , who can prove it, empty words have no proof, why should we believe that what you said is true. Mai Mai, do you believe it?"

Zhao Jinmai shook her head, looked at Ye Xingchen indifferently and said, "Hmph, I don't believe it!"

"See? It's useless for you to explain to us. Mai Mai doesn't believe it. Unless you can prove it to us all, you are lying." Yang Mi looked at Ye Xingchen with a smile that seemed to embarrass Ye Xingchen. One of the best things about day camping.

Ye Xingchen's face was full of grievances, he realized that he was wrong, yes, he felt that he was wrong, why do you say that you are so cheap and say you like Zhang Zifeng.And the most important thing is, if I have nothing to do with Mai Mai, how could I become a scumbag.

But now that the topic has come to this, the problem has been solved, it must be solved, it looks like it will rain tonight, although my tent is fully equipped, after all, the products produced by the system must be high-quality products, but I am afraid of the dark, woo woo woo woo woo.

"My brother can prove to me that he knows everything I say is true."

Ye Xingchen was also willing to go all out at this time, and it was a big deal to gamble.

"Oh? Xiaochen also has a younger brother, how old is it?" Hearing that Ye Xingchen also had a younger brother, Liu Mintao became interested instantly.

Ye Xingchen: "Two years younger than me, and just finished the college entrance examination this year."

"Your brother can prove it to you, how can I prove it to you, call?" Yang Mi asked.

"Call him, I can always turn on the speakerphone, I, Ye Xingchen, am a nail when I spit and spit, and I never lie."

Mai Mai whispered from the side: "I will believe it, you have lied to me many times, and you just like me alone, it is all fake."

Because her voice is very small and insignificant, even if there is a microphone, the program crew can only hear the voice of muttering, and cannot hear what Mai Mai is saying.

"Okay, let's listen on hands-free." Since Ye Xingchen wanted to prove himself, Yang Mi gave him this chance.

Ye Xingchen didn't waste time either, he found Ye Xingyao's number and called.

The phone was connected quickly, and his brother's voice came from the other side.

"What's wrong, why are you calling me?"

Ye Xingchen didn't greet his younger brother politely, and went straight to the point: "Listen, I'm going to ask you a question now, and you have to tell the truth."

"What's wrong, suddenly so serious."

"who do I like?"

"Brother, you don't even know who you like. Your account has been hacked. No, this is a phone number. Could it be that you lost your memory?"

Ye Xingchen has a black line on his head, and now I really want to teleport to my stupid brother and smash his head to pieces.

"I'm not joking with you, this is a very serious question."

Hearing that his brother's tone really didn't sound like a joke, Ye Xingyao immediately became serious.

My brother asked me who he likes. This kind of question is usually only asked when girlfriends are checking posts. Could it be... The corners of Ye Xingyao's mouth are raised, it seems that he will soon have a sister-in-law.

He recalled what Ye Xingchen said to himself recently. If there is someone he likes, it would be Zhao Jinmai, because Ye Xingchen said it himself. This possibility.

Ye Xingyao immediately replied: "Brother, don't you like Lin Miaomiao the most, the one who is more popular recently is called Zhao Jinmai, right?"

Ye Xingchen really wanted to hug his younger brother's head and kiss him hard, it was so powerful.

But what Ye Xingyao said next caused Ye Xingchen, who had just climbed up from the bottom of the valley, to be kicked down by others.

"Whether you like it or not, according to your original words, you are greedy for others."

Everyone was stunned, with their mouths wide open.

Ye Xingchen's brain stopped spinning for a while. Everyone was happy, but he didn't expect his brother to say such a sentence.

For a while, everyone turned off the microphone and did not speak, and the air was still for more than ten seconds.

"Hey, brother, what's the matter with you? Are you still there?"

Ye Xingyao's voice came from the phone, and Ye Xingchen regained his composure.

He gritted his teeth and said into the phone's microphone: "Ye Xingyao, I'll deal with you when I get back. I advise you, pack up and run away, or I won't be able to beat you to death."

After saying that, Ye Xingchen hung up the phone. He looked up at everyone, and found that they all looked like his aunt was smiling.

"I said that my brother deliberately punished me, do you believe me?" Ye Xingchen asked weakly.

Yang Mi sighed: "Xiao Chenchen, I didn't expect you to be this kind of person, alas!"

At this time, Li Sidani raised her hand and asked silently: "Can our show still be broadcast?"

Liu Mingtao: "It won't be broadcast, it will beep."

Ding Chengxin didn't know how to comfort others, so he walked over and patted Ye Xingchen on the shoulder: "Brother Chen, I understand, I understand."

You understand Nima.

Ye Xingchen wanted to give him a big sinus.

"Mai Mai, what do you say?" Yang Mi looked at Mai Mai in his arms and asked.

At this time, Zhao Jinmai's cheeks were flushed, and his eyes kept avoiding.

"I, I, I'm going to do the dishes."

After speaking, he got up and began to pack the dishes in front of him, and then ran to the pool.

 Thanks to the book friend 160701071650873 for the reward of 1500 book coins and a monthly ticket
  Thank you Kuangsan for rewarding the January ticket
  Thanks to the weak crown for the rewarded January ticket
  Thanks to 546gfh for the January ticket
  Thanks to Xiaoxiao Anzhi for the January ticket
  Thanks to 95 Kill Matt Fengzi for the January ticket
  Thank you for the January ticket that is rewarded by pleasing to the eye
(End of this chapter)

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