Chapter 232

Looking at Mai Mai who was running away, Yang Mi said: "At first I thought Xiao Chenchen was a scumbag, but I didn't expect to be so obscene, it really doesn't look like a person."

Hearing Yang Mi's sarcasm, Ye Xingchen could only grit his teeth and fight back: "Anyone with a discerning eye knows that my brother is making fun of me, and I am not a scumbag. Just now my brother proved to me that I am not lying."

Yang Mi walked over and gently stroked Ye Xingchen's head, then said softly: "Yes, I have indeed proved it to you. But even if you can prove that you are not a scumbag, how can you prove that you are not obscene?"

Ye Xingchen felt his chest heat up, and a mouthful of old blood was almost spurted out.

After dinner, everyone started to clean up their own dishes.This incident was originally a small episode. Judging from everyone's observation of Ye Xingchen in the past two days, we knew that Ye Xingchen was not that kind of person. His younger brother must have been joking him just now.And to take a step back, even if he is this kind of person, it will not affect everyone's goodwill towards him, after all, no one is perfect, right?

But understanding is understanding, but this does not affect other people making fun of Ye Xingchen through this matter.

Since the dinner incident just now, Mai Mai seemed to be hiding from Ye Xingchen on purpose, and took the initiative to help everyone wash the dishes, and he never came out.

Ye Xingchen originally wanted to explain what happened just now, but he never found the opportunity.

Of course Liu Mingtao understood Ye Xingchen's thoughts, so he came to Ye Xingchen and said, "My waist hurts a little, Xiaochen, you and Mai Mai wash out the rest of the dishes, there are not many left."

Of course Ye Xingchen knew that this was Sister Mintao creating another opportunity for herself, and said very gratefully: "Thank you, Sister Mintao."

"This child, thank me for letting you work, go quickly."


Ye Xingchen trotted in, and came to Mai Mai's side.

After watching Ye Xingchen go in, Han Dongjun and Xiaoding quietly came to the door and looked inside. After all, it is human nature to gossip.

The two stood at the door and eavesdropped on each side like guards on the left and right.

Ye Xingchen suddenly showed his head from the door.

"Ah!" ×2
Both Xiao Ding and Sun God flew up in fright.

"What are you two doing here?" Ye Xingchen looked coldly at the two teasers in front of him.

"That's what. Exercise when you're full." Han Dongjun said tremblingly.

Xiao Ding nodded quickly: "Me too, exercise, oh, I'm so full"

Ye Xingchen sneered: "Heh! You two look at the shape of my mouth."


Han Dongjun and Ding Chengxin came forward.

"g! u! n!"

"What?" The two still didn't understand.



The two ran away as if fleeing, Ye Xingchen gave a warning with his eyes, and then closed the door between the pools.

Only Ye Xingchen and Zhao Jinmai were left in the small space.

Seeing that the atmosphere was terrible, Ye Xingchen couldn't help but said, "Let me help you."

Ye Xingchen reached out to take the bowl in Mai Mai's hand, but was dodged.

"No, I'll just come."

From Mai Mai's tone, he couldn't tell whether it was joy or anger.

Ye Xingchen put his hand in the air awkwardly, since Mai Mai wouldn't let him help, he could only watch from the sidelines.

When washing the dishes, Maimai's sleeves are rolled up, so the bracelet is naturally exposed, and because it is red, it is particularly obvious.

Ye Xingchen, who was on the side, quickly noticed it. When he saw the bracelet, his head thumped.

I am very familiar with this bracelet. When I chose the color, I specially chose the couple style, red and blue.

What happened in the past two days was instantly recalled in his brain, and Ye Xingchen finally understood many things after replaying.

Why did Mai Mai have excitement in his eyes when he met him for the first time.

Why does Mai Mai know that she never snores when she sleeps.

Why is Snowball so kind to her.

In the interview, she said that she and Lin Miaomiao have no similarities in personality, but why the behavior of these two days always gave her the illusion.

The most important point is that I obviously prepared two big bags of dried fish, why did I eat them all in two days.

It was really her.

Lin Miaomiao.

She is always there.

Ye Xingchen resisted the urge to hug Zhao Jinmai, and finally confirmed it.

He stepped back and turned on the sensor function of the wristband.As Ye Xingchen pressed the confirmation option, the two wristbands flickered as if they were summoned.

Mai Mai, who was washing the dishes, saw that the bracelet sensor system was activated, and turned to look at Ye Xingchen.

Before she could turn around completely, Ye Xingchen stepped forward and hugged her tightly.

Until the moment when she fell into her arms, Zhao Jinmai's tears, which she suppressed for a long time, finally flowed out uncontrollably.

Ye Xingchen seemed to have sensed her emotions, and hugged her even tighter.

"why did not you tell me?"

There are always thousands of words in my heart, and when they reach my mouth, they become this sentence.

"Why should I tell you. Didn't you say that you would take the initiative to find me? Didn't you say that you only like me? Bastard! Big liar! Scum! Let me go!"

The beauty in her arms became more and more excited as she talked, so she raised her hands and beat Ye Xingchen non-stop.

Ye Xingchen allowed her to release her grievances on herself and did not stop her.

As if feeling that this could not dispel his anger, Mai Mai picked up Ye Xingchen's arm and bit it.

Pain, excruciating pain.

Ye Xingchen gritted his teeth and endured the pain until his arm was bleeding without making a sound.

Seeing that Ye Xingchen's arm was bleeding from being bitten by him, Mai Mai quickly let go, picked up his arm in a hurry and said distressedly: "Why don't you say anything, does it hurt?"

Ye Xingchen forced a smile on his face and said, "It doesn't hurt, it doesn't hurt at all."

"You're lying, you're bleeding and you still say it doesn't hurt."

Seeing Ye Xingchen's injury, Zhao Jinmai cried even more sadly. He pulled him to the sink, turned on the faucet, and carefully washed Ye Xingchen's wound.

Seeing Mai Mai's nervous and distressed appearance, Ye Xingchen felt that even a broken arm was worth it.

"Miaomiao, no, Mai Mai, I'll do it myself."

"Don't move, the wound will become infected if you don't wash it properly."

Seeing the unstoppable flow of blood, Maimai felt very regretful, regretting why he used so much strength.

The tears in my eyes couldn't stop thinking about it.

Seeing Miaomiao crying for no reason, Ye Xingchen hurriedly comforted him: "What's wrong? Are you still angry, Nuo, if you are angry with me, bite me again, bite hard, don't be polite."

Looking at the silly Ye Xingchen in front of him, Zhao Jinmai finally couldn't help but threw himself into his arms and cried loudly: "Wow, bastard, why don't you avoid it, it's all my fault. Woooooo. "

"Don't blame you, blame me. Blame me for not taking the initiative to find you, blame me for not receiving your request for location, blame me for being too stupid, and blame me for not knowing that you are always by my side after getting along for so long."

Hearing Ye Xingchen's words, Mai Mai cried even louder, because the sound of the faucet hitting the pot was relatively loud, so I didn't know what happened outside, and just now Ye Xingchen turned off the microphone of himself and Mai Mai, So... (I understand everything.)
 This pit is really difficult to fill, but fortunately, my writing is limited, so I can only write it like this. Competent book friends can help me polish it, hehe.

  It was hard enough to bleed.Too cruel.

  Tomorrow's plot will be even more exciting.Hmm... la la la

(End of this chapter)

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