The road to academic dominance from the juvenile school

Chapter 233 Did Ye Xingchen Bully You?

Chapter 233 Did Ye Xingchen Bully You?
"Okay, okay, don't cry, let them think I bullied you." Ye Xingchen gently stroked Mai Mai's hair, as if to comfort her in this way.

Zhao Jinmai said in a crying voice, "You're just bullying me, bastard!"

"Okay, okay, I'm an asshole, okay, I'm not human, little ancestor, can you stop crying? The program group is still recording the program, but fortunately I turned off the microphone, otherwise if this is broadcast, we will both play It's over." Now Ye Xingchen can only follow her, and when Mai Mai is calm, it will be fine.

Maybe because he knew the seriousness of the problem Ye Xingchen just mentioned, or maybe because he was tired from crying, the fussy little guy finally calmed down.

However, the hands holding Ye Xingchen did not relax at all, maybe because they were afraid of throwing Ye Xingchen away again.

Ye Xingchen didn't push her away either, and just let her hug her.

Because of his strong recovery ability, the wound that wasn't that big had already begun to scab over.

After a while, Zhao Jinmai finally let go of Ye Xingchen.

She wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes and said angrily: "It's all your fault, my makeup is all crying, how can I get out."

Ye Xingchen looked at her fondly and said, "What's the matter, in my eyes you look beautiful without makeup."

"Slick tongue, you really are a scumbag. Tell me, how many girls have you said this to?" Zhao Jinmai questioned Ye Xingchen.

At this time, Ye Xingchen didn't tell the other girls, let alone say no. After all, life-saving is important, and she really said:
"The world can learn from you, and you are the only one."

Maimai stared closely at Ye Xingchen's eyes, as if he was considering the authenticity of this sentence, but after a while, he didn't see anything, so he reluctantly let him go.

"You pass the test. I'll go out first, and then you go out. Be natural and don't let Sister Mi and the others see anything."

Ye Xingchen thought to himself: You are stupid to the gang outside, with your red eyes from crying, as long as the gang outside are not blind, they will know what's going on.Alas, I am so sad, I have to give them a reasonable explanation.

But even though I think so in my heart, I can't say it out of my mouth, otherwise...

"Okay, just run upstairs as soon as you go out, and I'll take care of the rest."

Ye Xingchen looked at his injured arm, then silently put down his sleeve.

Seeing Ye Xingchen's actions, Mai Mai blushed. Although she knew what she did was wrong, she was still very angry. Are you serious about putting your sleeves down?Also guard yourself.

Mai Mai took a deep breath, opened the door and walked out.

Sure enough, as soon as she came out, Yang Mi and Ding Ding noticed her.

"Mai Mai, why are your eyes red? Are you crying? Did Ye Xingchen bully you?"

Yang Mi asked worriedly.

"No, no, it's none of Ye Xingchen's business, something dirty got into her eyes just now, so..." It has to be said that Mai Mai successfully displayed her talent as an actress, and her acting skills are outstanding.

Ding Chengxin also asked very concerned: "Are you okay, have you washed your eyes?"

"Well, it's much better now, Sister Mi, I'll go up and touch up my makeup."


As Mai Mai went upstairs, Ye Xingchen also came out from inside.

However, after he came out, he was treated completely differently from Mai Mai. As soon as he walked out of the door, Ding Chengxin and Han Dongjun ran over to ask what was going on.

"Brother, have you coaxed my sister well?"

"Yes, just now I saw my sister's eyes were red, I thought you were bullying her, Brother Chen."

Hearing the words of these two bastards, Ye Xingchen resisted the urge to hit someone and said, "It's done, it's done well."

"That's fine, then you can continue to sleep in the room tonight." After speaking, Han Dongjun didn't forget to pat Ye Xingchen on the shoulder.

It's okay not to mention this, but Ye Xingchen became even angrier when he mentioned this. I still remember when you sold me just now.

"Brother Sun God, don't let me seize the opportunity in the future, let me seize the opportunity and I will definitely send you to the tent myself." Ye Xingchen smiled sharply, referred to as smiling tiger.

Han Dongjun said with a trembling smile: "Well, brother, you can't think that way. I was forced. Besides, Xiao Ding, isn't Xiao Ding also a betrayal?"

Ding Chengxin saw that the fire was burning on himself, so he quickly threw the blame away.

"I looked at Taiyan brother and went there. I followed. I wanted to stand by you, but you know that there are few of us..."

Ding Chengxin's voice became softer the further he got to the back.

Ye Xingchen sighed softly, forget it, let them go.

"Okay, okay, fortunately I coaxed Mai Mai, otherwise I really went out to sleep, tired, packed up and went to bed, and went to take a shower."

Ye Xingchen was about to go back upstairs when Yang Mi called him back.

"Xiao Chenchen, where are you going?"

Ye Xingchen replied lightly: "Taking a bath, I'm going to bed after taking a shower."

Yang Mi didn't intend to let him go just like that today: "Stop! Didn't you agree to prepare a gift for Mai Mai? Didn't you forget it?"

"I'm ready, it's too late today, how about tomorrow." Ye Xingchen looked at the time and found that it was already 11 o'clock, which was really late.

"No, Maimai went up to touch up her makeup, and she will come down after a while. The manly man keeps his word. If he said that he had prepared a gift for Maimai today, he must give it to Maimai today."

Yang Mi said this to see if Ye Xingchen took this matter to heart, or if he took Mai Mai to heart.

Ye Xingchen thought for a while, and it's okay to give it now, just to help Xiaoding fulfill his wish by the way.

"Okay. Then wait for Mai Mai to come down, I'll go up to get a gift."

In fact, the holographic projection starry sky ball is in the system space, and Ye Xingchen is going to pretend to take it out of the backpack above it.

"Okay, then we'll wait."

Yang Mi and the others are now looking forward to what the gift will be.

Upstairs, Ye Xingchen lay down on his little bed. He still has some doubts in his mind, why is Mai Mai Miao Miao? If the world of the Youth Pi was created by the system, it also disappeared when he left. , Then why does the bracelet that I gave to Miaomiao appear here?What the hell is going on with all this?

Ye Xingchen consciously entered the system space and began to ask what was going on with the system.

"System, why is Lin Miaomiao the Zhao Jinmai of this world? Don't you say that Miaomiao's world is a copy?"

"Don't get excited about the host. I don't know what's going on. I'm just a tool similar to artificial intelligence. I'm only responsible for cultivating the host. I don't know anything else."

Ye Xingchen knew the answer, something, was an artificial retarded person.Suddenly Ye Xingchen seemed to think of something.

He immediately opened the system space and took out the fusion ring.

When you click to view, it still says to use it once.

At first, Ye Xingchen didn't know what this thing was for, nor did he know what it was for this time, but now he seemed to understand the function of this thing.

Fusion of Zhao Jinmai and Lin Miaomiao, or Lin Miaomiao was originally Zhao Jinmai, but...

Ye Xingchen put away the fusion ring, and already had a guess in his heart.

 Three shifts today, three shifts, three shifts

(End of this chapter)

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