Chapter 235

However, Ye Xingchen had a different opinion on this topic.

"I think the so-called beautiful scenery still depends on the individual. Of course, most people have similar understandings of beautiful scenery. But didn't the ancients often say that beautiful scenery matches a beautiful woman? I feel that as long as you are with someone you like, the two of you will walk together. Everywhere I go is meaningful.”

After Ye Xingchen finished speaking, his lower hand became dishonest, and he sneaked to Maimai's place to find her little hand and grabbed it.

Of course Zhao Jinmai noticed his small movements, but she didn't resist and let him hold her hand.There was still some sweetness in his heart, after all, what Ye Xingchen said just now was for himself.

Because the lights were not turned on, no one noticed the small movements of the two of them. Even though the machine had a night function, Ye Xingchen checked the positions of all the fixed cameras in the past two days.Ye Xingchen and Mai Mai's position is a blind spot, so they can't be photographed.What's more, the night mode is already blurry, so I can see it clearly.

Everyone agreed with Ye Xingchen's unique understanding.

However, some people's attention is always going astray, and Han Dongjun said suddenly at this time: "So, who is the person you like?"

He shot himself in the foot.

But Ye Xingchen also replied quite neatly: "I like you, that's fine."

"No, I don't like men."

"Hahaha" × 6
Ye Xingchen ignored him, but quietly enjoyed this moment.

This feeling of lost and found is impossible for others to understand.

In this way, everyone stayed for half an hour without communicating, and finally turned on the lights and went upstairs to go to bed under the reminder of the director team.

Because there was only one place to take a bath, everyone basically took turns taking a bath. By the time Ye Xingchen finished taking a bath, it was already 12:30, which was considered to be the middle of the night.

Looking at the time, Ye Xingchen knew that he couldn't get up early tomorrow, or he would die of sleepiness. He lay on the bed, put on his noise-cancelling headphones and played music, and fell asleep after a while.

And Xiao Ding fell asleep in the baptism of the sun god's snoring.

Just as Ye Xingchen imagined, the biological clock at 6 o'clock did not wake him up, and he slept peacefully until nine o'clock in the morning.

But at this time, an "earth-shattering" event has taken place below.

Ms. Zhang Kaili was the black hand behind this big event. She forgot the time to boil the water. Fortunately, Xiao Ding noticed it and turned off the fire in time, so no major accident was caused, it was just a false alarm.

Although Maimai didn't get up early today, she still got up before 8 o'clock and finished washing.When she went downstairs and didn't see Ye Xingchen, she thought he was wandering outside.

But after Ding Chengxin came down and chatted with him for a while, he realized that Ye Xingchen hadn't woken up yet.Zhao Jinmai thought he was sick, and worried for a while down there, who knew that this guy just slept late.

After Ye Xingchen woke up naturally, he found that Han Dongjun and himself were the only ones left in the room. He hurried to the bathroom to wash and dry his hair before going downstairs to say hello to everyone.

But as soon as I got to the stairs at the corner, I saw Mai Mai walking around non-stop below, as if she was waiting for someone.

When seeing Ye Xingchen, Mai Mai hurried forward and asked, "Why did you wake up so late today, I thought you were sick."

"No, I slept late last night. I thought I'd sleep a little longer this morning. I'm sorry, I made you worry." With an apology on his face, Ye Xingchen fondled Maimai's hair.

After seeing that Ye Xingchen was fine, Zhao Jinmai finally let go of a stone in his heart.

"It's good that you're fine, whether you're hungry or not, Sister Kelly just boiled 8 eggs, if you're hungry, you can eat an egg first." Maimai shook her head and said with a smile.

"I'm not hungry, let's eat together after everyone comes down," Ye Xingchen felt that it was almost done, and hurriedly withdrew his hand, after all, he was still recording the show.

Seeing Ye Xingchen take his hand away, Zhao Jinmai felt a little disappointed in his heart.But she soon felt relieved, because she knew that Ye Xingchen did this for her own good.

"Well, let's read the book." Zhao Jinmai pulled Ye Xingchen to sit on the sofa, and took out the two books she bought in advance.

"No, look at this."

Ye Xingchen took the book and took a look. Although the genre of Yasunari Kawabata's book "Distant Travel" was not Ye Xingchen's favorite, for Ye Xingchen, reading was just as picky as eating.

So there was such a scene in the Huashao family. Our handsome men and beautiful women were together holding a book and studying hard. The scene was indescribably warm.

After a while, Liu Mintao, Yang Mi and others also came down.Ye Xingchen could tell at a glance that Min Tao's mental state was not very good.

"Sister Mi, Sister Tao, sit down." Ye Xingchen closed the book and got up to make way for the two of them.

At first Liu Mingtao was still refusing: "No need, Chen, you can just sit down."

"Sister Tao, you don't have to be polite with me, please sit down." Ye Xingchen helped Sister Mintao to sit where she was sitting just now.

"Thank you."

"You're welcome."

Liu Mintao sat down and still looked listless.After seeing it, Mai Mai asked with concern: "Sister, do you have a headache?"

"It hurts! It's like being on fire if you can't open your eyes." Liu Mingtao said weakly.

Yang Mi seems to understand the feeling of insomnia: "Wake up all night, right?"

"I know everything even if I close my eyes. I can know all of you who turned over, or any movement."

Ye Xingchen understands Miss Mintao's pain very well, back then...forget it, don't mention it.Anyway, I just couldn't fall asleep all the time, and the more sleepy I was, the more I couldn't fall asleep, so I was so uncomfortable that I couldn't sleep.

"Sister, let me give you a massage. Massaging your head should relax you a lot and make you feel better." Ye Xingchen said.

Yang Mi was surprised: "You know how to massage?"

"Yeah, I learned a little bit."

Ye Xingchen didn't lie about this, he has learned everything in the second-level library, and he is very proficient in it, except of course he has never learned about giving birth.

"When did you get a massage? Why have I never heard from you?" Zhao Jinmai was very puzzled.

After hearing her words, Yang Mi couldn't help laughing and said: "Haha Mai Mai, you and Xiao Chenchen have only known each other for a long time, how could you know everything about him?"

When Zhao Jinmai heard this, she felt a little reluctant for a moment, thinking: I have known Ye Xingchen for more than 2 years, so I just met.

But these words can't be said, so Mai Mai is very aggrieved at this time.

"Okay, it's not important, sister Mintao, why don't you give it a try." Ye Xingchen interrupted the two of them and suggested again.

Seeing Xiao Chen's insistence, I also know that he has good intentions, so let him try: "Okay, then I will trouble you."

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(End of this chapter)

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