Chapter 236 Holding hands?no!
Ye Xingchen's thumb massaged vertically from the eyebrows of the forehead to the hairline, gently massaging Liu Mingtao's two temples and the two sides of the vagina.

It seemed that the massage had worked, and Liu Mintao's painful expression eased.

"Sister Mintao, do you feel better?" Ye Xingchen asked softly.

Liu Mingtao is still enjoying: "Well, it really relieved a lot."

Seeing her like this, Ye Xingchen couldn't help smiling and said, "Sister, after the massage, you can rest on the sofa for a while, or go back to your room to have a good rest and sleep."


Looking at the relieved Min Tao, Yang Mi and Mai Mai looked envious, and seemed to want to experience Ye Xingchen's massage skills.

Several people were very tacit and did not speak.After a while, Ye Xingchen and Liu Mintao looked at Liu Mintao as if he had fallen asleep, then he quietly took his hands away, made a silent movement towards Mai Mai and Yang Mi, and slowly got up to run away.

Of course, the two of them saw Liu Mingtao who seemed to be asleep, and politely kept silent.

But accidents always come. At this time, Sister Kelly brought the eggs over and said to everyone: "Do you eat eggs?"

Ye Xingchen: "..."

Yang Mi: "..."

Zhao Jinmai: "..."

Seeing the expressions of the three people, Zhang Kaili knew that she seemed to have made a mistake again.

"Hmm~ Did I fall asleep just now?" Liu Mintao opened his eyes dimly and said.

"Oh, I only fell asleep for a while."

Ye Xingchen just sighed softly, it doesn't matter, just go to the room and give Sister Mintao a massage for a while.

Yang Mi said with a little helplessness in his expression: "Sister Kelly, you just woke up Sister Tao, and she finally fell asleep."

"It's okay, I feel better now, really." Liu Mintao said.

Zhang Kaili also knew that Mintao hadn't slept well in the past two days, and she finally fell asleep and was woken up by herself, so don't feel sorry for her: "I'm sorry, I didn't know Tao fell asleep here."

Liu Mingtao: "It's okay, it's okay, Sister Kelly is okay, I've been there for a long time now, Xiaochen's massage is really good, super good, very comfortable."

Zhao Jinmai still looked at Sister Tao's mental state and felt a little distressed, so she said concernedly: "Sister Mingtao, why don't you sleep in the room for a while, and let Ye Xingchen massage you for a while."

"No, no, no, I really don't need to be so troublesome, my sister is much better!"

In fact, it can be seen from this place that Liu Mintao's team has a strong sense of responsibility. She doesn't want to affect the team because of her own problems, let alone trouble anyone.

Ye Xingchen saw that Liu Mintao was so persistent, so he didn't continue to force him. At worst, he could give her a massage when he went to bed at night.

Seeing that everyone was here, Yang Mi began to discuss about the tent for tonight.

"Today you sleep in a tent with Sister Kelly, and then the three of us, the boys and the three of them."

Ye Xingchen raised his hand at this time: "I have a tent to sleep in. I went to see it yesterday. There was nothing wrong with the rain in the past two days, and the place where my tent was set up didn't leak or anything. I can sleep one."

"Oh, you have a one-person tent, right? That's great." Yang Mi already had an idea in his mind, "I've requisitioned your one-person tent, let it sleep for sister Mintao, and then you, the sun god, little Ding sleeps in the big one. Then we can rent another one, and then divide into groups."

After Ye Xingchen heard it, he thought it was okay, because he wanted to give his tent to Sister Mintao to live in, so that she could have a good rest and have a good sleep.

"Okay, I'm fine."

"Okay, that's it."

After Yang Mi decided on the plan, he got up and went to the top of the mountain with everyone to build a new tent.

Ye Xingchen finally had the chance to spend some time alone with Mai Mai.

Zhao Jinmai seemed to feel that staying at home was not very good, so she wanted to go up and help, so she asked, "Ye Xingchen, why don't we go up and help?"

"No need, just build a roof without going to so many people. Sister Mi, Xiao Ding, Brother Jun, Sister Li Si and the boss have all gone, so it will be a bit redundant for us to go again." Ye Xingchen didn't want to waste the time they spent together. , Of course, it is true that so many people are not needed.

Mak: "Alright then. So what are we doing here?"

Ye Xingchen smiled meaningfully and said, "It mainly depends on what you want to do."

Seeing Ye Xingchen's malicious smile, Zhao Jinmai knew that he was thinking about something bad!Get away from him.

"Forget it, I'll go help my sisters."

When Ye Xingchen saw that she wanted to leave, he originally wanted to hold her back, but when he saw the machines and photographers around him, he gave up on this idea.He thought to himself: When will this show finish recording, it's so annoying.

Seeing the back of Mai Mai going away, Ye Xingchen decided to follow.

"Mai Mai wait for me! Why are you walking so fast?"

Zhao Jinmai looked back and found Ye Xingchen running over, so she asked angrily, "Aren't you not coming?"

"Look at what you said, I can at least do some physical work when I go, and what if you encounter danger on the road, I will protect you." Ye Xingchen patted his chest, looking naive.

"Pfft. Cough cough, crazy, who wants your protection, stay away from me, don't follow me." Zhao Jinmai couldn't help laughing when she saw Ye Xingchen like this, but then returned to a serious look.

Although the words were not very pleasant to hear, there was a coquettish air in his tone.But fortunately, at least the audience can see that this is the kind of coquettish younger sister treats elder brother.

Of course Ye Xingchen knew that Mai Mai was playing with him, but he was also full of fun.Since Mai Mai said that he would not let him follow her, he just stayed where he was.

Zhao Jinmai walked a few steps and found that Ye Xingchen hadn't followed, and then turned around to see that this guy really stood still.

She pouted and whispered, "What an idiot."

I wanted to walk directly, but I still couldn't bear it, so I turned back to Ye Xingchen and said, "Why are you standing there, aren't you going to protect me? Let's go."

When Ye Xingchen heard it, he immediately ran over with a smile, "Here we come."

The two walked side by side to the top of the mountain together, during which Ye Xingchen wanted to grab Mai Mai's hand, but seeing the photographers behind and in front, he could only give up this idea.

However, Mai Mai at the side felt very funny when he saw Ye Xingchen's deflated appearance.

If Ye Xingchen knew what she was thinking, he would probably die of anger, little white-eyed wolf.

When we came to the top of the mountain, the tents had already been set up, and all that was left was to arrange them so that everyone could sleep comfortably at night.

 Thank you for the January ticket rewarded by Coke
  Thanks to Bai Xiaobai Box for the January ticket
  Thanks to Chen Diandian for the January ticket rewarded by Jinmailang
  Thanks to Ming Mou Zui Shang for rewarding the January ticket
  Thanks to maisymind for the February ticket
  Thank you guys for your votes.

  Today is still the third shift, I slowly code, and try to send all before 7 o'clock.

(End of this chapter)

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