The road to academic dominance from the juvenile school

Chapter 237 I want to sleep with Mai Mai!

Chapter 237 I want to sleep with Mai Mai!

At this time, Mai Mai became the key object of competition among the sisters, after all, who let her have the projection ball.

Just imagine if a starry sky can be projected inside the tent, and then the starry sky will accompany everyone to sleep, how romantic this scene is.

So after seeing Mai Mai coming up, Yang Mi and Li Si started fighting openly and secretly.

"Mai Mai, you can sleep with your sister tonight. Okay?" Li Sidani stepped forward and hugged Zhao Jinmai's arm and said coquettishly.

"Okay, everything is fine."

Seeing how enthusiastic Miss Danni was, Mai Mai was too embarrassed to refuse.

At this time, Sister Mi's domineering voice came from behind: "No, Mai Mai will sleep with me tonight."


Zhao Jinmai, who was on the sidelines and still didn't know the reason, was still in a daze.

Ye Xingchen seemed to understand why.Alas, woman, it's just trouble, what are you grabbing, come and bribe me.Let Maimai sleep with me, I'll give you the ball, it'd be great if everyone gets what they need, is there still a need to grab it here?
But he didn't dare to say these words, he just wanted to YY in his heart.

"Sister Mi, you can go with Sister Kelly, Mai Mai will be mine tonight." Li Sidani still wanted to understand it with reason and emotion at this time.

But Yang Mi doesn't seem to agree with her.

"No, Maimai will sleep with me tonight, you go and stay with Sister Kelly."

Seeing that the discussion was fruitless, the two were also planning to use rock-paper-scissors to decide the outcome.

And Zhao Jinmai also walked to Ye Xingchen's side and asked, "Sisters, what's wrong?"

"Silly girl, you still can't see it." Ye Xingchen looked at her and said with a smile.

"I don't know, do you know what's going on?"

Seeing that Zhao Jinmai was still confused, Ye Xingchen didn't continue to play tricks.

"Don't you live in a tent at night? Then my sisters all want to see the starry sky at night, so whoever gets wheat gets the starry sky, you know."

After hearing Ye Xingchen's explanation, Zhao Jinmai's head went black. She thought... Humph!They are all liars!
Seeing that the two argued to no avail, Ye Xingchen stepped forward and asked, "Do you all want to sleep with Mai Mai?"

"Yes!" Yang Mi nodded.

"Well, just now Xiao Ding said that he wanted to watch the starry sky at night, and Mai Mai just said that he would lend me the projection ball at night, so..."

At this time, Yang Mi and Li Sisi had the intention to kill Ye Xingchen.The two have been arguing here for so long, and he came and picked up a ready-made one.

Seeing that Ye Xingchen was dying, Mai Mai couldn't help but said: "Okay, Ye Xingchen, stop making trouble. Sister, why don't you two sleep together tonight, and I will lend you the projection ball for one night."

"Really?" Yang Mi asked in disbelief.


Yang Mi hugged Mai Mai tightly like a child: "Sister, I love you so much."

Ye Xingchen saw this scene from the sidelines and was envious to death. He condemned the injustice of the world in his heart. Why would she hug everyone and not say anything, but I can't. Prejudice, it's all prejudice, discriminates against us boys, woo woo woo!

Before she could finish complaining in her heart, Li Sidani's voice came from the side: "My sister is so kind, gentle and considerate, really likable, I think everyone will like it."

Ye Xingchen dismissed what she said, let's not mention being considerate, gentle?I'm sorry I didn't see this, the one I bitten yesterday still hurts today.

Although I thought so in my heart, I still catered to him: "Yes, gentle and considerate, and so pretty."

"You... like?" Li Si asked with a smile.

Ye Xingchen didn't deny it: "You've said it all, everyone will like it, and I'm no exception."

"Wow, brother, you know what you're talking about."

"I know, what's the matter."

"Aren't you afraid of being scolded to death by netizens?"

Ye Xingchen smiled lightly: "Don't be afraid, just scold me whatever you want, I have a clear conscience. Besides, which of Mai Mai's fans doesn't like Mai Mai, I'm just one of thousands of fans. But having said that, I And the luckiest one, isn't it?"

With these words, Li Si's affection for Ye Xingchen has risen a lot. To be able to bravely say what he likes, this kind of courage and awareness is definitely not ordinary people.

"Didn't you just finish the college entrance examination again? I haven't asked how you did in the exam." Li Sidani changed the subject.

"It's okay, I feel pretty good. I should be able to copy one, I still have this confidence."

In fact, Ye Xingchen is still modest, because apart from open questions such as Chinese composition and reading comprehension, which may deduct points, he can guarantee full marks in all subjects including English.

Although he is confident, saying it himself and waiting for the results to be seen by others are two different things, at least it will give people a different feeling.If you directly say that you are the number one scholar in your own province and city in the future, it will give people the feeling of bragging, which is more unfavorable, so just leave everything to time.

But even so, Li Si was still surprised: "So powerful?"

"Really, after all, I have reviewed for two years."

Li Si nodded in approval when he heard this.

The tent was almost packed. At this time, sister Mintao called and said that she was going out to buy things with Kelly, and by the way, I would settle for today's lunch.

But everyone is still worried, Sister Mintao and the others went down, after all, she didn't sleep well last night, and the way down the mountain was more dangerous, so it was finally discussed and decided that Ye Xingchen and Mai Mai would accompany them down.

Although Liu Mintao resisted at first and didn't want to trouble everyone, Ye Xingchen finally agreed to drive after Ye Xingchen's strong request.

In the end, the four of Ye Xingchen went down to buy things for barbecue, as well as lunch at noon today.

But the problem also came, because the recent expenses are very high, resulting in a lack of funds, so when purchasing, more or less people dare not buy too much.

Just when everyone was worried, Ye Xingchen said: "You can just buy some skewers, like vegetables, beef, eggs, you don't need to buy anything."

"Why?" Mai Mai asked suspiciously.

"Yeah, what are you going to eat today if you don't buy it?" Zhang Kaili also looked puzzled, after all, she is an "egg lover" and belongs to the kind of egg lover.

Ye Xingchen smiled mysteriously, and then leaned in front of the three of them and whispered, "I have everything in the refrigerator in my RV, shhh, the director team doesn't know, so hehe."

Mai Mai smiled in surprise: "Oh yes, I checked last time, the refrigerator is full."

"Really?" Zhang Kaili couldn't believe it.

"Let's go, I'll take you there. By the way, I'll help you get some clothes and Xueqiu's dried fish. My cat is so good at eating that a big bag was eaten up in just one day."

After speaking, Ye Xingchen looked at Zhao Jinmai meaningfully.

And as the culprit of all this, Mai Mai turned his head away with a blushing face, pretending he didn't hear anything.

(End of this chapter)

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