The road to academic dominance from the juvenile school

Chapter 238 Ye Xingchen, quickly call senior sister!

Chapter 238 Ye Xingchen, quickly call senior sister!
After everyone came out of the canteen, Ye Xingchen discovered that there was actually a quad bike next to it, and they could try it for free.

Ye Xingchen looked at Zhao Jinmai excitedly and asked, "Maimai, are you going to ride a bike? It's free."

"is it okay?"

"Of course!"

Mai Mai turned around and asked the two elders: "Sister, are you playing?"

Liu Mingtao smiled and shook his head: "We won't play anymore, you and Xiaochen can go and play for a while, you've been too busy, it's good to relax."

Zhao Jinmai: "It's not hard. Then sister, go and wait for us in the car. We'll be back after playing for a while."

Liu Mingtao said with concern: "Yes! Be careful and drive slowly!"

"By the way, you must be careful and pay attention to safety." Zhang Kaili said.

Ye Xingchen patted his chest and promised: "Don't worry, I will watch Mai Mai. If Mai Mai is injured, just ask me."

"You, we are most worried about you. You are still looking at Maimai, let me tell you, let Maimai go to watch you, naughty ghost."

Although Liu Mingtao's words were a little bit accusatory, his tone still sounded pampering.

Seeing Ye Xingchen being said by the sisters, Zhao Jinmai gloated from the side: "Sister, I must take good care of him."

Ye Xingchen looked at Mai Mai's expression, and really wanted to teach her a lesson.I can bear it... When the show is finished recording, bear it!Lin Miaomiao, don't think I dare not do anything to you because you are a star now, I insist on letting you know that you are still the same Lin Miaomiao, and I am still the big devil.Ah! ! !
"Brother Xingchen, let's go. I've never ridden this kind of motorcycle before. You can teach me how to drive it." After speaking, he took Ye Xingchen's hand and led him to run forward.

Ye Xingchen, who was still a little emotional just now, felt his heart melt after hearing these words.

Beautiful and lovely Mai Mai with a sweet voice, and she just called me Brother Xingchen, ah~ Who can resist this.

No, don't be fooled by her.

If the heart is clear, the sky is not shocked.

When he got to the side of the motorcycle, he saw Ye Xingchen was in a daze and didn't speak, so he asked concerned: "Brother Xingchen, what's wrong with you? Why don't you speak?"

Pfft, it worked.

Ye Xingchen tried his best to keep himself calm: "I, it's okay, you... just called me what."

"Brother Xingchen, what's the matter, don't you like it?" Zhao Jinmai was very smart, and found something wrong with Ye Xingchen at a glance. Seeing the other party's reaction, a triumphant smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"No, I really like it. Besides, you are younger than me." Ye Xingchen said firmly.

Zhao Jinmai tapped her lips with her finger and said doubtfully, "Really? I don't remember being too young."

"That was before, but now you are in 02, and I am in 01, a whole year younger than me." Ye Xingchen knew which age Mai Mai was talking about.

When Mai Mai heard Ye Xingchen's answer, he gave Ye Xingchen a big roll of his eyes: "Cut, according to what you said, I'm a senior now. I'm already a sophomore, and you just finished the college entrance examination, hurry up and call senior."


Gan!Forget about it.

"Why, it's so embarrassing. You see, I already call you brother. You can't even call me senior sister. It's really dishonest. Hmph, don't want me to call you brother in the future."

Maimai pretended to be angry, turned around and rode on a motorcycle, gasped and started in one go.Only Ye Xingchen was left in a daze.

"Hey, Mai Mai, wait a minute." Ye Xingchen also hurriedly got on a car and chased after him.

But Zhao Jinmai didn't seem to pay attention to his plan, and just played in front of him.

Seeing this, Ye Xingchen had no choice but to give in. After all, Mai Mai is not really angry now. If he doesn't coax him, the fake anger will become real anger, and it will be even more detrimental to him at that time.

"Okay, can I call you?"

After hearing Ye Xingchen subdued, the corners of Zhao Jinmai's mouth rose slightly, she controlled the car to stop beside her, and then turned her head with a straight face and said, "Hmph, then call me."

Ye Xingchen said in a very low voice: "Sister."

"What, I can't hear it, it doesn't count! Can't you speak louder?"

Despite his reluctance, Ye Xingchen raised his voice slightly: "Hello, senior!"

"If you can't hear me, forget it! I won't force you either." After finishing speaking, he wanted to drive away on his own.

"Okay, okay, I said loudly."

"Sister! It's all right now."


Mai Mai, who had been holding back her laughter, finally couldn't hold back.

"Hey, hello Junior Xingchen, hahahahaha!"

On June 2022, 6, the weather turned from cloudy to cloudy, and Ye Xingchen was successfully nailed to the pillar of shame.

Satisfied with the evil taste in his heart, Mai Mai is still the lively and lovely Mai Mai.

Of course she knew that Ye Xingchen was very upset right now, so...

Zhao Jinmai got out of her car and sat on the back seat of Ye Xingchen's car without hesitation, gently supporting Ye Xingchen's waist with both hands.

"Don't tell me, are you very good at driving? Take me to drag racing."

Ye Xingchen looked at Zhao Jinmai's boldness, and was also shocked. If this was broadcast, he would definitely be targeted. I mean, my driving skills are very good, but I'm talking about that driving skill, not this one. Of course, this Not bad either.

However, whatever Maimai's fans are, anyway, Maimai is mine.

After figuring this out, Ye Xingchen slammed the accelerator to accelerate.

"Ah, what are you doing, slow down."

Zhao Jinmai, who was behind, didn't expect Ye Xingchen to accelerate so fast, so he hugged Ye Xingchen's waist tightly in fright.

"Sit down, I'll show you around." Ye Xingchen smirked, and escaped from the camera crew's sight as fast as he could.

Although there is also a camera in the front, but the pictures are almost blurry, it doesn't matter anyway.

Ye Xingchen had already memorized the roads in this area, so he walked around here in less than 20 minutes. Fortunately, the car was full of gas, otherwise the two of them would not be able to come back.

After stopping the car, Zhao Jinmai still seemed unsatisfied. To be honest, Maimai was quite worried at the speed of the car at the beginning, but she felt more and more exciting as she got to the back. Now she still wants to take a lap.But thinking of the two older sisters still waiting for them in the car, they reluctantly left the car.

"Sister, how about some fun?" Ye Xingchen asked.

"Fun, junior!"

"Cut, let's go, sisters should wait."

Seeing Zhao Jinmai's aggressiveness, Ye Xingchen urged dissatisfied.

After the two arrived in the car, the reprimands from the sisters were of course indispensable. Of course, the target of the reprimand was mainly Ye Xingchen, telling him that he couldn't drive so fast in the future, it was too dangerous.Ye Xingchen was also obediently taught, after all, he was indeed too drifting.

However, seeing Mai Mai who was gloating next to him always made him feel particularly aggrieved.

(End of this chapter)

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