The road to academic dominance from the juvenile school

Chapter 244 Mai Mai and Ye Xingchen Sing Together 1 Laugh Allure

Chapter 244 Mai Mai and Ye Xingchen Sing Together with a Smile
With the end of the song, the gentleman Ye Xingchen got up and gave a knight salute.

The crowd gave applause without hesitation.

"What am I talking about? Is it all-powerful? You can sing so well." Han Dongjun talked to everyone excitedly, as if he was the one who sang just now.

Li Si made a "worship" look and said, "It turns out that there are really geniuses in this world."

Faced with everyone's constant praise, Ye Xingchen couldn't stand it: "Stop praising me, I'm afraid I'll fall and die if you hold me too high."

"I didn't praise you Brother Chen, you sang really well, ask Mai Mai if you don't believe me." Ding Chengxin said.

Everyone looked at Mai Mai at this time, only to find that she was actually in a daze.

Seeing Zhao Jinmai in a daze, Yang Mi called out a few times: "Mai Mai, Mai Mai."

"Ah, what's wrong."

It wasn't until Sister Mi swayed in front of her eyes that she came back to her senses.

"What's the matter, you're fine, you've been in a daze."

"Ah? It's okay."

"It's fine, Nuo, let me ask you, whether Ye Xingchen sings well or not."

Yang Mi asked with a half-smile.

Zhao Jinmai replied nervously: "Okay, it sounds good, it sounds good."

Yang Mi, who is also a woman, immediately noticed that something was wrong with Zhao Jinmai, but she didn't expose it.

Yang Mi: "Since it sounds good, why don't you and Ye Xingchen sing together."

"I'm coming too." Ding Chengxin raised his hand and chose to join.

"Go to the side, what are the kids getting involved in, let my sister sing with Xiaochen first."

Xiao Ding, who originally participated actively, was ruthlessly eliminated by sister Li Si.

"Then what are we singing together?" Mai Mai asked blankly.

Yang Mi thought for a while, and then suddenly said: "How about a smile? Can you sing, you two."

"I have heard, it should be fine." Ye Xingchen nodded, indicating that there is no problem.

"I'm not very good at singing, so don't be disgusted if I don't sing well for a while." Because she was singing with Ye Xingchen, Mai Mai was a little shy.

Li Si: "No."

Han Dongjun: "How could that be?"

Ding Chengxin: "Impossible!"

"Okay, then I'll give it a try."

Finally, with everyone's encouragement, Zhao Jinmai agreed to sing "Allure with a Smile" with Ye Xingchen.

Allure with a Smile is a cheerful song, so the rhythm should be faster, because Mai Mai has only heard this song before, so he can't keep up with it in some places.After all, not everyone is the same as this pervert Ye Xingchen.

Because of Ye Xingchen's help, the whole song was sung relatively smoothly.

"It sounds good, applause, my friends."

Yang Mi was the first to take the lead in applauding.

"Wow, really, I feel that you are suitable for acting in youth school dramas. I feel so good." Li Sidani said seriously.

I also agree with what Li Si just said about Yang Mi.

"Really, the two of them are really suitable for acting in school dramas, and they are about the same age. By the way, Xiaochen, have you considered developing in the direction of actors in the future? I think you can really try your learning ability."

Yang Mi suddenly said seriously.

Ye Xingchen thought in his heart, because now that he has the money, he only needs to set up a company in his own name, and then hand over the rest to Heitan, the artificial intelligence, so that he has a certain amount of capital, even if he doesn't set up a company, etc. He can't spend all the money, but he always has to try.

Ye Xingchen didn't have this idea when he entered the entertainment circle at first, but this is the only way to get close to Mai Mai.Thinking of these things, Ye Xingchen decided to set up a studio by himself, so that he would not be controlled by others, and he could also get close to Mai Mai.

"I haven't made up my mind yet. I just finished the college entrance examination, so I'll talk about it after the results come out." Ye Xingchen didn't talk too hard, after all, he already had plans.

"Okay, think about it carefully."

Yang Mi knew that this matter should not be rushed, and she needed to take it slow, with Mai Mai here, she believed that Ye Xingchen would definitely come to the entertainment industry, this was a woman's intuition.

"Okay, thank you Maimai and Xingchen for bringing us the song, and then I invite today's protagonist, Xiaoding, to sing a song for us."

Li Si took the microphone and started to be an announcer.

This scene reminded both Ye Xingchen and Mai Mai of their time at the radio station.

The two looked at each other, and seemed to have an idea in their hearts.

Ye Xingchen raised his hand and said, "Now Maimai and I have finished singing, so let us two announce the curtain for everyone."

Mai Mai glanced at Ye Xingchen excitedly, and said in agreement, "Yes, let's announce to our brothers and sisters."

Yang Mi: "Okay, you can broadcast in advance what programs the brothers and sisters will perform, so that our party today is very formal."

"Agreed, perfection must be full of ritual sense." Han Dongjun echoed.

Ye Xingchen and Mai Mai got up, and then officially began to announce: "Next, we will invite new contestant Ding Cheng to bring you a song."

Mai Mai took the conversation and asked, "Well, I don't know what song the new contestant Ding Cheng will bring us, let me wait and see."

The two retreated to the sides tacitly, revealing the protagonist Tintin's body.

Ding Chengxin walked to the center of the "stage" with a microphone in his hands and said: "The song I bring to you today is "Desert Camel"."

The singing begins... 1000 words are omitted here.

Shock, Ye Xingchen has never felt so shocked, as if his whole body has been sublimated.

This song seems to put people on the moon... There is no oxygen in the vast universe, and people are about to struggle and suffer from suffocation, and the sound cannot be transmitted.

"It's finally over."

"It's finally over."

"It's over."

Zhao Jinmai turned her head to look at her brothers and sisters, all of them looked hopeless with their chins on their hands.

"That, thank you Xiaoding for the song, next one."


It may be the baptism of Ding Cheng's new songs, so everyone listening to the songs sung by the brothers and sisters behind is very pleasant.

Since then, the song "Desert Camel" has become a forbidden song for Huashao, and no one is allowed to sing it!Offenders will be cut off!

Finally, at the end we all sang District [-] and we're family and that's the end of tonight's party.At this time, the most interesting thing of the night has just begun.

"Okay, everyone has had enough fun now, and I want to say a few things next."

Yang Mi signaled everyone to be quiet, because the meeting was going to be resumed.

"Tomorrow we are going to the next stop, Liuye Lake, and the drive will take 4 hours."

Zhang Kaili frowned: "It took four hours to reach Liuye Lake, not Changde?"

"Sister, Liuye Lake is in Changde." Li Si said hesitantly.

Zhang Kaili lowered her head in embarrassment: "Pfft, pretend I didn't say that."

"Hahaha." ×5
Yang Mi: "Okay, everyone, listen to me, the events in Liuye Lake include beach volleyball, beach motorcycles, kayaks, and motorboats."

"Wow, these are fun."

When the boys heard that there were beach motorcycles and motorboats, they suddenly became excited again.

"It's great, I can finally have fun, and it's finally less flowers instead of Metamorphosis."

"Haha." Seeing Ye Xingchen's expression of wanting to cry but no tears, everyone felt very amusing.

 Thank you for your monthly tickets and rewards. I will continue to code, and I will definitely send out the three chapters today.I promise.

(End of this chapter)

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