Chapter 245 Time travel again! (reward plus more)
"Of course there is Liuye Lake, the most beautiful sunset."

Mai Mai's eyes lit up and he raised his hand and said, "My sunset, mine!"

Yang Mi's death strategy: "Okay, that's all for the project, everyone go to bed early, and we will clean up tomorrow."

"Good!" ×7
It was raining outside at this time, so everyone carefully took umbrellas and flashlights and walked towards the tent bit by bit.

In the beginning, Ye Xingchen wanted sister Mintao to live in his own tent, but Liu Mintao didn't like to bother everyone, so he insisted on sleeping in the same tent with everyone, nothing special, so Ye Xingchen slept in a tent by himself tonight .

This is everyone's first night camping in this place. Because of the rain, everyone has been sleeping in the house. Although it is raining today, this is the last night of staying on the mountain, so everyone agreed to sleep in tents together. .

The final tent distribution: Ye Xingchen alone, Ding and Sun God.Yang Mi, Mai Mai and Li Sidani.Liu Mingtao and Sister Kelly.

When Zhao Jinmai came to the tent, he turned on the starry sky projection. Hearing the sound of rain outside and looking at the starry sky at night, the three of them felt that such a life was really comfortable.

Ye Xingchen couldn't fall asleep for a long time tonight, as if something was about to happen somewhere.

On the other hand, it was the sun god, who was already snoring at this time, because it was raining outside, so even though everyone was very close, they didn't hear it.But our classmate Xiao Ding was miserable, lingering in the face of the storm.

In the end, he couldn't bear it anymore, and ran to Ye Xingchen's tent to borrow the earphones. Ye Xingchen also lent Ding Chengxin his mobile phone, at least with this, he could sleep soundly tonight.

The cameras in the tent had been turned off by the girls, and the microphones were also taken off at this time. It was time for the girls to whisper, and of course the stars were not surprised.

Driven by curiosity, Yang Mi still asked a long-held question: "Mai Mai, you and Ye Xingchen have known each other for a long time."

"Why do you say that?"

Zhao Jinmai asked in surprise.

"Everyone, who else?"

"Me." Li Sidani's voice came, "Last time I felt that Mai Mai and Ye Xingchen must know each other, but Mai Mai didn't admit it at the time."

Zhao Jinmai: "But we really haven't contacted before."

Zhao Jinmai thought to herself, this shouldn't be considered a lie, after all, the two people in this world really have never met.

"No, I always feel that you know each other. If it's me, then my feeling may be wrong, but Danni also feels that you know each other, so it's not a coincidence." Yang Mi analyzed rationally.

"Uh, this..."

Yang Mi stretched out his hand to scratch Maimai's armpit: "Say it quickly, or I will punish you."

"Haha, itchy, sister Mi let me go, we really don't know each other."

Mai Mai is still quite ticklish.

At this time, Li Si's hand also stretched out: "Say it or not, say it or not."

"Hahaha, itchy. Help, sister, I was wrong, don't make trouble."

"Say it!"

"I said, did I say it's okay?"

Finally, under the ravages of the sinful hands of the two, Zhao Jinmai finally succumbed.

"Would you believe me if I told you that we met in a dream?"

Yang Mi: "???"

Li Si: "???"

"Mai Mai, are you insulting our IQ?"

Yang Mi stretched out his hand again, ready to let Mai Mai experience the torture again.

Zhao Jinmai sighed lightly: "Oh, it's true, we really met in a dream."

"Mai Mai, you are not cute at all now, it's fine to lie to your sisters, but you still treat us as fools, no more love, no more love." Li Sidani said pretending to be sad.

Maimai felt so helpless, she didn't tell them that they forced her to ask, she said it herself, but they didn't believe it, it's so hard to be a human being, let's just be a cat in the next life.Originally, she planned to bring Xueqiu to sleep tonight, but Miss Mi refused to let her go, so she could only let Xueqiu and Ye Xingchen stay together.

In the end, the two of them looked at it and couldn't find anything to ask. They both thought that they felt wrong, so they didn't pay attention to this matter, so they let Mai Mai go to sleep.

So they missed the closest to the truth again.

At this time, Ye Xingchen closed his eyes, and the snowball was crawling on top of him.Just as Ye Xingchen was listening to the sound of rain, the sound of the system came.

"The preparations for the second world shuttle are complete, and the world structure is in progress
Framing succeeded.



Loaded successfully.

start shuttle...


With the phenomenon in the sky, Ye Xingchen's consciousness gradually disappeared.

When he woke up, he found himself lying on his stomach in class.

"Ye Xingchen! Ye Xingchen! Stand up for me! You don't listen to the class, you sleep here, did your parents send you here to let you sleep?" the English teacher was yelling at Ye Xingchen from above.

Xu Youshu who was next to him quickly shook Ye Xingchen and said, "Xingchen, Xingchen, wake up, if you don't wake up, you will die."

Only then did Ye Xingchen open his eyes in a daze and said dissatisfiedly: "Who, wake up early in the morning to disturb the people, do you have the quality?"


The whole class was shocked by Ye Xingchen's words just now.It's okay to sleep in front of Sanniang, but this guy dares to refute, and the most important thing is that he is so confident.

Sanniang, this is the nickname that the students gave to the English teacher, because she has a personality like Hu Sanniang in "Water Margin" and has a particularly hot temper, so she was given such a nickname.

Ye Xingchen looked at the surrounding environment, and then looked at the eyes of the students around him. Some admired, some hated, some pitied, and some simply ate melons.

Only then did he realize that he had crossed over again.

"Fine, fine, fine, Ye Xingchen, take your textbook and get out."

Before he could ask the system where it was, the English teacher angrily threw a piece of chalk at him and told him to get out of the classroom.

Ye Xingchen had quick eyesight and quick hands, and a second before hitting his head, the two fingers of his right hand tightly clamped the piece of chalk.

This one-handed operation shocked the whole class again.

"Wow, brother, you are too good." Xu Youshu was shocked, when did his tablemate become so powerful.

Ye Xingchen ignored him, picked up the English textbook on the table, and walked out of the classroom slowly.

Because he desperately wants to know where he is, and what is the purpose of the system to let him travel through non-stop. All these questions need to be answered by the system.

When he came to the door, Ye Xingchen calmed down and started to summon the system.

"Is the system there? Where is this?"

But the system is in a state of complete disappearance just like last time.

Ye Xingchen is not used to it: "System, let me ask one last time, if you still pretend to be dead, I will take you and jump off the stairs."

"Ding, respected host, this world is a brand new world, and the main task of this world is also very simple, please host to find the task and complete it."

"Damn it, tell me what the mission is, shit."

"The host is requested to explore independently. Due to the excessive energy consumption of the system, it is temporarily in a dormant state. Good luck."

As the sound fell, the system froze completely.

Ye Xingchen frowned tightly. He always felt that this system was guiding him to do something. Although he didn't know the purpose, he always felt that everything about him was being manipulated by a pair of black hands.

At this moment, a teacher walked towards him with a student.

Ye Xingchen fixed his eyes and was shocked: "How is it possible? Mai Mai, why are you here?"

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(End of this chapter)

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