The road to academic dominance from the juvenile school

Chapter 246 So Her Name Is Lin Xiangzhi

Chapter 246 So Her Name Is Lin Xiangzhi

Ye Xingchen was very shocked when he first saw Mai Mai.However, because he had a time travel experience, he guessed that there was a high probability that it was the character in the dungeon again.

After Ye Xingchen stabilized his mind, he looked at the teacher next to him. He was shocked when he saw it.

"Mr. Zhao, why are you here?"

"What is Mr. Zhao, I don't even know him? Speaking of Ye Xingchen, you were called out by the teacher and punished to stand?"

The math teacher pushed his glasses and asked Ye Xingchen.

Ye Xingchen frowned tightly. When he saw "Zhao Rongbao" and Mai Mai appearing in the same frame, he thought that this was the world of the Youth School. Unexpectedly, the former Teacher Zhao did not seem to have the surname Zhao in this world. It seemed that he did not imagine it. So simple.

Seeing that Ye Xingchen didn't speak, "Teacher Zhao" started to chatter: "You let me tell you what's good about you. If you don't study hard at school, you will make trouble all day long. The teachers of all subjects responded to me, saying that you are in class. Sleeping, often skipping classes, and often bullying female classmates, if your parents hadn't interceded for you, you would have been expelled long ago. You should reflect on this and write a thousand-word review to me in the afternoon. In addition, after the noon break , to clean the sports warehouse."

Ye Xingchen was so dumbfounded by what he said, he endured sleeping in class and skipping classes, what the hell is bullying female classmates, is his status in this world so unbearable?Depend on!

After hearing what the teacher said about Ye Xingchen's whereabouts, "Zhao Jinmai" subconsciously took a few steps back, obviously afraid of him.

Of course Ye Xingchen saw her small movements, and there were more and more black lines on her head, so she couldn't help scolding the system severely in her heart.Although I myself say that I am the Great Demon King, what the hell are you giving me this identity.

Pan Yuansheng (the avatar of Zhao Rongbao in this world) waved his hand: "Okay, you go in, I just want to introduce a new classmate to you."

Ye Xingchen suppressed the doubts in his heart, answered and opened the door to enter the classroom.

The English teacher got angry when he saw Ye Xingchen coming in privately: "Who allowed you to come in, get out."

"I let him in." Director Pan led the new students into the class following Ye Xingchen.

"Director Pan, why are you here?" Seeing that it was Director Pan, the English teacher smiled again.

Pan Yuansheng pressed his hand to indicate that you are not polite: "Mr. Hu, you should not just punish students blindly, but encourage them appropriately. Ye Xingchen, please apologize to Mr. Hu, and then go back to your own seat."

"I'm sorry, Mr. Hu!" Of course, Ye Xingchen chose to go down this step. After all, the new classmate is watching, and he doesn't care what others think of him, but the other party is...Mai Mai.

The English teacher beckoned impatiently: "Okay, you can go back."

"Thank you, teacher."

Ye Xingchen hurriedly ran to his seat.

As soon as he sat down at the same table, he leaned in front of him and babbled non-stop: "I'll go, Xingchen, you are so lucky that you came back before the end of get out of class."

Ye Xingchen said lightly: "Thanks to the new classmate."

"New classmate?" Xu Youshu looked at the transfer student following Director Pan, "Wow, so beautiful."

Ye Xingchen frowned and said displeasedly: "Xu Youshu, I advise you not to make wrong decisions."

"Xingchen, don't you have a crush on him? I understand that a friend's wife should not be bullied. I still know this." Xu Youshu put his arm around Ye Xingchen's shoulder and said wretchedly.

Ye Xingchen ignored him, and gently took his hand away.

"Okay, everyone, be quiet, and now I will introduce a new classmate to you." Director Pan brought the new classmate to the podium, "This is Lin Xiangzhi, who just transferred to join Shenghua's repeat class. Let's welcome everyone with applause. !"

Xu Youshu first applauded vigorously, and then the students started to applaud too, especially the male students.

Ye Xingchen thought to himself: It really is a new world.

"Hi everyone, I'm Lin Xiangzhi."

It can be seen that Lin Xiangzhi is a little timid and shy when he just came to a new class.

Pan Yuansheng smiled and said: "The new students may not be used to it when they first come to the class. The following students are the little friends you get along with day and night. Come and take the vacant seat over there. Teacher Hu, you continue to study, and I won't bother you." .”

Lin Xiangzhi nodded in response, and slowly walked towards the empty space in the middle.

Because Ye Xingchen was at the bottom of the whole grade and was known as a naughty ghost, the teacher deliberately put him in a corner. Xu Youshu and Ye Xingchen were both bottom students, and they were often called Shenghua's crouching dragon and phoenix chick.

But they only dare to say this title in private, after all Ye Xingchen is not easy to mess with.

Xu Youshu watched his deskmate staring at Lin Xiangzhi since returning to his seat, then touched him curiously and said, "Hey, Ye Xingchen, Ye Xingchen."

Ye Xingchen, who was analyzing the system to take him through the destination, was suddenly interrupted by Xu Youshu.

"Xu Youshu, what are you doing?"

"What are you doing? I've called you so many times that you can't hear me. Why, you were taken away by a new classmate."

"I'm thinking about something, are you annoying?"

Xu Youshu raised his eyebrows at Ye Xingchen and said, "Come on, I think you're thinking of classmate Lin Xiangzhi."


Ye Xingchen took out his English textbook and looked down at the book. He didn't want to talk to the psycho next to him.

"Cut, it's boring."

Seeing that the other party ignored him, Xu Youshu went to read extracurricular books on his own.

Ye Xingchen saw that he wasn't bothering him, so he looked up in Lin Xiangzhi's direction. Coincidentally, Lin Xiangzhi also took a peek at him at this time.

Looking at each other, Ye Xingchen smiled at her which he thought was very gentle.But when the other party saw it, he turned his head in fear, yes, it was fear.

Ye Xingchen has already been hit. In this strange world, the only person who makes Ye Xingchen feel a sense of belonging is Maimai, not Lin Xiangzhi.

But with this notorious identity, how can he get close to Xiangzhi in the future?
And the system told him to find the main mission. He knew that his mission target was Lin Xiangzhi. Although he didn't know what the specific mission was, it must be related to her.

When my thoughts were wandering, the bell rang after class.

The English teacher surprisingly didn't procrastinate after hearing the bell for the end of get out of class: "Okay, let's end today's class first."

"stand up!"

"goodbye teacher!"

Jiang Wu, Ye Xingchen's other buddy who just finished class, turned around and said, "I'll go, Ye Xingchen, you're lucky today, the new student saved you, so you didn't continue to stand outside as punishment."

Jiang Wu, the best friend of Xu Youshu and Ye Xingchen,
It's strange to say that Jiang Wu's academic performance is very good, and he is also a good person. His classmates have a good impression of him.

It's just that I don't know why, but I insist on playing with the two crane tails in the class.

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(End of this chapter)

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