The road to academic dominance from the juvenile school

Chapter 250 Does Lin Xiangzhi need any help?

Chapter 250 Does Lin Xiangzhi need any help?

"Teacher, can you let Lin Xiangzhi be my deskmate?"

Ye Xingchen chose to directly make this request to the teacher. Of course, although the probability of success is low, he has his own method.

"I didn't mean Ye Xingchen, Lin Xiangzhi just transferred here, so don't get her way." Pan Yuansheng said seriously, frowning.

"I didn't intend to hit Lin Xiangzhi, so I can't help it. Except for Xu Youshu, Jiang Wu, and Song Xiaonan, the three students in the class play better with me, and the rest respect me. Jiang Wu I don’t want to bother me with my own study plan, Song Xiaonan’s own grades are not very good let alone help me, other students don’t want to be at the same table with me, only Lin Xiangzhi is left.”

Hearing Ye Xingchen's answer, Pan Yuansheng thought about it carefully, and it really made sense.Although it is not ruled out that this kid has other thoughts, but there is really no other good way.It's rare that this kid wants to study hard, so I can't ignore him as a teacher.

After thinking about it, I decided to give it a try, but I didn't agree on the spot.

"I'll think about it and see your performance. You should go back first."

When Ye Xingchen heard Director Pan's answer, he sighed secretly. Although he didn't have much hope, he was still a little disappointed to see that Director Pan didn't directly agree.

"Okay, then Director Pan, I'll go back to the classroom first."

"Well let's go."

Ye Xingchen walked out of the office and saw that the rain was still falling, and it wouldn't stop for a while, so he gradually had an idea in his mind.

Although the system was paralyzed, but fortunately the system store was still there, Ye Xingchen directly exchanged two umbrellas in the corner, and put them in the system space.

After doing all this, Ye Xingchen returned to the classroom.

Seeing Ye Xingchen come back, Song Xiaonan gloated and said, "Hey, Young Master Ye is back, why, go to the office to hand in the self-criticism."

Ye Xingchen really wanted to scold, but seeing Lin Xiangzhi next to her, he held back his tone:

"Song Xiaonan, I'm too lazy to talk to you. I hope you can devote all your energy to Jiang Wu. Don't just trouble me every day."

"Tch, you think I think so, it's not that you bullied our Xiangzhi first, I'm fighting for our Xiangzhi, right Xiangzhi." Song Xiaonan gave Ye Xingchen a white look, then looked at Lin Xiangzhi and said.

"Xiaonan, stop talking..." Lin Xiangzhi pulled Song Xiaonan's clothes.

"Okay, okay, let's ignore him." Song Xiaonan also knew that Lin Xiangzhi was not good at expressing, so he didn't continue this topic, "What are you still doing here, go back to your seat."

Ye Xingchen took a deep breath, ignored Song Xiaonan, and returned to his seat on his own.

Although the teacher asked me to change seats, except for Jiang Wu and Xu Youshu, no one in the class wanted to sit with me, so before Lao Pan didn't agree with him to sit with Lin Xiangzhi, Ye Xingchen still has to stay with Xu Youshu for a while.

Damn, the more I think about it, the more I get annoyed, it's all Xu Youshu's fault, if he hadn't snatched his note, he wouldn't have died, and he wouldn't have disturbed Lin Xiangzhi, ah, so annoying!

With this uneasy feeling, Ye Xingchen stayed up until the end of self-study at night.

Ye Xingchen's parents were on a business trip, so they bought a house near the school so that Ye Xingchen could go to school conveniently. (Ye Xingchen's parents are Mu Ying and Ye Bowen)

Just as he imagined, the rain was still falling at night. Although it was not as heavy as it was at the beginning, he would still be drenched without an umbrella.

The students put their schoolbags and clothes on top of their heads and ran to the school gate. Most parents would still come to pick up their children in this weather, but parents like Ye Xingchen and Lin Xiangzhi were out of town, and they were alone. this place.

Jiang Wu packed his schoolbag and came to Ye Xingchen and said concernedly: "Ye Xingchen, it's still raining outside, why don't you let my dad take you back."

Ye Xingchen shook his head and took out the prepared umbrella and said, "No, I've brought an umbrella, and besides, my house is not far away, so just take the bastard next to me home."

After speaking, he glanced at Xu Youshu who was packing his schoolbag.

"I'll go, you still bring an umbrella to school?" Xu Youshu said in surprise.

Ye Xingchen frowned. They lowered their heads and said angrily: "I said Youshu, can you use your brains when you speak? If it rains, what should I bring without an umbrella? With you?"

Xu Youshu knew that what he said just now had a language problem, so he reorganized the language: "No, I mean, why did you bring an umbrella today."

Ye Xingchen was a little tired: "It's raining today, it's raining today, didn't you just say that?"

Xu Youshu organized for a long time and finally knew how to ask this question: "No, no, but it didn't rain this morning, you brought this umbrella this morning, no, I didn't pay attention this morning, where did you get one?" Umbrella over here?"

While packing his schoolbag, Ye Xingchen said: "I watched the sky at night last night, and I knew it was going to rain today by pinching my fingers, so I brought an umbrella. Well, it doesn't matter anymore, you two, let's go soon, uncle Auntie is in a hurry. Leave me alone, I can go back by myself in a while. "

Seeing that Ye Xingchen didn't take his family's car, Jiang Wu didn't insist:
"Alright then, Youshu and I will leave first."

"Let's go." Ye Xingchen urged.


At this time, the teaching hall is downstairs.

"Xiangzhi, my dad is here to pick me up. Are your parents here?" Song Xiaonan asked with concern.

Lin Xiangzhi lowered his head in frustration and did not speak.

It was too late and it was raining heavily, so Song Xiaonan didn't notice the disappointment on Lin Xiangzhi's face.

Song Xiaonan: "If you don't come, I'll ask my parents to take you back."

"No thanks, they'll be there in a while." Lin Xiangzhi didn't want to trouble others, and didn't accept others' kindness easily.

"Okay then, I'll go first in Xiangzhi, my parents are still waiting for me."

"Okay, stay safe."

"OK Bye Bye!"


The two girls waved goodbye.

After Song Xiaonan left, only Lin Xiang was left waiting here.Now she really wants the rain to be a little lighter, so that she can run back slowly.

But God seemed to be against her. Not only did the rain not get smaller, but it was even heavier than it just fell.

Because the temperature gradually cools down at night, coupled with the rain, and the school uniform is short-sleeved, it makes people feel very cold when a gust of wind blows.Lin Xiangzhi squatted on the ground with his hands folded in front of his chest, as if this would warm his whole body.

With the students leaving school one by one, Lin Xiangzhi felt very helpless in the dark environment and rainy weather.

Just then, Ye Xingchen's voice came from behind: "Student Lin Xiangzhi, do you need help?"

(End of this chapter)

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