Chapter 251 (29)

Chapter 240 The Eighth First Contact with Lin Xiangzhi

Ye Xingchen put the umbrella on top of the two of them, and said in a gentle tone: "Student Lin Xiangzhi, do you need help?"

Lin Xiangzhi was startled by the sudden sound, he stood up suddenly and fell backwards.

Ye Xingchen hurried forward to support her, saving her from falling.

After Lin Xiangzhi stood still, Ye Xingchen immediately took his hand away.

"Sorry for scaring you!" Ye Xingchen apologized first.

"No, it's okay. Thank you!" Lin Xiangzhi was like a frightened little rabbit at this moment.

Seeing how nervous she was, she didn't know what to say, and the two of them just stood here without speaking.The important point is that outsiders in this scene look very weird. The two of them have umbrellas and are still waiting for the rain to stop, looking very dazed.

Ye Xingchen scolded himself in his heart. For some reason, when facing Lin Xiangzhi, Ye Xingchen didn't dare to get too close.

"Didn't you bring an umbrella?" After saying this, Ye Xingchen wanted to slap himself, isn't this nonsense.

"No, no." Lin Xiangzhi replied tremblingly.

It was obvious that she was in a state of high mental tension right now, and her whole body was tense.

This made Ye Xingchen very depressed. Is he so scary?

Seeing her trembling, Ye Xingchen knew that this silly girl didn't bring a coat. Of course Ye Xingchen didn't bring it either, but who gave him the space for the system.

"Put this on." Ye Xingchen took out a brand new coat from somewhere and handed it to Lin Xiangzhi.

Seeing him reaching out his hand, Lin Xiangzhi retreated instinctively and refused: "No, no, I'm not cold."

"do not move!"

Ye Xingchen said in a deep voice, and without waiting for Lin Xiangzhi's consent, he put the clothes on her body.

Lin Xiangzhi, who was not scared at all, was so wronged by Ye Xingchen that he almost cried.

"It's cold tonight. If you don't wear it, you'll catch a cold. You don't want to miss your studies because you're sick." Ye Xingchen's tone returned to the same gentle tone after all this was done.

"Thank you!" Lin Xiangzhi knew that Ye Xingchen was caring about him

"We are classmates, so you don't have to be so polite. Where is your home, I'll take you back."

As soon as he heard that Ye Xingchen wanted to take him home, Lin Xiangzhi quickly refused: "No need, my house is very close, and I will be there in a while."

Ye Xingchen was not very disappointed after hearing Lin Xiangzhi's answer, because he had already expected that she would refuse, but tonight was a good start, and being friends with Lin Xiangzhi should not be in a hurry, otherwise it would backfire.

"Okay then, take this umbrella, go home quickly, it's already late, remember to return the clothes and umbrella to me tomorrow."

Without giving her a chance to refuse, Ye Xingchen directly stuffed the umbrella into her hand.And the tone just now was very firm, you must take it, and if you don't take it, you won't be allowed to go.

Lin Xiangzhi could only obediently accept Ye Xingchen's alternative "bullying".

But seeing Ye Xingchen gave herself the umbrella and coat, she quickly asked, "What about you?"

"Me? I still have one here." Ye Xingchen took out another umbrella from nowhere and opened it, "Okay, I'll go first, you should go home quickly, and be careful."

In order to give Lin Xiangzhi a sense of security, Ye Xingchen chose to leave first.

"Pfft!" Seeing Ye Xingchen's figure gradually disappear into the night, Lin Xiangzhi suddenly couldn't help laughing out loud, but then returned to normal.

At this time, she also had a question in her mind: this person is so strange, why did he bring two umbrellas today.

Before he had time to think about it, it was already very late, and Lin Xiangzhi quickly walked home with an umbrella.


Early the next morning, Ye Xingchen got up normally to buy breakfast, then walked to school after eating breakfast.Before taking two steps, I ran into Lin Xiangzhi who lived nearby, and she also rushed to school at this time.

"Oh, classmate Lin Xiangzhi, do you live near here by such a coincidence?" Ye Xingchen trotted all the way behind her and greeted her.

Hearing the familiar voice, Lin Xiangzhi turned his head to look and found that it was him again.

Seeing Lin Xiangzhi's silence, Ye Xingchen thought he had scared her again, so he said apologetically, "I didn't mean to scare you, mine..."

Before Ye Xingchen could continue, Lin Xiangzhi shook his head and said, "It's okay."

Lin Xiangzhi took the initiative to return the umbrella and said shyly, "Thank you for the umbrella. The clothes haven't been washed yet. I'll return them to you after I wash them."

"Actually, I don't need to wash it for me." Ye Xingchen took the umbrella and said.

Lin Xiangzhi didn't speak, and continued to walk in the direction of the school.

Ye Xingchen followed closely and continued, "I didn't do what happened yesterday on purpose."

"I know!"

Lin Xiangzhi's cold voice reached Ye Xingchen's ears.

Well, it seems that the other party still doesn't want to be friends with me.From Ye Xingchen's perspective, what he thought was that Lin Xiangzhi knew that he was a poor student so he didn't want to be friends with him, so if he wanted to change the other party's impression of him, he still needed to put in a lot of effort, which couldn't be done overnight Things, take your time.

In this way, Ye Xingchen and Lin Xiangzhi walked into the school together, and then walked into the classroom one after the other.

In the early self-study, everyone reviews the knowledge in the books independently, usually by endorsing or doing questions. Of course, sometimes the teacher will take up the time of the early self-study to talk about the test papers.

When Ye Xingchen came to the classroom, he opened the book and flipped through the knowledge on it.Although the layout of the book is different, the knowledge is still the same, as long as you take the time to read it.Just as he was having a good time flipping through the books, Xu Youshu came over again, having nothing to say.

"Hey, I saw you and Lin Xiangzhi went to the school together, and the classroom together, when did your relationship develop so quickly, did you go to school together in just one night?"

Ye Xingchen closed his book and stared at Xu Youshu tightly, and said, "One, we just met on the road, so we came to school together. Two, I haven't settled with you for what happened yesterday. You should be more stable recently. Three, Director Pan told us to change the location, and you should move out immediately."

"Ah Chen, you're going too far. Look, who else in our class wants to be at the same table with you besides me? You still despise me."

"Okay, you'd better do it, read the book, don't talk, and when the teacher comes, don't punish us again, just go to stand for punishment."

Ye Xingchen is what he says now, and he doesn't want to argue with him. If he wants to change his image in Lin Xiangzhi's heart, he can't be punished by the teacher anymore.

"Cut, you are still studying, who will believe it. Learn, just show me the teacher's order, and the teacher will call me." After finishing speaking, he fell asleep on the table again.

Ye Xingchen wanted to remind him to study hard, but he swallowed the words again.Because he knew that Xu Youshu wouldn't listen even if he said it, maybe he would keep on talking.

Ye Xingchen finished reading the knowledge points of all the subjects in one section of morning reading, because the knowledge in high school was not bad, so it didn't take much effort.

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(End of this chapter)

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