The road to academic dominance from the juvenile school

Chapter 252 The Star Is Still That Star

Chapter 252 The Star Is Still That Star
The end of early self-study gave students a chance to catch their breath.

Students who got up late began to eat breakfast brought from home, and Lin Xiangzhi was no exception.

Seeing her quietly eating buns while working hard on the questions, Ye Xingchen felt that the scene was a little familiar, um...but only a little familiar.After all, Lin Miaomiao is not so graceful when eating.

At this time, Xu Youshu next to him took out a pancake fruit from the book hole, and then took out a carton of milk, and started to eat without saying a word.

"You didn't eat breakfast?" Ye Xingchen asked.

"Yeah... Who has time for breakfast. (Who has time for breakfast)" Xu Youshu said while eating with a big mouthful.

Seeing the food flying around in his mouth, Ye Xingchen knew that it was not suitable to stay here for a long time, so he got up and picked up the milk on the table and said, "I confiscated this milk, you can drink the water yourself."

"Hey, hey, that's mine."

Xu Youshu wanted to get it back, but how could he return what was in Ye Xingchen's hands.

"It used to be yours, but now it's mine." Ye Xingchen tossed the milk in the air and caught it with the other hand.

"You robber!!"

Xu Youshu wanted to cry but had no tears.

Ye Xingchen ignored his condemnation, walked to Lin Xiangzhi's side, put the milk on her desk and said, "Here, thank you for helping me with my laundry, I don't like to owe favors to others, so you accept this." Bar."

Lin Xiangzhi originally wanted to refuse, but after hearing Ye Xingchen's sufficient reasons, he didn't say what was on his lips, and finally had no choice but to accept it.

"Thank you!"

Seeing her like this, Ye Xingchen couldn't help laughing: "Haha, we don't need to thank each other, okay, I won't bother you with the questions, I'll go first."

Seeing that his goal was achieved, Ye Xingchen didn't get too entangled, otherwise it would backfire.

Xu Youshu, who saw this scene in the back, wanted to kill Ye Xingchen.Taking his own milk to pick up girls, he is still so confident, shit.

Ye Xingchen came to the door of Director Pan's office and knocked on the door.

knock --


Ye Xingchen pushed the door open and saw Director Pan looking up something on the computer.

When Pan Yuansheng saw that it was Ye Xingchen, he asked in surprise, "What can you do with me?"

Ye Xingchen handed over the self-criticism and said, "This is yesterday's self-criticism, I'll hand it in after I finish writing it."

"Good guy, why are you so happy this time? You wouldn't be so active if you weren't called a parent before." Pan Yuansheng took it over and looked at it, "The writing is good and the review is very profound, not bad."

"It's not because I think that I did something wrong in the past. Now that I have lost my way, I want to study hard." Ye Xingchen said the words he had prepared a long time ago. He came today for a purpose, so the review letter is very important. But Ye Xingchen endured the "profound self-criticism" made by vomiting.

Seeing that Ye Xingchen really seemed to have repentance, Pan Yuansheng encouraged him: "Ye Xingchen, I really admire you, as long as you want to study hard, it's not too late, don't worry about the teachers in each subject, I will let them help a lot yours."

"Thank you, Director Pan."

Although Ye Xingchen thanked him, he had no intention of leaving.

Seeing that Ye Xingchen was still standing here without going back to the classroom, Pan Yuansheng asked, "Why are you still standing here? Is there something else?"

Ye Xingchen was overjoyed and finally asked.

"Director Pan, what do you think about letting Lin Xiangzhi be my deskmate as I said yesterday? I urgently need a classmate who can help me with my studies."

Ye Xingchen took advantage of the situation and said his request.

Sure enough, the star is still the same star, and the bitch is still the same bitch.

Pan Yuansheng also wondered why Ye Xingchen, who "does a lot of evil", suddenly became so obedient, so he was here waiting for him.

However, seeing the content of Ye Xingchen's self-criticism, it seemed that the child really wanted to repent, so he agreed to his request.

"Ye Xingchen, I can promise you this request."

"Really?" Ye Xingchen asked excitedly in his heart.

Before he was happy for a long time, Pan Yuansheng poured cold water on him: "Don't be too happy, I'm not talking about being at the same table with Lin Xiangzhi, you have to ask if she is willing, if she agrees , you can switch to her side, if you don’t want to, then there’s nothing you can do.”

"I know, thank you Director Pan." Ye Xingchen bowed to him. After all, etiquette must be in place, so it will be easier to ask next time.

"You don't need to thank me. If there is nothing else, you can go back."

"Goodbye, teacher."


Ye Xingchen stepped out of the office, feeling better.The next step is to find a way to increase Lin Xiangzhi's favorability towards him, which is very important.

After returning to the classroom, Ye Xingchen subconsciously went to see if Lin Xiangzhi had drunk the box of milk, but the result made him smile knowingly.Lin Xiangzhi is holding the box of milk and reading a book now, taking a sip from time to time.

Good lady, this is a heart-wrenching feeling, but Ye Xingchen doesn't have the slightest idea of ​​bullying her, and even said that he doesn't want to possess her, but only wants to protect her.

Perhaps sensing Ye Xingchen's fiery eyes, Lin Xiangzhi glanced in the direction of the door.

Seeing her looking up, Ye Xingchen quickly looked away and returned to his seat as if nothing had happened.

Lin Xiangzhi looked up and found that no one was looking at him. He clearly felt it just now: "Is it an illusion?"

Then he lowered his head and continued reading.

Seeing that Ye Xingchen and the robber finally came back, Xu Youshu immediately stepped forward and argued, "Okay, you're still ashamed to come back."

"What's the matter, why can't I come back, there are bombs in this place." Ye Xingchen looked at him puzzled and said.

"Stop talking nonsense, give me back the milk!" Xu Youshu reached out to him for the box of milk he stole today.

"It's over, it's gone!"

Xu Youshu mocked: "Oh, I think you are giving it away."

"Well, that's right." Ye Xingchen nodded and admitted.

Xu Youshu pointed at him and said nothing for a long time: "You..."

"Farewell to you, Chinese class for a while, did you recite the classical Chinese that was assigned yesterday? The teacher asked questions later, if you haven't recited it, wouldn't you have to go out and stand for punishment again?"

Ye Xingchen took out his Chinese textbook, shook it when he met him, and reminded him.

"I'll go, when will it be arranged?" Xu Youshu, who was still angry at first, lied instantly when he heard Ye Xingchen say that there was still a recitation homework assigned.

Ye Xingchen said solemnly: "Just the Chinese class yesterday afternoon."

"Please, didn't you sleep in Chinese class yesterday? How did you know?" Xu Youshu looked at Ye Xingchen in shock.

He remembered very clearly yesterday that Ye Xingchen asked him to help cover when he was sleeping.

"Because the homework was assigned when get out of class was over, I was already awake at that time." Ye Xingchen shrugged helplessly.

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(End of this chapter)

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