The road to academic dominance from the juvenile school

Chapter 253 It's boring to memorize, why don't I write it silently

Chapter 253 It's boring to memorize, why don't I write it silently
"Fuck, then don't tell me."

"I thought you were attending class."

Xu Youshu: "..."

"Forget it, don't memorize it, at worst, go stand outside, anyway, I have you with me." Xu Youshu put the textbooks away and began to smash them.

Ye Xingchen looked at him with raised eyebrows and said, "Who told you that I never recited it."

"Don't make trouble, I don't know you yet, you will go back to study?" Xu Youshu looked disdainful.

Ye Xingchen didn't speak, but looked at him with a half-smile.

Seeing Ye Xingchen's expression, Xu Youshu instantly felt something was wrong, and he asked tremblingly, "You can't really memorize it, do you?"

"you guess?"

The air seemed to freeze, and a few minutes later, there was a scream from the back of the classroom.

"Ah - it's over, it's over, it's over, it's over, it's over, it's over, what should I do?"

Xu Youshu picked up the Chinese textbook and looked at the long and twisted classical Chinese, and sat down on the seat without love for the whole life, muttering non-stop.

Everyone looked back at the source of the voice, and saw a very funny scene.

Xu Youshu was flipping a book behind him, making noise, while Ye Xingchen put his elbows on the table, covered his ears with his fingers, and stared blankly ahead.

Lin Xiangzhi also saw the appearance of Ye Xingchen and Xu Youshu. They were really funny. She couldn't help laughing even when she hadn't spoken much, but it was short-lived, and she quickly withdrew her expression.

Song Xiaonan finally couldn't stand Xu Youshu's ghostly crying and wolf howling, and immediately cursed: "It's so noisy, Xu Youshu, if you don't study, everyone has to study, can you shut up."

"Song Xiaonan has you everywhere, what's wrong with your family in the classroom?" Xu Youshu retorted.

Seeing that Xu Youshu dared to say that about himself, Song Xiaonan instantly became angry: "Xu Youshu, you are courting death!"

After finishing speaking, he picked up the physics textbook and threw it at Xu Youshu.

Because Song Xiaonan attacked suddenly, Xu Youshu wasn't prepared, and couldn't dodge in time. He was about to hit him, but Ye Xingchen also picked up a textbook and shot it down.

"It's good to have you when I go, otherwise I will be killed if I hit my body." Xu Youshu patted his little heart in fear.

Although Song Xiaonan was also a little scared, because he threw it vertically just now, and his strength is not weak, if it hits someone, it will cause problems.

Fortunately, Ye Xingchen stopped her, but even so, Song Xiaonan said unreasonably: "Ye Xingchen, why do you want to stand up for him?"

Ye Xingchen ignored her, lowered his head and continued flipping through the textbook.

"Cut, what are you pretending to do? After a while the teacher will ask questions and you won't know anything." Seeing him ignoring her, Song Xiaonan felt aggrieved as if she had punched cotton.

Ye Xingchen also knew this, sometimes ignoring her would make her more uncomfortable than beating her.

In such a fast-paced life in the third year of high school, this trivial matter was quickly forgotten in everyone's minds, and everyone entered the state of study before class.The review of the review, the endorsement of the endorsement.

Soon the class bell rang, and the Chinese teacher came in from outside the classroom. From the moment he entered, the whole class became very depressing.

Although Zhao Zhikai has the face of a scholar, he treats the students very responsibly, and of course he is very strict, so the students call him "the devil scholar" in private.

The scholar described his appearance, and the devil described his demeanor.

Although he does not punish students physically, he will punish students in other ways, such as letting them stand outside if they are distracted in class, so the students are highly concentrated in his class.Of course, the former Ye Xingchen didn't count, he wasn't afraid, Xu Youshu still gave this teacher face, after all he was timid, not as bold as Ye Xingchen.

Zhao Zhikai knocked on the table and said lightly: "Have you memorized all the classical Chinese essays that were assigned yesterday?"

The classmate below sighed and said: "I have memorized it."

Because in such a depressing atmosphere, even if you pass it by heart, you still don’t have confidence.

Zhao Zhikai glanced at the students below, took out the student's report card and said: "Students who have not memorized it go out and stand by themselves, don't wait for me to check you."

No one in the class went out by themselves, but Xu Youshu muttered frantically, begging God to bless him not to call him.

But things backfired, Zhao Zhikai was the first to call him.

"Xu Youshu, get up and recite the full text."

It's over, it's dead now.

This is Xu Youshu's thoughts at the moment.

Xu Youshu recited the first few lines from his remaining memory: "Gujun County of Yuzhang, New Mansion of Hongdu, Xingfen Yizhen, Ground Connecting Henglu, Three Rivers... Three Rivers..."

Well, that's all I can say.

"Devil Scholar" said without raising his head, "Get out!"

Xu Youshu walked out of the classroom with a sad face holding his textbooks.

Ye Xingchen saw Xu Youshu who was the first to ask a question, so he was the next one.

He was right, but not quite right.

Seeing that "Devil Scholar" didn't even give Ye Xingchen a chance to ask questions, he said directly: "Ye Xingchen, you go out too."

Ye Xingchen frowned and said, "The reason."

After Zhao Zhikai heard Ye Xingchen's words, he raised his head and looked at him: "If you haven't memorized it, go out and stand, do you still need me to repeat it?"

"Heh! Then, teacher, did you ask any questions?" Ye Xingchen looked at him coldly.

Facing Ye Xingchen's questioning, Zhao Zhikai was not angry, but said calmly: "Oh? Do I still need to ask questions?"

"Why not?" Ye Xingchen replied.

Everyone was shocked by Ye Xingchen's operation today. Usually, he would go out with the book when he asked Ye Xingchen to go out, but today he dared to talk back to the "devil scholar", which once made them think that Ye Xingchen was crazy.

Lin Xiangzhi looked at Ye Xingchen nervously at this time, and she didn't consciously worry about Ye Xingchen, maybe she didn't even notice it.

Only Song Xiaonan looked at Ye Xingchen gloatingly, thinking that you are finished this time.

"Okay, don't say I won't give you a chance, memorize it yourself." Zhao Zhikai said with a dismissive smile, put the book on the table and looked at Ye Xingchen.

Ye Xingchen raised the corners of his mouth and left his seat voluntarily.

"Heh!" Zhao Zhikai's disdainful expression became more serious.

Just when the students thought that Ye Xingchen went out to stand by himself, Ye Xingchen came to the podium and took out a piece of chalk from the chalk box, and said to Zhao Zhikai: "Recited words are meaningless, why don't I write them silently. I just don't know this Is the blackboard enough?"


"Damn it! Ye Xingchen is really crazy."

"It must be crazy. Otherwise, how could I seek death by myself."

"Wait, don't you think this scene is very familiar? Didn't it happen yesterday as well?"

"I'll go, I'm looking forward to it when you say that."

Jiang Wu looked at Ye Xingchen with a worried expression on his face.

Song Xiaonan's schadenfreude turned into shock, and she didn't know why, but she always felt that Ye Xingchen could really do it.

(End of this chapter)

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