Chapter 254 Did You Laugh Just Now? (311)

Ye Xingchen ignored the voice below, and started writing on the blackboard.

Preface to Tengwang Pavilion
Don Wang Bo
The old county of Yuzhang, the new mansion of Hongdu.The star is divided into Yizhen, and the ground is connected to Henglu.Take the three rivers and lead the five lakes, control the wild Jing and lead Ouyue.Wuhua Tianbao, Longguang shot at the market of Niudou; outstanding people, Xu Ru went to Chen Fan's couch.Xiongzhou Wulie is full of handsome stars.The Taiwan God rests on the friendship between Yi and Xia, and the host and guest enjoy the beauty of the southeast.Dudu Yan Gong's Yawang, the halberd is coming; Yuwen Xinzhou's Yifan, the curtain is temporarily stationed.


Ye Xingchen's writing is smooth and flowing, and his writing is like a cloud of smoke, and he writes standard Song style characters.

Others seem to be two words, comfortable!Yes, both the writing speed and the font are comfortable, without any pause.

The students were all shocked and speechless after seeing the scene of Ye Xingchen writing vigorously. At this moment, they all had a common question in their hearts: Is this really Ye Xingchen?

Zhao Zhikai was also taken aback. Ye Xingchen, who has always been at the end of the crane, is so powerful.

In less than 10 minutes, Ye Xingchen filled the entire blackboard, but this was only half of the entire classical Chinese essay.

"It seems that there is not enough to write, Mr. Zhao, have you finished the previous inspection? If I have finished the inspection, I will wipe it off." Ye Xingchen looked at him with interest and asked.

Zhao Zhikai nodded helplessly, indicating that he could wipe it off.

Ye Xingchen turned around, picked up the eraser, and began to wipe the blackboard.

At this time Jiang Wu stood up suddenly: "I will help you."

Ye Xingchen smiled at him: "Thank you."

"You're welcome."

Soon, the two wiped the entire blackboard, and Ye Xingchen continued to write on it.

After 10 minutes, the entire Preface to the Pavilion of King Teng was silently written.

Ye Xingchen turned around and confidently threw the chalk into the pencil case, looked at Zhao Zhikai and asked, "Can I still stand outside?"

Zhao Zhikai looked at the words on the blackboard and said with a bad face: "No, it's absolutely correct, you can go back."

"Thank you teacher." Ye Xingchen thanked and returned to his seat.

Because when Mr. Zhao asks questions, he usually asks half a section and the first half.So after 20 minutes, Zhao Zhikai gave up asking questions and chose to go directly to class.

It's just that this class was very awkward, he was not in the mood to talk, and the students were not in the mood to listen.When the bell rang, Zhao Zhikai picked up his textbook and fled the classroom with relief.

After he left, the students who were full of question marks poured out.

"I'll go, Brother Chen, when did you become so powerful?"

"That's right, you didn't see Lao Zhao's face, it was dark."

Song Xiaonan also came forward and said sourly: "Ye Xingchen, I didn't expect you to be so good. You can't just happen to know this classical Chinese."

Ye Xingchen looked up at her and said, "You're right."

"You—huh!" Seeing that his attitude was too irritating, Song Xiaonan ran out of the classroom with a wave of his hands.

Ye Xingchen ignored the compliments from the people around him. He kept looking at Lin Xiangzhi. He suddenly discovered that Lin Xiangzhi seemed to be peeking at him all the time, and more than once.

Jiang Wu also came over and praised Ye Xingchen for his greatness without hesitation.

Xu Youshu looked at Ye Xingchen in disbelief and said, "Brother Chen, you're not really possessed by aliens, are you? Are you still you?"

Ye Xingchen directly blocked such words, and neither answered nor denied. Anyway, he didn't believe that he was possessed, and he didn't believe it even if he wasn't possessed. Just let him guess.

After this, Ye Xingchen became famous in the first battle.

The teachers of various subjects were also surprised when they heard about this incident. It seemed that this student had been underestimated by them all along.

With the end of the evening self-study get out of class, Ye Xingchen ended the day's study in the discussion of the students, and at this moment Ye Xingchen had been waiting for a whole day.

After dismissing Jiang Wu, Song Xiaonan and Xu Youshu, Ye Xingchen took the initiative to find Lin Xiangzhi and said, "Let's go, let's go back together."

Lin Xiangzhi hesitated for a while before saying, "Okay."

"Yes!" Ye Xingchen couldn't help congratulating himself when he saw that he had succeeded, "Then let's go, I just need your help."

Lin Xiangzhi pointed to himself and said, "Can you ask me for help?"

Ye Xingchen nodded: "Yes, let's talk as we walk."

"Okay!" Lin Xiangzhi packed his schoolbag and got up to go home with Ye Xingchen.

After reaching the school gate, Lin Xiangzhi finally couldn't help asking, "May I ask for help with anything?"

Seeing her asking, Ye Xingchen directly told Lin Xiangzhi what he thought: "I want to study hard."

"This is a good thing, but what does this have to do with asking me to help?" Lin Xiangzhi asked in confusion.

"I want you to be my deskmate, and then you can help me with tuition."

"Let me, give you tutoring?" Lin Xiangzhi seemed to ask again.

Ye Xingchen smiled slightly and said his reason: "I know this is a bit abrupt, but I really want to study hard, I promise I will never disturb your normal study time, but I will ask you some questions after class, is that okay?" ?”

"Why me? There are many good students in the class." Lin Xiangzhi asked a key question.

Ye Xingchen thought to himself: Sure enough, I still suspect that I have other purposes.

But Ye Xingchen had already prepared the words: "You know that few people in the class want to sit at the same table with me, except for Song Xiaonan and Xu Youshu, no one likes to sit with me. And the two of them are not very good at studying, So after much deliberation, only you are left."

Lin Xiangzhi looked at Ye Xingchen's eyes and seemed to be discerning the authenticity of this sentence.

But Ye Xingchen's superficial kung fu is already perfect, as long as he is not a professor of psychology, he can't tell whether he is lying or not.

After a long time, Lin Xiangzhi didn't see whether Ye Xingchen was lying, she was hesitating.

Seeing that she was undecided, Ye Xingchen decided to add another fire.

"Of course, if you agree, I will buy you breakfast every day, and it will be treated as your remuneration for teaching me, and I promise not to repeat the same thing every day."

Ye Xingchen stretched out three fingers to promise.

Seeing him like this, Lin Xiangzhi couldn't help laughing again, but then he returned to the look of keeping strangers away.

Ye Xingchen was dumbfounded, she just laughed!She just smiled at me, I read that right.

"Well, did you just laugh?" Ye Xingchen asked in disbelief.

Lin Xiangzhi looked at Ye Xingchen and seemed to wonder if this person was really what they said?Why do I feel a little stuck.

"No!" Lin Xiangzhi still denied it.

Ye Xingchen said excitedly: "Impossible, I have seen it all, you laughed."

Lin Xiangzhi: "You read it wrong!"

Ye Xingchen: "?????"

(End of this chapter)

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