The road to academic dominance from the juvenile school

Chapter 255 Lin Xiangzhi, what is your relationship with Ye Xingchen

Chapter 255 Lin Xiangzhi, what is your relationship with Ye Xingchen (411)

Ye Xingchen felt a little dazed, maybe he really misunderstood: "Okay, then do what I do at the same table..."

Lin Xiangzhi ignored him, but quickened his pace.

Ye Xingchen was stunned at this moment, did he agree or disagree with this reaction?Ye Xingchen hurriedly chased after him and said, "If you don't speak, I'll take it as if you agreed, and I'll tell Director Pan tomorrow."

Lin Xiangzhi still didn't speak.Ye Xingchen knew that it would be impolite for him to ask more questions, anyway, he didn't reject me directly, so I took it as my agreement.

After walking together for a while, the two separated at a fork in the road.

Ye Xingchen said loudly in the direction where Lin Xiangzhi was leaving: "Be careful on the road, I will ask Director Pan to arrange a place for the two of us tomorrow."

But Lin Xiangzhi still didn't answer him, as if he stopped talking suddenly after laughing just now.

Hmm... I just laughed, I should have laughed.Well, that's right, I should have laughed.

Ye Xingchen muttered softly: "Tomorrow I will be a little book boy with meals for others, alas!"

Although I sighed on the surface, I was already happy in my heart. This is a good start.

Ye Xingchen couldn't help cursing the system in his heart again, brought himself here to talk about the mission, let him explore freely, how can he explore.

But Ye Xingchen knew that he would definitely leave this world, so he secretly warned himself not to have any nostalgia for this world.

Ye Xingchen watched Lin Xiangzhi's figure disappear into the night before turning around and walking towards his home.

It's just that when Ye Xingchen turned around, a pair of eyes behind him were looking at him, and the owner of these eyes was Lin Xiangzhi.


After Ye Xingchen returned home, he opened the system store and refreshed it boredly, and suddenly found an incredible thing in the store - the complete solution of magic.

"What is this?" Ye Xingchen clicked with his hand to open the details, "The complete solution of magic, which records all the magic in the magic universe, including the powerful forbidden spells, a must-have manual for junior magicians to embark on the road of demon gods. The price is 100000 in exchange point."

Ye Xingchen was very excited after seeing this magic book. Although 10 exchange points are a lot, it is a magic book. A mage is every boy's dream.

Call the storm and rule the world!
Okay far away.

Ye Xingchen exchanged it without hesitation, clicked to use, and a large amount of magic knowledge was instilled into Ye Xingchen's mind instantly, but Ye Xingchen didn't feel a splitting headache, but felt a little comfortable, as if this knowledge belonged to him originally .

During the instillation of magic knowledge, a vision appeared in the sky, and a small magic circle appeared in Ye Xingchen's room, and was connected with the vision in the sky. After 10 seconds, the vision suddenly disappeared, as if it had never appeared Same thing.

Moreover, Ye Xingchen successfully became a junior magician through the magic power instilled in the magic book, and he can use some basic magic, and Ye Xingchen has the physique of all systems, so his magic has no attribute restrictions.

However, Ye Xingchen had never practiced magic, so after casting a fireball, he lost his mana.

"Damn, it's really tasteless. It seems that I have to find a way to increase the magic power." Ye Xingchen said looking at the fireball in his hand.

"Forget it, don't think about it, today is a good harvest, sleep."

Ye Xingchen fell on the bed and slowly fell asleep.

At this time, in Ye Xingchen's consciousness space, the system was talking to a figure.

"My master, I accidentally put the magic book on the shelf when I put the time magic circle on the shelf, and he has already bought it. Do you want us to delete his information and get the magic book back?"

The mysterious figure said calmly: "No, it's too late. Just give it to him in advance, anyway, it will be used later."

System: "Will there be any problems? What if..."

Mysterious figure: "There is no chance, I know him, and he won't use it indiscriminately."

System: "Okay, then I'll put the Time Magic Array on the shelves."

Mysterious figure: "Go."


At 5:30 in the morning, Ye Xingchen got up on time, washed and brushed his teeth, and then went out with his schoolbag to buy breakfast, four buns and two cups of oat milk.

Then came to the fork in the road with breakfast, waiting for Lin Xiangzhi's arrival here.

Sure enough, 10 minutes later, Lin Xiangzhi appeared in Ye Xingchen's field of vision on time, and Ye Xingchen hurried forward to say hello.

"Student Lin Xiangzhi, here!"

Lin Xiangzhi looked in the direction of the voice, and found that it was this strange big boy again. He must have been waiting for a long time to see his appearance.

"No, this is the breakfast I promised you."

After she walked over, Ye Xingchen gave Lin Xiangzhi a breakfast.

Lin Xiangzhi shook his head and wanted to refuse: "No, I've already eaten."

Ye Xingchen laughed secretly when he heard it: "Okay, you buy breakfast here every day, I saw it yesterday, take it, this is a reward, if you don't want it, I have to throw it away."

After much deliberation, Lin Xiangzhi had no reason to refuse, so he could only accept it first.

"That's right, well, let's go quickly, we will be late later."

In fact, this is also nonsense. Going to school at this time can 100% catch up with morning self-study.

But Lin Xiangzhi didn't care about this, she just wanted to get to school quickly and then return to her place.

Although the two of them didn't get along much these days, she could feel that she didn't hate Ye Xingchen, and even wanted to be friends with Ye Xingchen, but... her situation was too special.

Thinking of this, Lin Xiangzhi suddenly felt sad.

Ye Xingchen absorbed the energy of the book of magic yesterday and awakened a junior magician, so he is particularly sensitive to people's emotional perception.

He could clearly feel that Lin Xiangzhi was in a happy mood at first, but he suddenly felt lonely.

Although Ye Xingchen really wanted to ask what was going on, he knew that now was not the time.

The two of them still entered the campus side by side, and entered the classroom one after the other. Although this kind of thing is normal, but in the student days, the power of gossip was very good. Song Xiaonan is the Sherlock Holmes of the gossip world. .

When she saw two people entering the classroom at the same time for the second time, she knew that this matter was not as simple as it seemed.

And the point is, after the morning self-study, the two had exactly the same breakfast.

has a problem!
Song Xiaonan asked after Lin Xiangzhi finished his breakfast, "Xiangzhi, what's your relationship with Ye Xingchen?"

After hearing this question, Lin Xiangzhi panicked instinctively: "No, it doesn't matter."

But how could Song Xiaonan fail to see that she was lying, and immediately asked: "Then why did you enter the classroom with Ye Xingchen for two days, and the point is that your breakfast is the same."

"I, I, I..." Lin Xiangzhi couldn't answer for a while.

Seeing her reaction, Song Xiaonan sighed: "Silly girl, Ye Xingchen is not a good person, don't be fooled by him."

"I didn't, Xiaonan, you misunderstood."

 Thanks for the monthly ticket, thanks for the recommendation, the last chapter today

(End of this chapter)

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