Chapter 256 Ye Xingchen's Past (511)

"I really have nothing to do with him, the thing is like this..." It took Lin Xiangzhi a long time to explain to Song Xiaonan.

"That's how it is!"

Song Xiaonan asked in disbelief after hearing the cause and effect: "Really?"

Lin Xiangzhi: "Really!"

"That said, Ye Xingchen really wants to study hard. It's strange, why does he want to study all of a sudden, there must be some reason for this."

As soon as Song Xiaonan solved the last question, he began to think about the next question.

Lin Xiangzhi hesitated for a while, and finally asked: "Xiaonan, did Ye Xingchen really fight and bully female classmates before? I don't think he is that kind of person."

Song Xiaonan looked at Lin Xiangzhi as if he was foolish, and then said earnestly: "Let me tell you this, although I often hate him, we are friends, and we are good friends. Can I understand this?"

Lin Xiangzhi shook her head, she didn't understand the relationship between Ye Xingchen's personality and being a good friend with Song Xiaonan.

Song Xiaonan nodded her head and said, "Xiangzhi, you are so stupid, do you think I would be friends with him if he was really that kind of person?"

Song Xiaonan's words woke Lin Xiangzhi up. After two days of understanding, she could feel that Ye Xingchen was not as bad as they said, and even a little cute.

"But why does everyone keep him at a respectful distance? He even said he was bullying female classmates." Lin Xiangzhi was puzzled by this question.

Seeing her asking, Song Xiaonan planned to tell her the reason: "Ye Xingchen did bully a female classmate, to be precise, hit a female classmate."

"Huh?" Lin Xiangzhi was surprised.

"But those people deserved it. They really deserved to be beaten. After I found out about the situation, I wanted to help them both." Song Xiaonan said here and slapped the table angrily.

Lin Xiangzhi was startled by the sudden loud noise: "Xiaonan, you..."

Song Xiaonan knew that she was too excited to scare Xiang just now, so she hurriedly apologized: "I'm sorry for scaring you."

"It's okay, you continue to talk." Lin Xiangzhi shook his head steadily to indicate that he was fine.

Song Xiaonan sighed, and continued: "Ye Xingchen is also a repeat student. Before repeating, he was the boss of the whole school. Almost everyone in the third year of high school was afraid of him, and of course respected him, because he never bullied ordinary students. A few female scumbags in this school bullied and bullied a female classmate, and the methods they used were truly outraged."

When hearing this, Lin Xiangzhi trembled instinctively, as if he had heard something terrible.

Song Xiaonan didn't pay attention to her state and continued: "Ye Xingchen found out about this matter through the mouths of a few classmates who played well with him, and then got a deeper understanding of this matter. In the end, he became furious. According to his classmates Said he had never seen him get so angry before, and then he made a mistake."

"Make a mistake?"

"It was just to beat up those female students, but it was just deleted two slaps, and then scolded severely, because the other party was a girl, Ye Xingchen didn't do much, if it was a boy, I guess those people would It’s useless. At first I heard that he beat girls, and I really looked down on him, but when I knew the reason, I thought he really beat him lightly.”

After Lin Xiangzhi heard the ins and outs of this incident, he took another look at Ye Xingchen, who was reading a book (studying magic) seriously.

She suddenly became more fond of Ye Xingchen, and at the same time, she was also thinking about this big boy with a scholarly temperament
What is the reason for being so furious as Song Xiaonan said.

Ye Xingchen's mental strength sensed that someone was looking at him, and when he looked up, he found that it was Lin Xiangzhi, so he smiled and waved to Lin Xiangzhi.

Lin Xiangzhi waved at him inexplicably after seeing it, and realized his abnormality afterwards.She quickly turned her head and pretended to continue studying.
Only Ye Xingchen was left with a puzzled face. He didn't understand what the other party meant. Could it be that he was scary?

Ye Xingchen saw that the time was almost up, so he went to Director Pan's office to explain the situation to him.

Pan Yuansheng said in disbelief: "Student Lin Xiangzhi really agreed to be at the same table with you? Don't fool me."

Ye Xingchen said helplessly: "Really, if you don't believe me, you should ask her to go to the head office."

Pan Yuansheng: "You didn't threaten him, did you?"

Ye Xingchen had black lines all over his head: "Director Pan! Could there be some basic trust between us?"

Pan Yuansheng smiled and said, "Okay, you kid, it's okay for the teacher to ask more questions. I'll adjust your seats during class."

"Thank you teacher. If there is nothing else, I will go back first."

"Well let's go."

After coming out, Ye Xingchen breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that he could finally be at the same table with Xiangzhi, and he really looked forward to it.

Maybe because she looks exactly like Mai Mai, Ye Xingchen really has a crush on her, but Ye Xingchen has no other ideas, he really just wants to make friends with her, explore missions, and protect her by the way .

Because the math class was the second period, Ye Xingchen had to get through the first English period boringly.

Because Ye Xingchen's performance in math and Chinese classes had already reached the ears of teachers of various subjects, so the English teacher was no exception.

The first thing to do in class is to say this: "I heard that Ye Xingchen has performed very well in math and Chinese classes recently, is it true?"

"Yes!" Before Ye Xingchen could speak, the students answered the question in unison.

"It seems to be true. Then I wonder if Ye Xingchen's performance in English class can make my eyes shine." The English teacher looked at Ye Xingchen and said.

Ye Xingchen knew that he had to show it now, so he stood up and said, "I don't know how to impress the teacher."

The English teacher pointed to the blackboard and said, "It is said that the math questions and the classical Chinese writing are all done from the blackboard. Can Ye Xingchen come up and write the words learned yesterday?"

Ye Xingchen glanced at Lin Xiangzhi's position, then turned his head and said, "Yes!"

English teacher: "Okay then, classmate Jiang Wu will ask Ye Xingchen about the words learned yesterday, and the order will be messed up."

"Good teacher." Jiang Wu got up and picked up his English textbook to ask Ye Xingchen a question.

Ye Xingchen also walked to the blackboard, picked up the chalk, and waited for Jiang Wu's question.

After 5 minutes, all 30 words were asked.

Ye Xingchen put one hand in his pocket, and the other hand never stopped. Every time Jiang Wu asked a question in Chinese, Ye Xingchen immediately wrote English.And after all the words were asked, Ye Xingchen started to supplement the gerunds, usages, and Chinese for the 30 words again.

This series of operations surprised the English teacher on time, which made her wonder if Ye Xingchen's poor student was pretending before, and if it was pretending, what is it?

 If you don't like the plot of this chapter, I will change or delete it, and give more comments

(End of this chapter)

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