The road to academic dominance from the juvenile school

Chapter 258 Did I Say I Want To Be Friends With You?

Chapter 258 Did I Say I Want To Be Friends With You?

Ye Xingchen was still looking at Lin Xiangzhi in a daze, and didn't hear Director Pan calling him at all.

Pan Yuansheng called out a few more times, but Ye Xingchen was still distracted, so Lin Xiangzhi quickly poked him with a pen, motioning him to look ahead.

"Ah? Teacher, did you call me?" Ye Xingchen finally realized and got up quickly.

"Ye Xingchen, I know that I just changed to a new deskmate. It's rare to have a fresh feeling, but we will have a lot of time to spend together in the future, and I will watch you stare at him for a class. No matter how good-looking Lin Xiangzhi is, you can't be so unscrupulous It's impolite, isn't it?" Pan Yuansheng reminded Ye Xingchen that he was going too far.


The classmates in the class laughed out loud when they heard it, and everyone's eyes were on the two of them.

Facing the laughter of his classmates, Lin Xiangzhi bit his lips and dared not look up, let alone look at Ye Xingchen next to him.

But Ye Xingchen had nothing to do, and said solemnly: "I was just distracted and didn't look at Lin Xiangzhi."


The whole class made mocking voices again.

Pan Yuansheng began to organize the order: "Okay, everyone be quiet. Ye Xingchen, whether you look at Lin Xiangzhi or not, it's wrong to be distracted in class. If you solve this problem, the teacher will not punish you. If you can't do it, you will stand up." It’s not too much to listen to the class.”

At this time, everyone's booing just now was completely gone, and the rest was full of expectations, looking forward to Ye Xingchen's miracles.

But Ye Xingchen didn't think so. If he asked this question again, what would Lin Xiangzhi think of him?In this way, it will arouse her disgust, so it is okay to pretend to be 13, but not too much.Ye Xingchen still understands that Mu Xiuyu will be destroyed by Lin Feng.

"Teacher, I don't know how to do it. I choose to stand and listen to the class."

As soon as these words came out, the students who had hoped for Ye Xingchen lost interest in an instant.

"I'd say it was luck."

"Oh, I thought it was a hidden boss."

"Come on, take it as a novel, the protagonist of the novel has cheats, don't dream."

Hearing these words, Ye Xingchen smiled and was not angry, it doesn't matter, I will let you take a look when the time is right, I am the protagonist.

As everyone knows, Lin Xiangzhi noticed Ye Xingchen's smile.

"If you don't know how to do it, just listen to the class carefully. The teachers of various subjects told me these days, you have performed well, don't relax, you have to make persistent efforts, you know?" Pan Yuansheng said seriously.

"Good teacher."

Delayed by this episode for some time, Pan Yuansheng hastened to speed up the progress.

As for Ye Xingchen, he also chose to listen to this class carefully, at least pretending.

After class, Ye Xingchen had nothing to do to ask Lin Xiangzhi some key questions in class. Seeing Ye Xingchen's expression was serious in anticipation, she couldn't bear to refuse, so she could only carefully explain these questions to him. Difficult point, Ye Xingchen and I carefully memorized the key points, this is not pretending, this is taking notes for Xu Youshu.

Because the two are at the same table now, it is impossible to say that there is no communication. Lin Xiangzhi can't hide even if he wants to hide now, because Ye Xingchen is looking for her for nothing else, really just asking questions, this is Ye Xingchen's The clever thing is that there is no reason for Lin Xiangzhi to refuse himself.

And in this way, I have a reason to buy her breakfast every day, and then continue to ask questions for learning exchanges.

After class, Ye Xingchen would also use magic to show Lin Xiangzhi a little trick to make her happy. She also felt that it was very magical, and kept asking Ye Xingchen why, but Ye Xingchen prevaricated with the reason that the secret should not be revealed. For this reason, Lin Xiangzhi laughed and scolded Ye Xingchen for being a cheapskate, but she didn't know that such words came from her mouth, which seemed to be acting like a baby, which further contributed to Ye Xingchen's bad taste.

Generally speaking, the two of them got along pretty well in the last two days of this week, and Lin Xiangzhi, who had always been cold-faced, also became fond of laughing.

Just when Ye Xingchen thought that the two were already friends, Lin Xiangzhi's performance made Ye Xingchen puzzled.


after school on friday
Ye Xingchen packed his schoolbag and greeted Lin Xiangzhi next to him: "Let's go together, I still have a few questions for you on the way."

Lin Xiangzhi continued to pack his books without speaking.

Ye Xingchen didn't urge him to just stand beside her and wait.After Lin Xiangzhi cleaned up, he walked out of the classroom by himself without paying attention to Ye Xingchen who was next to him.

"Hey, Xiangzhi, wait for me. Xu Youshu, Jiangwu, Song Xiaonan, I'll go first."

Ye Xingchen packed his schoolbag and hurriedly chased him out.

Song Xiaonan looked at Ye Xingchen who was leaving with a look of aura, and then complained to Jiang Wu and Xu Youshu: "Let me just say, Ye Xingchen plotted against Lin Xiangzhi, and changing positions to study was all his conspiracy. "

Xu Youshu said helplessly: "You just saw it. Ever since Lin Xiangzhi came to our class, brother Chen has changed a lot. He used to be fine if he didn't make trouble in class. Now look, he listens carefully in every class, and he doesn't mind after class. Asking questions, absolutely. Sure enough, love makes people work hard."

"I said you two, don't be sour. Is Ye Xingchen not good now? You still think this and that. And you are tree, Xingchen has studied hard, don't you have to study hard?" Jiang Wu Said with hatred of iron.

After hearing this, Xu Youshu stammered and said, "I, why didn't I study hard? I also read books seriously, but I can't help if I don't understand."

Jiang Wu: "Then why don't I see you asking me questions?"

Xu Youshu smiled and said: "Who told you that you are not a woman, if you were a beautiful woman, I would ask you questions every day."

"Go to the side." Jiang Wu kicked Xu Youshu.


"Xiangzhi, Xiangzhi, why didn't you wait for me." Ye Xingchen ran all the way to catch up with her, "What's the matter, who made our little fairy angry again."

Lin Xiangzhi stopped suddenly, lowered his head and did not speak.

"What's the matter with you, didn't you feel fine just now?" Ye Xingchen asked puzzled.

Lin Xiangzhi looked up at Ye Xingchen and said coldly, "Ye Xingchen, can you stop disturbing me?"

Ye Xingchen felt confused after hearing this: "Why, what's wrong, did I do something wrong?"

"No, I just beg you not to provoke me again, I don't like others to disturb me." Lin Xiangzhi didn't explain directly.

Ye Xingchen squeezed out a smile: "But aren't we friends? Shouldn't friends help each other?"

Lin Xiangzhi suddenly became emotional after hearing this: "Did I say that I want to be friends with you? I don't want to be friends with you, I hate you, don't approach me, and I don't want to be at the same table with you, I I have already told Director Pan that I don't want to sit with you next time. Please don't bother me in the future."

 Thanks to Chen Diandian's Jinmailang for the 2500 starting coins (plus 5 more)
  Thanks to Chen Diandian's Jinmailang for the 11 chapters monthly pass.

  Thanks to all the brothers for the recommendation tickets. I heard from others that you can watch Boys Pi 2 today. Let's look forward to it.

(End of this chapter)

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