The road to academic dominance from the juvenile school

Chapter 259 Ye Xingchen, who suffered severe trauma

Chapter 259: Ye Xingchen Who Was Seriously Traumatized (616)

After Lin Xiangzhi said this, he left without looking back.

In fact, she also wanted to be friends with Ye Xingchen in her heart, and the two days she was at the same table with Ye Xingchen were the happiest two days of her time, because she didn't like to laugh, so Ye Xingchen tried to make her laugh, so she She is also obsessed with this feeling, but she is a person with a secret, a secret that a friend can't accept, which is why she made up her mind to break up with Ye Xingchen today.

An ordinary person might have been hurt by Lin Xiangzhi's words long ago, but he is Ye Xingchen, and Lin Xiangzhi is facing an existence at the level of a big devil

"Stop!" Ye Xingchen's voice came from behind.

Lin Xiangzhi stopped, and after a pause, he turned around and said, "Do you have anything else to do?"

Ye Xingchen walked up to her, pressed her tightly and said: "You performed very well just now, let me see that you have a very high talent in acting, and the emotional outburst is just right. It can be said that if you are Ordinary people have really been tricked by you."

"What, what do you mean?" Lin Xiangzhi said in a panic.

Ye Xingchen said lightly: "literally. Lin Xiangzhi, I have a talent, a talent to feel the true emotions of others. When you just spoke, I could feel the hesitation and struggle in your heart. Those You said it to me on purpose. I don't know why you did it, but I believe you have your reasons."

As soon as Ye Xingchen said these words, Lin Xiangzhi's newly brewed emotions suddenly collapsed, and all the grievances came out, but she still held back her tears.

Ye Xingchen continued: "Actually, you also want to be friends with me. In fact, I can feel your loneliness. So can you tell me why? I can help you solve it together."

Lin Xiangzhi pushed Ye Xingchen away and ran out of the school as if fleeing.

"Lin Xiangzhi."

Ye Xingchen was afraid that she might be in danger on the way, so she hurried after her.

And this scene happened to be seen by Song Xiaonan who came from behind.

"I'm going, brother Chen is strong, are you not avoiding Lin Xiangzhi's classmate in public?" Xu Youshu said with a big mouth in surprise.

"This bastard is bullying Xiangzhi again, let me teach him a lesson." Song Xiaonan mistook Ye Xingchen for bullying Lin Xiangzhi, so he wanted to catch up and teach him a lesson.

Jiang Wu looked at the irritable Song Xiaonan and quickly grabbed it: "Xiaonan, don't get excited, what if there is a misunderstanding?"

"Misunderstanding, people are crying and still misunderstood? Ye Xingchen is still that bastard, but I thought he had changed. Jiang Wu, let me go and beat him up." Song Xiaonan struggled to break free from Jiang Wu's hand Said angrily.

"Don't get excited, let's follow up quietly to see what's going on. If you rush forward like this, don't say whether you can beat the stars. Even if you have, how will you explain it if it is a misunderstanding."

I have to say that Jiang Wu is Jiang Wu, and he still keeps a clear head in this situation.

Hearing what Jiang Wu said seemed reasonable, Song Xiaonan agreed, "Okay, then let's follow up and see what's going on."



Ye Xingchen chased to an abandoned building, and finally caught up with Lin Xiangzhi.

At this time, Xiangzhi squatted on the ground and cried loudly, as if venting all her grievances.

Ye Xingchen walked up to her and didn't say anything, just stood there quietly, because he knew that crying could release the pressure in his heart, so let her cry well.

Song Xiaonan's trio also followed here, quietly watching the two of them from a distance.

"I'll go, Brother Chen made Jin Xiangzhi bully and cried." Xu Youshu looked at the scene and said.

Song Xiaonan's fire that had just been suppressed flared up again: "Bastard, let me go, let me go over and kill him."

Jiang Wu was still persuading Song Xiaonan: "Calm down Xiaonan, calm down."

"I can't calm down, I have to kill this bastard."

Song Xiaonan broke free from Jiang Wu's hand and rushed out.

"Ye Xingchen, what did you do to Xiangzhi?"

Seeing Song Xiaonan and the others coming here, Ye Xingchen asked suspiciously, "Xiaonan, why are you here?"

The fire accumulated in Song Xiaonan's heart erupted at this moment: "Oh, what, is it because we came to disturb your good business, you rotten person, bastard, twisted pervert, dirty slug, beastly bastard,*** **********, Sewer***, Stupid*,**,**.

In the next 500 words, because the words are too sensitive, they are automatically converted to asterisks.

After nearly 10 minutes of baptism with uncivilized vocabulary, Ye Xingchen was taken with flax on the spot.If it weren't for his strong enough psychological quality and control ability, Song Xiaonan in front of him would have been thrown downstairs long ago.

Jiang Wu and Xu Youshu also refreshed the image of Song Xiaonan again. If the previous Song Xiaonan was only a violent image in their hearts, then it has been fully sublimated now. At this time, both of them made a silent decision in their hearts. Definitely don't provoke this girl.

Lin Xiangzhi didn't know when she stopped crying. She originally wanted to explain it in the 3 minutes, but Song Xiaonan output it too fast. Looking at it like this, Song Xiaonan's inscription attribute should bring The best is 10 Red Moon, 10 Eagle Eye, and 10 Hunting, equipped with attack speed shoes + electric knife + shadow blade + star smasher + dawn + black cut.

After a violent meal, Lin Xiangzhi forgot all what she wanted to say. She estimated that the uncivilized words she heard in the past 18 years were not as many as today.

Of course, Ye Xingchen was the worst one. After Song Xiaonan stopped exporting, he just asked silently: "Xiangzhi, did I do something wrong?"


Lin Xiangzhi, who was still crying just now, couldn't help laughing when he saw Ye Xingchen's expression at this moment.

When Song Xiaonan saw Lin Xiangzhi smiling, he had a bad feeling in his heart, so he hurriedly asked:

"That Xiangzhi, did Ye Xingchen bully you just now, don't be afraid that I'm here, I will protect you."

Lin Xiangzhi knew that all this was because of him, so he said embarrassedly: "No, Ye Xingchen didn't bully me."

When Song Xiaonan heard it, it was over, and it was too early to scold herself.

"He didn't bully you, so why are you crying?"

"I, I, I... I didn't do it on purpose." Lin Xiangzhi lowered his head like a child who did something wrong.


Song Xiaonan clutched her chest, as if she had suffered an internal injury.

I'm going, the cause of the incident is because of you, you say now that you didn't do it on purpose, what about me, how should I face Ye Xingchen.

At this time, everyone's eyes were all shifted to the most innocent person in the audience, a person who had been baptized by the list of uncivilized vocabulary.

"Brother Chen, are you... all right?" Xu Youshu asked in a low voice.

Ye Xingchen looked up at the sky at a 45° angle and said, "I was wondering if I had done something that was outraged by people and gods in the first half of my life. Why did God let me go through this?"

"Pfft, hahahaha." Lin Xiangzhi couldn't help laughing again.

(End of this chapter)

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