Chapter 260 (716)
Chapter 250: Hello, My Name Is Ye Xingchen

Jiang Wu also looked at Ye Xingchen with sympathetic eyes and said, " fact, it's not your fault."

"Song Xiaonan apologize quickly." Xu Youshu touched Song Xiaonan's arm and said softly.

"I, why should I apologize? I didn't do it on purpose. Who told him not to explain it just now?" Although Song Xiaonan knew it was her fault, it would be embarrassing to apologize.

Ye Xingchen glanced at her unrequitedly and said, "Did you give me a chance to speak?"

Song Xiaonan was speechless: "I... well, I'm sorry!"

Ye Xingchen waved his hand to show that he didn't care: "Forget it, I don't bother to care about it. I forgot what the original theme of today was when the three of you suddenly got involved."

"By the way, Xiangzhi, since Ye Xingchen didn't bully you, why are you crying." Only then did Jiang Wu remember why he came here.

Lin Xiangzhi didn't hide from them, and told his difficulties: "I...I want to be friends with everyone, but I can't be friends with everyone."

"Why?" Ye Xingchen asked hastily.

"I have a disease, a disease that makes me forget my friends. This disease makes me only remember friends for a week." Lin Xiangzhi said slowly.

"What do you mean?" Lin Xiangzhi's words made Jiang Wu a little confused.

Song Xiaonan couldn't believe it and said, "You mean amnesia?"

"Post-traumatic stress disorder, to be precise. I was injured in an accident for some reason. I was hospitalized for a while. After I recovered, I thought I was fine. But then I found out that I couldn't remember a single thing until Monday. Friends, or classmates’ names and appearances, even new friends, will forget each other on Monday. The doctor said that my short-term memory has a problem, and I don’t even remember what happened on the day of the accident.”

After a pause, Lin Xiangzhi continued: "After treatment, I still haven't found out the specific reason. The doctor can only judge me as post-traumatic stress disorder. So I can't be friends with everyone, because as long as I have a happy Memories, people who want to be friends, except for my family, I forget them every Monday, about friends, all memories will disappear."

Ye Xingchen frowned: "It means that the memory will be refreshed every week, just like an NPC, interesting!"

Jiang Wu looked at Ye Xingchen and asked in disbelief: "You don't really believe what she said, do you?"

"Brother Chen, you can't fail to understand such a clumsy reason." Xu Youshu looked at Ye Xingchen with a helpless expression and said.

"Why don't you believe it? What is Lin Xiangzhi's reason for lying?" Ye Xingchen looked at everyone with a smile.

"But you just believe in such an outrageous thing, isn't it too hasty?" The three looked at him puzzled. At the same time, what everyone thought at the same time was that Ye Xingchen won't be really dazzled by love, right? IQ is gone.

Ye Xingchen looked at their incredible expressions, and understood why they were so surprised.

"Because you are not me, you don't believe it. If you are me, then Lin Xiangzhi's illness is a very common illness in your perception."

Ye Xingchen is right. He has a system and can travel through time. He can learn knowledge, martial arts, magic, and such outrageous things have happened to him. What is a strange amnesia? Ye Xingchen was not surprised when he suddenly appeared in this world.

"Ah? What do you mean?" Jiang Wu asked suspiciously.

"I told you that you still don't believe it. Lin Xiangzhi, I want to be friends with you. Even if you forget me at the end of this week, I will find a way to be friends with you next week. As for your memory, I will help you." Just find it." Ye Xingchen made a fool of himself, because his background was even more outrageous than Lin Xiangzhi.

"Get it back?" Lin Xiangzhi said in bewilderment.

Ye Xingchen nodded confidently: "Yes, find it."

"If what Lin Xiangzhi said is true, then what she lost was her memory, not something. How do you find it?" Jiang Wu asked.

A notebook suddenly appeared in Ye Xingchen's left hand. He looked at Lin Xiangzhi with the notebook and said, "Losing a friend's memory once a week is like being formatted once a week. Since your original memory is broken, Then just back up your memory on another storage, and read it when you need it.”

"You mean to use a diary to record what happened every day? I'm a genius." Xu Youshu had a rare sudden enlightenment, and he understood Ye Xingchen's meaning as soon as he heard it.

Ye Xingchen nodded: "Well, but more precisely, it's an autobiography, or a novel, a novel with Lin Xiangzhi as the protagonist."

Then he looked at Lin Xiangzhi and said: "I will record the acquaintance with you this week in this notebook. I hope you can also write down as much as you can remember in these two days. , Wait until the new week starts to read the memory of the previous week, and start again and again, so that you can live like a normal person.”

"Is this really possible?" Lin Xiangzhi asked incredulously.

"Of course, don't worry, I won't let you forget me." Ye Xingchen stared into Lin Xiangzhi's eyes and said very seriously.

Lin Xiangzhi was not timid and looked at Ye Xingchen.After the two looked at each other for more than 10 seconds, Song Xiaonan finally couldn't stand it any longer:

"Ahem, I said two, there are three more people here."

Only then did Lin Xiangzhi look away in a panic.

But Ye Xingchen looked at Song Xiaonan dissatisfied: "You really don't win, you haven't settled the matter just now."

"Tch, did I say something wrong just now? You approached our Xiangzhi with malicious intentions." Although Song Xiaonan knew that she was wrong, she still insisted.

Ye Xingchen gave her a blank look and didn't pay attention to her again. Instead, he looked at Lin Xiangzhi's right hand again and said, "Hello, my name is Ye Xingchen, the star of the sea of ​​stars, may I be your friend?"

Lin Xiangzhi did not refuse this time, she stretched out her creamy-skinned hand to hold Ye Xingchen's hand and said with a smile: "Hi, my name is Lin Xiangzhi, I am very glad to be friends with you."

"Yeah, everyone's happy, let's sprinkle flowers." Xu Youshu started to be funny again from the side.

"Pfft ha ha ha." After Lin Xiangzhi got rid of his knots, he became cheerful.

Ye Xingchen pointed to his head and said, "Don't worry about him, he's sick here, just get used to it."

"En!" Lin Xiangzhi nodded heavily.

"Hey, hey, classmate Lin Xiangzhi, even if Lao Ye has a good relationship with you, you can't help him talk about me." Xu Youshu looked at the two who hadn't separated in front of him with a sad face and said aggrieved.

Ye Xingchen looked at Xu Youshu proudly: "You have already said that Xiangzhi has a good relationship with me, so if you don't help me, who will you help. Right Xiangzhi?"

Lin Xiangzhi nodded again with a smile on his face: "Yeah!"

Xu Youshu: "..."

 Thanks to Fangyun 123 for rewarding a monthly ticket for a chapter

(End of this chapter)

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