The road to academic dominance from the juvenile school

Chapter 261 I'm sorry, I'm used to it. (817)

Chapter 261 I'm sorry, I'm used to it. (817)

Song Xiaonan was very upset when she saw Ye Xingchen's twitching, she ran over to separate their hands, then took Lin Xiangzhi's arm and said triumphantly: "Get up, just let you hold it for a while, hold it and don't let it go." It's open. In Xiangzhi, let's go to the park for a stroll."

"This..." Lin Xiangzhi looked at Ye Xingchen hesitantly, as if seeking his approval.

"Lin Xiangzhi, we have been at the same table for two days anyway, you just forget about me now that you have a new tablemate, right?" Song Xiaonan saw that Lin Xiangzhi hesitated, and immediately said pretending to be sad.

Lin Xiangzhi grabbed Song Xiaonan's hand that was about to let go and said coquettishly, "Xiaonan, I'm gone."

Seeing that the trick was successful, Song Xiaonan immediately recovered her smile: "Okay, then you can accompany me to the park, or I will be sad."

"Okay, but what about the schoolbag? It's full of books." Lin Xiangzhi pointed to the schoolbag on his shoulder. Because there are more homework during the holidays, there are more books, and it is relatively heavy.

Song Xiaonan gave Ye Xingchen a malicious look, and then said, "Nuo, your good friend is there. I believe he will take your schoolbag for you, right Ye Xingchen."

Ye Xingchen was very angry in his heart, it's fine to steal my Xiangzhi, and let me carry the bag, why don't you die.

But when he saw Lin Xiangzhi looking at him with full expectation, he couldn't bear to refuse, so he could only swallow his anger and gritted his teeth to agree: "Yes!"

"No, take it." Song Xiaonan took Lin Xiangzhi's schoolbag and stuffed it into Ye Xingchen's hand.

Then she put her schoolbag into Jiang Wu's hands. Of course, she knew that she couldn't give Ye Xingchen her schoolbag. If she ruined his good deed, who knows if he will take revenge on her.

"Okay, let's go."

Song Xiaonan took Lin Xiangzhi's hand, and walked out swaggeringly under Ye Xingchen's envious eyes.

Ye Xingchen lay on the railing and took a deep breath to relieve his depression.

At this time, Jiang Wu came to his side, looked at the two people leaving below and said, "Do you really believe what Lin Xiangzhi said?"

"Believe it!" Ye Xingchen replied very firmly, which made Jiang Wu very puzzled.

Jiang Wu was very puzzled and asked: "I have only seen this kind of amnesia in TV dramas, not to mention that Lin Xiangzhi is even more outrageous than amnesia. You are so smart, you can't really see that she is Lie."

"Okay, since you said that Lin Xiangzhi was lying, what is the purpose of her lying? Let us stay away from her and not be friends with her? Or draw our attention and pity her?" Ye Xingchen turned his head and looked at Jiang Wu Said.


While Jiang Wu was hesitating, Ye Xingchen continued: "You just said that Lin Xiangzhi's illness is outrageous, and I've seen things even more outrageous than this."

Xu Youshu ran to the middle of the two and squeezed in: "What's more outrageous than this? What is it?"

"You Shu, don't be so frizzy, what if the railing breaks and we fall."

Seeing Xu Youshu being so reckless, Jiang Wu reminded him worriedly.

Xu Youshu apologized with an apologetic face, and then continued to ask Ye Xingchen: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, isn't this too curious. Xingchen, you just said that you have seen something outrageous, what is it?"

But seeing his perfunctory attitude, Jiang Wu knew that this guy didn't listen.

Ye Xingchen said with a sly smile: "Do you believe in the existence of traversers?"

Jiang Wu shook his head and said, "I don't believe it, I'm a materialist."

"I believe it! I believe it! There are many people on the Internet who predict the end of the world in 2012. I suspect that they are time travelers."

Hearing Xu Youshu's words, Jiang Wu covered his face and didn't look at them.But having said that, only people who are in the second class can understand people who are in the second class, and only people who are in the second class will believe what the people who are in the second class say.

Ye Xingchen said with a smile: "Okay, there is no end in 2012, it's just a rumor on the Internet. But there are still traversers."

"Where is that?" Xu Youshu asked excitedly.

"It's far away in the sky, but it's close in front of us." Ye Xingchen said.

Xu Youshu pointed at Ye Xingchen and said, "You?"

Ye Xingchen: "The answer is correct, but there is no reward."

But just after Xu Youshu finished speaking, he looked at him with disdain: "Hehe! I'm a sand sculpture, not stupid 13. Please don't insult my IQ, thank you."

"Tsk tsk tsk, no wonder people like to tell lies these days, no one believes the truth at all."

Ye Xingchen is also very helpless now, he didn't intend to deceive others, the main reason is that no one will believe him when he tells the truth, alas, stupid human beings.

But Jiang Wu fell into deep thought when he heard Ye Xingchen's words.

"Okay, let's go, let's see where the two little ancestors have gone, and don't get lost in a while." Ye Xingchen has a bag on his back and another bag on the front, which looks like a turtle shell, very funny .

Jiang Wu and Xu Youshu followed behind, and the three of them walked towards the park.

Ye Xingchen could feel in his heart that the plot had already begun, and his task was to restore Lin Xiangzhi to normal, otherwise he would not have let him go back to the main world, but how could he cure Xiangzhi's illness, since he is not a doctor, What's more, a disease as outrageous as amnesia cannot be cured by medicine in the first place, it depends on luck.

After coming to the park, Ye Xingchen didn't bother to see the two of them chatting happily there. He stood there and had more important things to do.

He took out a pencil and white paper, used a book as a cushion, and drew Lin Xiangzhi in the distance.

With a few simple strokes, Lin Xiangzhi's appearance has come out, and the next step is to draw her appearance.

Ye Xingchen closed his eyes and began to recall every meeting with Xiangzhi in the past few days, and finally locked on the most beautiful time of Lin Xiangzhi's smile, which was the time when he had an illusion that day.

Just do it, Ye Xingchen successfully restored Lin Xiangzhi's smile by relying on his own memory.It wasn't until he raised his head that he realized that at some point Song Xiaonan and Lin Xiangzhi had already stood in front of him.

"Is this me?" Lin Xiangzhi stared at the sketch and asked blushingly.

Song Xiaonan snatched the white paper from Ye Xingchen's hand and looked at it: "It must be, it's exactly the same as you, okay? I didn't see it, Ye Xingchen, you can still draw, I underestimated you."

"Take it easy, this is my painting for Xiangzhi, don't blame me for being rude if it breaks." Ye Xingchen said distressedly.

Song Xiaonan said dissatisfiedly: "Cut, who cares about it." Then he gave the painting to Lin Xiangzhi: "Here, classmate Lin Xiangzhi, this is drawn by your deskmate."

Lin Xiangzhi looked at the portrait of himself in his hand and secretly delighted: "Is this for me?"

Ye Xingchen: "Of course, the painting is of course given to you, do you like it?"

Lin Xiangzhi put the painting on his chest and protected it with his hands: "Yes!"

"Just like it." Ye Xingchen was very happy to see that Lin Xiangzhi liked him very much.

"Thank you!" Lin Xiangzhi blushed, not knowing whether he was shy or excited.

"We are friends, there is no need to be so polite between friends."

Ye Xingchen put his hand on Lin Xiangzhi's head and rubbed it lovingly twice.

But after Ye Xingchen finished all this, he realized what had happened.Damn, I got used to touching it, but I actually forgot that this is not the main world.

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  Thank you, please call me Jinmailang to reward the March ticket
  Thanks to Fangyun 123 for rewarding the January ticket
  Thanks to Crystal for the Soda Reward January Ticket

  Thank you for calling me Jinmailang for the 5000 starting coins

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(End of this chapter)

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