The road to academic dominance from the juvenile school

Chapter 267 See you at the observatory on Thursday night.

Chapter 267 See you at the observatory on Thursday night. (1017)

"I didn't expect that Ye Xingchen would really put so much effort into copying your memories." Song Xiaonan couldn't help being a little envious when she said that, if only Jiang Wu had half as much care for her as Ye Xingchen did for Lin Xiangzhi.

Lin Xiangzhi didn't say anything after hearing this. Of course she knew Ye Xingchen was kind to her, but she really didn't deserve to be his friend.

Song Xiaonan watched Lin Xiangzhi staring at the little ball in his hand without saying a word.Only then did she realize that Lin Xiangzhi actually had octopus balls, and there were two big servings.

"Where did you buy it? It probably wasn't on sale at that point in the morning." Song Xiaonan asked suspiciously.

Lin Xiangzhi was startled and said, "I didn't buy this, he bought it."

After speaking, he pointed to Ye Xingchen.

Song Xiaonan suddenly thought of something and said, "Isn't Ye Xingchen skipping class today just to buy this for you?"

Lin Xiangzhi nodded.

Song Xiaonan said in surprise, "My God, he is really kind to you."


"Can I borrow the manga and read it?"

Lin Xiangzhi hesitated and lent it to her: "Okay."

"Thank you Xiangzhi."

"You're welcome."

Satisfied, Song Xiaonan returned to her seat with the manga and began to read it seriously.

Although it is a real story, but after Ye Xingchen's perfect restoration, the story looks very smooth, and the plot is also very interesting. At first glance, it looks like a love story.

Song Xiaonan finished reading the manga during the rest time in the morning. Aside from the fact that the protagonists are Ye Xingchen and Lin Xiangzhi, Song Xiaonan actually had the idea of ​​urging an update.

She came to Lin Xiangzhi excitedly after class, and asked her if she had any updates. Of course, the answer was no, because this week has not officially started yet, how could Ye Xingchen have a story with Lin Xiangzhi? After Song Xiaonan returned the manga to Lin Xiangzhi, she returned to her seat in frustration.

Ye Xingchen still asked Lin Xiangzhi to ask questions after class, but in fact, he mainly talked to Xu Youshu and took notes along the way.Finally, during the Chinese class, the Chinese teacher asked him to hand in his homework. Only then did Ye Xingchen remember what he forgot to do during the holidays. The homework assigned by the teacher did not move at all.

The final result was of course obvious, Ye Xingchen successfully went to stand outside again.

Seeing Ye Xingchen's loveless expression before he left, Lin Xiangzhi was actually snickering. After Ye Xingchen found out, she looked at him without hesitation, which caused Ye Xingchen to treat her in class. All have resentment.

Ye Xingchen thought to himself: If it wasn't for restoring your memory, would I have forgotten to do my homework?You don't care if you are fined to stand, and you still laugh, you are really an unfamiliar white-eyed wolf.

Of course, Lin Xiangzhi was not an unfamiliar white-eyed wolf, because Ye Xingchen didn't bring his Chinese documents to the penalty station, so Lin Xiangzhi helped him write down all the key points in his notebook to help him keep up with class.

After Ye Xingchen came back, he saw the key points of the drawings and drawings in his book, and the resentment in his heart disappeared. Of course, it is indispensable to record this sad story in the comics.

All in all, in the following time, Ye Xingchen and Lin Xiangzhi have become completely familiar with each other. Sometimes Ye Xingchen sees the ponytail behind Xiangzhi flicking back and forth for fun, and Ye Xingchen grabs it with his hands. This aroused the dissatisfaction of Lin Xiangzhi's classmate, but Ye Xingchen didn't care about it, and just played with it on his own.

Later, Lin Xiangzhi saw that he had no choice but to let him play with him.Anyway, every time he ignored him, he would stop arresting him after he felt bored.

The two go to school together and go home together every day, and Ye Xingchen asks questions after class, and sometimes they also talk heart to heart and talk about their future ideals.

Lin Xiangzhi's ideal is very simple, that is, she hopes that she will not forget her friends like a normal person, so that her friends don't have to work hard for her to remember.

After Ye Xingchen heard it, the problem that had troubled him for many days was finally solved. Lin Xiangzhi is the key to the main mission, which is for sure, but he has never understood what his own mission is, but now he understands, let Lin Xiangzhi To return to a normal person is his main mission in this world.

But according to what Lin Xiangzhi said, it was because of an accident that he developed traumatic stress disorder, which resulted in only a week of memories of his friends.But it doesn't make sense, why do you only have a week's memory of your friends?Is there any connection here?

The answers to all these are still unknown, and Ye Xingchen also feels particularly difficult about this mission.With the physical means of drawing comics, Lin Xiangzhi can become friends, even lovers, but Ye Xingchen simply wants to complete the task earlier so that he can go back earlier.

The two had a pleasant chat this time. Ye Xingchen and Lin Xiangzhi agreed to give her a surprise in the observatory classroom above the teaching building this Thursday night.

Of course Lin Xiangzhi readily agreed.

But the key to the Observatory is with Xu Youshu. Xu Youshu, who likes to join in the fun No. 1, saw Ye Xingchen suddenly lending him the key that day, and was keenly aware that Ye Xingchen had something to hide from him. After a series of interrogations, Ye Xingchen Helpless, I could only tell him what I was going to do.

"Okay, it's quite romantic, can you tell me about the surprise first?" Xu Youshu asked curiously.

Ye Xingchen said indifferently: "Hehe, no, give it or not, or let me figure out a way for myself."

"Yes, yes, but I have a request."

Ye Xingchen said decisively: "Hehe, I refuse."

Xu Youshu was puzzled: "Don't refuse in such a hurry, I haven't said anything yet?"

Ye Xingchen: "I will refuse whatever you say."

Xu Youshu knew that it was impossible for him to participate in this matter, so he could only take a step back:
"I only go to watch, but I will never disturb. Just let me watch from a distance."

Ye Xingchen knew that even if he refused, this guy would definitely go back, and it was very likely that something bad would happen, so why not just agree to him, maybe he can help him a little bit.

"You can go, but you can't disturb the two of us, and you have to help me arrange the astronomy classroom. By the way, bring Jiang Wu with you. I'm still a little worried about what you do."

Xu Youshu was very happy when he heard the first half, but he didn't like to listen to what he said later, how could he be so unbearable, but if he was denied, he would be denied, anyway, as long as he was allowed to do whatever.

"No problem, I promise to complete the task."

In this way, the preparation plan of the three people officially started.

Song Xiaonan saw that these three people gathered together for nothing and then sneaked to the astronomy classroom, thinking that there must be something hidden from him.So during the break this time, the three of them followed secretly while they were not paying attention.

In the end, I also discovered a series of surprises prepared by several people at the observatory.

 Thank you brothers for your support.

  last one tonight

(End of this chapter)

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