Chapter 268 Surprise is ready
Song Xiaonan suddenly appeared at the door: "What are you sneaking around here for?"

Xu Youshu, who was seriously arranging, was startled by the sudden appearance of Song Xiaonan: "I'll go, when did you come to scare me?"

"Don't do anything bad, and don't be afraid of ghosts knocking on the door. If you don't scare yourself like this, you won't be doing anything shady." Song Xiaonan squinted at Xu Youshu and the others and said.

Seeing that Song Xiaonan knew the secrets of the three of them, Ye Xingchen didn't continue to hide them:

"Xiaonan, since you know, we won't hide it from you. I'm going to surprise Xiangzhi here on Thursday night, which is tomorrow night, so I asked the two of them to help. But we must have sneaked out together after class recently. It will make Xiangzhi feel baffled, in order to prevent her from coming early, you will hold her back."

When Song Xiaonan heard that Ye Xingchen was going to be courteous again, he definitely didn't want to join forces with them, so he refused: "Oh, why should I help you chase Xiangzhi, and you can't catch him, so I advise you to die early Take this heart."

Because Xiangzhi had no memory, Song Xiaonan was particularly worried that she would be cheated by Ye Xingchen.

Ye Xingchen put down the broom in his hand and looked at her with dissatisfaction and said, "Song Xiaonan, who told me that I was going to chase her, I just want to give her a surprise as her friend, not to mention that even if I chase her, it has nothing to do with you, since If you don't want to help, please get out and don't get in the way here."

"You...very good. I'll tell Xiangzhi that you are here to prepare a surprise for her." Song Xiaonan said angrily after being scolded by Ye Xingchen.

After finishing speaking, I will go back to the classroom and tell Lin Xiangzhi about it.

Jiang Wu hurriedly stepped forward to stop her: "Xiaonan, Ye Xingchen didn't mean anything malicious, he just wanted to prepare a surprise for Lin Xiangzhi, and he's been busy for several days, and the work is about to finish, as a His friends, you don't want him to give up all his previous efforts, do you?"

Song Xiaonan was taken aback, she didn't really want to spoil Ye Xingchen's good deed just now, she just wanted to scare him, who made him say that about herself.

It was precisely because Ye Xingchen knew this that he continued, "Don't worry, although Song Xiaonan has a bit of a bad mouth, she won't tell Lin Xiangzhi."

"Ye Xingchen, to be honest, you are good in everything, except that you can grow a mouth." Song Xiaonan said holding back her anger.

"Thank you for the compliment, and you too." Ye Xingchen continued to clean up, and asked them to clean up for him as well.

Song Xiaonan also joined in to help Ye Xingchen make arrangements together, and finally everything was ready when school was about to end.

"Chen, this is not your surprise." Jiang Wu looked at the packed astronomy classroom and said.

Ye Xingchen put his arms around Jiang Wu and Xu Youshu's shoulders and looked at the classroom that worked together and said: "Of course not, you will know tomorrow, everyone has worked hard, and I will take you to eat hot pot after it is done."

"Hot pot? Is there an upper limit?" Xu Youshu asked expectantly.

Ye Xingchen squinted his eyes and looked at him and said: "If you go to Hunan, you won't have it, if you don't go to Hunan, you will have it."

"Damn! Sure enough, we are filling the numbers, and the real protagonist is Lin Xiangzhi." Xu Youshu said dissatisfied.

Song Xiaonan couldn't help but sarcasm: "Ye Xingchen only has Xiangzhi in his eyes, you two are tool people, have you seen Ye Xingchen's character clearly? He values ​​sex over friends."

Ye Xingchen looked at Xu Youshu and the two of them and said, "It's not all right, I'm still doing it for my brother."

Xu Youshu looked at him speechlessly: "I know, stabbed brothers twice for women, right?"

Ye Xingchen smiled at him threateningly and said, "Some things are meaningless to say."

"Ye Xingchen! Your uncle!"

This can be regarded as a small episode.

When returning home from school, Lin Xiangzhi looked at Ye Xingchen who had been busy after class and asked, "You seem to be very busy recently?"

Ye Xingchen was taken aback for a moment, then smiled and said, "No, I'm so busy."

"As soon as get out of class was over, there was no one around, and Xu Youshu and Jiang Wu also disappeared with you. Tell me, do you have something to hide from me?" Lin Xiangzhi said displeased.

"No, the three of us just went out to get some air." Ye Xingchen continued to quibble.

But Lin Xiangzhi is not so easy to fool, she said seriously: "Ye Xingchen, do you still remember what I said I hate?"

Ye Xingchen was taken aback and then said, "I hate when people tell lies."

"Then let me ask you again if you have something to hide from me."

Ye Xingchen looked at the serious Lin Xiangzhi, sighed helplessly and said: "Xiangzhi, we are just good friends, it's normal for good friends to have their own privacy, I can't give you everything I have. Be transparent, you are not my girlfriend. And even if you are my girlfriend, you have no right to interfere with my privacy, you are right. "

"I, I... Hmph, forget it, I don't want to know yet." Lin Xiangzhi knew that what Ye Xingchen said was reasonable and she couldn't refute it, but she wanted to know in her heart.She has a special fondness for Ye Xingchen. This feeling is as if she has known her for a long time, as if she has known him before, which gives her a sense of intimacy.

Seeing her wronged look, Ye Xingchen couldn't bear it, so he comforted him and said, "After the self-study get out of class is over tomorrow night, go to the observatory, all the answers will be there."

Lin Xiangzhi nodded and said, "Good!"

"Let's go!"

Arriving at the fork in the small alley, Ye Xingchen watched Lin Xiangzhi leave, then turned his head and walked towards his home.Girls can't refuse shiny things, so the star projection ball is Ye Xingchen's best choice. It's not expensive but it can play a huge role. (Only Ye Xingchen doesn't feel precious)

So Ye Xingchen's prepared surprise was this.

So after returning home, Ye Xingchen opened the mall and searched for this item, and then exchanged it.After the exchange was completed, he actually found another interesting thing in the recommendation of the mall - the magic circle of time.

Function: You can travel to any time period in the virtual world (and can only be used once.)
When he saw this thing, his first reaction was that he thought it was a good thing, because with this thing, he could reopen the dungeon with the experience of failure.The second reaction is that it feels a little weird, because Ye Xingchen found that the things in the system mall are definitely not refreshed immediately, and all of them are for his own use. In other words, everything about him seems to be controlled by the system.

This feeling is like playing a cracked version of the game. Although this is not harmful to him, he doesn't know what the purpose of the system is, and now the system is still sleeping, and he can't ask. Ye Xingchen feels very aggrieved. Stomach doubts, but no one told him.

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  Thanks to for rewarding 100 starting coins (thanks to the boss)

  Thanks to Kong Fanjing for the 500 starting coins

  Thanks to moomoo1006 for rewarding Lin Xiangzhi with 100 starting coins

(End of this chapter)

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