Chapter 269 Confession?

After much deliberation, Ye Xingchen decided to put the matter aside. After exchanging the time magic circle, he collapsed on the bed and fell asleep.

Silent all night.

On this day, the three of Xu Youshu and Lin Xiangzhi all looked forward to the evening.

Because including the three people who clean up the astronomy classroom, except for Ye Xingchen who knows what the surprise is today, the rest of the people don't know. They only know that Ye Xingchen prepared a surprise in the astronomy classroom today.

It was this damn sense of anticipation that caused Lin Xiang to be distracted in class, and Ye Xingchen was still catching bugs by the side, and whenever she was distracted, he would grab her ponytail.

This caused Lin Xiangzhi to have the urge to bite Ye Xingchen's hand.

As for Ye Xingchen, he didn't care about Lin Xiangzhi's eyes at all, and played with her ponytail by himself.

Song Xiaonan saw this action and thought Ye Xingchen was bullying Lin Xiangzhi again, so she rushed over to talk to Ye Xingchen after class.

But Ye Xingchen said unhurriedly: "Xiangzhi likes me to hold on, what's the matter, Song Xiaonan, are you just so free? Why don't you get in touch with your Jiang Wu and disturb us?"

Song Xiaonan was at a loss for words: "I...I can't stand you bullying Xiangzhi."

Ye Xingchen shifted his gaze to Lin Xiangzhi, and asked softly, "Xiangzhi, come and tell her if I bullied you."

Lin Xiangzhi was hesitating and struggling when she saw the two arguing for her again, because she knew that no matter how she answered, she would hurt the other person, so this kind of question of choosing one or the other was what she hated the most.

In the end, she chose Ye Xingchen, a different good friend.

"Xiaonan, Ye Xingchen didn't bully me."

Lin Xiangzhi's tone was weak when she spoke, because she knew that Xiao Nan would be unhappy, and she was also uncomfortable with the palms and backs of her hands being fleshy.

Song Xiaonan saw that she didn't have any objections anymore, and it's really not good for her to be making trouble without reason. In an instant, she felt that she was a superfluous existence. The point was that Ye Xingchen looked at her with a smile on his face, which made her angry.

In the end Song Xiaonan walked away angrily, not because of Lin Xiangzhi, but because of Ye Xingchen.

Lin Xiangzhi saw that Song Xiaonan's face was not very good when he left, and he felt extremely guilty for an instant.

Ye Xingchen saw her worry, so he said comfortingly: "Don't worry, Song Xiaonan will only be angry with me and not you."

"Then if I just said that you bullied me, would you be angry with me?" Lin Xiangzhi looked at Ye Xingchen and asked suddenly.

"will not."

Ye Xingchen replied without thinking.

Lin Xiangzhi was overjoyed: "Why?"

"Because I was bullying you." Ye Xingchen said naturally.

Lin Xiangzhi: "..."


The day passed quickly, and the bell for the evening self-study get out of class rang.Xu Youshu couldn't wait and ran to Ye Xingchen's side and urged Ye Xingchen to go up quickly.

Seeing this, Lin Xiangzhi looked confused, and couldn't help but wonder who the protagonist is today.

After Jiang Wu and Song Xiaonan all arrived, the five of them set off for the observatory, Ye Xing. "

Xu Youshu asked puzzledly: "If you don't turn on the light, how can you see what surprise you have prepared for Xiangzhi?"

Ye Xingchen's eyes shone brightly in the dark night: "The surprise I prepared doesn't need lights."


Ye Xingchen ignored everyone's doubts, took out the star projection lamp, and turned on the switch.

The gorgeous Milky Way instantly covered the entire classroom, and everyone seemed to be in the vast universe at once.

"My God, what is this?" Xu Youshu cried out in surprise.

Song Xiaonan was surprised and said, "It's so beautiful! Ye Xingchen, how did you do this."

Ye Xingchen didn't answer directly, but turned to Lin Xiangzhi and asked, "Do you like it?"

"I like it." Lin Xiangzhi doesn't have any emotions in her heart now, only full of surprises and touches, and a little bit of shock. She is also very curious about what this is.

"This is a kind of holographic projection, a kind of high-tech projector, but the things projected by this kind of projector are very real."

Ye Xingchen explained to everyone.

The well-informed Jiang Wu immediately thought that this kind of technology should not be available now, and even if it is, it is not easy to buy. This reminded him of what Ye Xingchen said back then, the traveler...

At this time, a romantic and ambiguous atmosphere was spreading, but Ye Xingchen had no plans to proceed to the next step, which made others anxious.

"Xingchen, aren't you going to say something?" Jiang Wu reminded.

Hearing this, Lin Xiangzhi's heart trembled slightly. She did not deny that after getting along with Ye Xingchen for this period of time, she felt that she had a slight liking for Ye Xingchen, but she felt that it was too fast, and she was still in the third year of high school. The important thing is that his memory will be forgotten within a week, even if he really likes Ye Xingchen this week, he will completely forget it the next week.

She was afraid that she would be irresponsible to Ye Xingchen if she agreed.But she was afraid that Ye Xingchen's heart would be hurt if she refused, so she was caught in a dilemma.

I was looking forward to it, but also afraid.

But Ye Xingchen didn't seem to understand, so he asked with some doubts: "What?"

Hearing Ye Xingchen's words, Song Xiaonan didn't even get angry at all, the atmosphere was even heightened here, and Ye Xingchen was actually pretending to be stupid:
"Hey, don't you know what you are doing by yourself?"

Ye Xingchen felt baffled: "I know, the purpose of coming here is to prepare a surprise for classmate Lin Xiangzhi."

"Yes, then go ahead." Song Xiaonan urged.

"What are you going on, what are you trying to say?" Ye Xingchen felt more and more that this group of people was a little strange today.

"Ye Xingchen, don't pretend to be stupid, do you dare to say that you don't want to confess your love to classmate Lin Xiangzhi today?" Song Xiaonan said angrily.

After hearing the word confession, Lin Xiangzhi lowered his head shyly, not daring to look at Ye Xingchen.

Jiang Wu and Xu Youshu are also looking forward to the next development of the plot.

Ye Xingchen's head is full of black lines, shit, what is this all about, when did he confess his love?

"That... you guys misunderstood, I just wanted to give Lin Xiangzhi a surprise today..."

"What?" Song Xiaonan was amused, "You took so long just to prepare a surprise, you think I'm stupid."

"Xingchen, don't make trouble, the atmosphere is already here, so hurry up." Jiang Wu said.

Ye Xingchen felt as if he had fallen into a pit, and he couldn't explain it clearly. Ye Xingchen wanted to confess his love, of course.But he is not from this world after all, he doesn't want to be so irresponsible, he has failed Miao Miao, and fortunately Miao Miao reappeared by his side.He didn't dare to gamble with other people's feelings anymore, he simply wanted to complete the task and go back.

(End of this chapter)

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